My Oh Meiosis

In our latest science unit, we have been learning about plant reproduction, both sexually and asexually. We cloned both dandelions, and another plant of our choice, and we had to try our best to keep them alive. My group (Adlih, Maggie, and I) had a trickier time with this than others. One of our dandelions…

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WW1: Canada’s Defining Year’s

Since the beginning of March, much of my time both in school and out, has been taken up by the very fascinating unit all about WW1. I will just start off by saying that I loved this unit, and thoroughly enjoyed the learning and assignments that came with it. I started this unit knowing fairly…

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Symphony Quest

Over the past couple months, PLP 9 has been hard at work on our “Like Terms Project” in math class. This project came after we completed our unit in which was mainly about like terms and polynomials. We learned that like terms are terms whose variables are raised to the power, which means we can…

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Destination Prop Creation

About a month ago our team tackled Destination Imagination on the Provincial level, after tweaking our presentation from our first performance. Following Regionals, our team got together and discussed what needed to change, and how we could improve our performance. Through all of this we decided to add a few new things, one of them…

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Ottawa 2018

Only a week after spring break came to an end, PLP 9 departed to Ottawa for a week-long experience never to be forgotten. Knowing very little about what the week would entail other than the broad topic of Vimy Ridge, we boarded a plane for the first time as a class, Ottawa bound. Contrary to…

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Destination Complication

The last time I talked about Destination Imagination on this page, I was reflecting on last year’s performance and how I dressed up as a fairy and pranced around stage. This year things went a little different, and that’s what I’m here to talk about; Destination Imagination 2018. Coming in to this year’s competition, we…

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The New Phineas And Ferb

The new year brought a completely new topic in science. After coming off a much needed break we accelerated in to our Chemistry unit. We began by creating a mind map of everything we know about chemistry. Honestly, I didn’t know much right off the top of my head, so my mind map consisted of…

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Brits, Booze, And Bribes

Since the turn of the new year, our Humanities has Class has been focused on “The Road to Confederation”; the process that the colonies took to unify and create the country of Canada just over 150 years ago. We started off by looking at Upper and Lower Canada, and how there was a massive divide…

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Spending 6K On The NBA

Our latest math project was one in which we were tasked with designing and calculating a theoretical road trip for MTV’s “The Illest Road Trip Of All Time”. While this project involved a lot of creativity and room for personalization, it was also very difficult at times. There were really only a few rules we…

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Evaluating My Ideas

I definitely learned a lot in the first term of this school year. Though I learned all about English, Science, Math, etc., the most important thing I learned wasn’t taught to me by a teacher, or even through my iPad. The most important thing I learned is that sometimes, thinking outside the box isn’t the…

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