Student Blogging Challenge 3: Photo Use

This is a photo I took over the summer while on a trip to Tofino with my family. It was our second last night and I hadn’t gone out to shoot the previous nights, so I figured I might as well go wander around and try to get some cool shots. I picked up my…

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Don’t Get Caught: A Trailer

Our first course in Humanities; “Story Of My Life”, had us reading a novel and creating a trailer for that novel. If you keep up with my blog (shout out to you if you do) you would know that my book was Don’t Get Caught by Kurt Dinan. This post will be more about the…

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Filming Some Footy

After completing a plethora of videos with predominantly set requirements, I was looking forward to working on something with a little bit more creative freedom. So as you can imagine, I was pleasantly surprised when we were given our next assignment and it was yet another video but this time had a lot more room…

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Solar Powered Shoe Store

For our first scimatics project of the year, we fused science and math to create a model building that featured solar panels at certain angles we calculated using trigonometry. Before diving in to the project, we needed to get an idea of what we already know, and what we want to know. To do this,…

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Re: Creating ‘Funny’ Videos

To kick off the year in true PLP fashion, we got right in to making videos. Last year, our focus was finding stories, and creating videos, and for the beginning of this year, we’re enhancing our video production skills by focusing on the details and learning how to up the quality. Our first assignment was…

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“Just Max”

The overall theme of Don’t Get Caught is one I saw myself being interested in right from the briefing of this project. The fact that it’s about a group of boys and is to do with pranks is enough to get me – a teenage boy – on board. No wonder they say it’s the…

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Shin Shields

As you may know, at the end of each year, PLP holds an exhibition where we, the students, showcase our Blue Sky project. The idea behind Blue Sky is to create a product that solves a problem. Our job is to come up with a question, or problem, and decide how we should go about…

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Canada’s Rielity

After learning about Canada’s confederation, it was time for us to head westward and move on to learning about the Métis and their fight against Canada. We hopped right in to it and gathered a sense of who the Métis were by completing notes which we collected from an interactive website. This helped us get…

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Cookies And Guns

To cap off the year, our final math project was based around the topic of correlation vs. causation. I have never learnt about this before so I was curious as to what the unit would consist of. We started by learning what the two terms actually mean. We learned that causation refers to when one…

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My Progression

This past year has been what I imagine to be a pretty important and defining year in terms of who I am as a student. There were many times where I learned what my weaknesses are, although there were also the times where I learned why strengths. Personally, I think it’s most important to find…

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