Hi there this is my User Manual Project Post before we get in to the actual User Manual I am going to go over a bit of reflection on the first two phases on the project.
the launch phase was when we were just getting introduced to notes pages and the cool photo grid feature. Personally I felt like this phase went very well for me. Was good at using the apps (shortcuts and pages) and I also enjoyed it which helped motivate me to want to do it more. But at first I thought the launch phase was sort of pointless, don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it but at the same time I just couldn’t see why we were doing it but now that I have finished the project it can see why we did it and now it makes sense to me.
Building knowledge was exactly that… Building knowledge I think the start of building knowledge were the station activities. That for me was the best phase because I was sort of new to all of the PLP apps and that phase really helped me get familiar and marked this a true learning experience. I think the part of the station activities that I wanted to know about was markup. I was extremely happy to finally know how to mark up and I did a few examples that unfortunately were deleted.
Now we get into the actual User Manual Project. And then we have some more reflection below it and trust me you will want to read that to know the real behind the scenes of the project.
User Manual: Payne
Brand: PLP Student
Model: David Payne iOS 1.3
Congratulations on updating. You have now been updated to IOS 1.3 Payne.
This user manual will help you learn all the fun, new and exiting things about your update so without further ado lets get in to the functions. So your update comes with many new functions and here are just a few of them.
- Creative and intelligent
- Very helpful Tech skills
- Caught up on current events (elections, Global crises, and many other world wide events)
Before you can access the full functions and improvements of IOS 1.3 Payne you may need to read this next part very carefully. It includes some very important subjects such as (settings, warnings and accessibility).
David Payne is a very busy person when it comes to all his activities such as (hockey, school, rugby, and family plans). He is still waiting to hear his hockey schedule due to tryout not being over yet but he will receive it soon and that will make it much easier to predict when he is available. He also has an instagram page @dome3d you can direct message him on that or you can make a comment on one of his YouTube videos on his YouTube channel also called Dome3D.
Feed the device chocolate chips through the charging hole or milkshakes through the charging hole. This device loves to receive new technology and cool new items (those help motivate it to do new things and new hit prime potential.
Setting One:
Computer Animator/3D Artist
This devices main setting is as a Animator. The device uses a app called Blender and is quite good at it. It has animated using many advanced things such as parent of constraints and models using subdivision surface modifiers and many other very cool things.
Setting Two:
I am a YouTuber and I am always looking to try to see entertaining content and things that I think my viewers can enjoy and hopefully learn something from my videos.
Setting Three:
To be a goalie you have to be able to take constructive and not constructive criticism well and apply the constructive criticism to your game to help you team win and that is one thing that this device does in an creative fun and direct way. Also to be a goalie you have to be able to handle pressure well and for this device this update has allowed it to take pressure extremely well and channel that in to energy and power.
Do not force this device to eat in the day especially in the morning it will lash out and shut down until it feel ready to re activate.
Problem: | Solution: |
You have force the device to wake up in the morning. | Give the device 15-20 minutes in bed to fully wake up. |
The device is tired after a long day of work and you tell it to do its chores and it deactivates | Give in 10 minutes and offer it food when you approach it such as (Nutella, Peanut butter and whip cream) |
Part two: Reflection on the different phases of the project and what activities we did in said phases.
the launch phase was when we were just getting introduced to notes pages and the cool photo grid feature. Personally I felt like this phase went very well for me. Was good at using the apps (shortcuts and pages) and I also enjoyed it which helped motivate me to want to do it more. But at first I thought the launch phase was sort of pointless, don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it but at the same time I just couldn’t see why we were doing it but now that I have finished the project it can see why we did it and now it makes sense to me.
Building knowledge was exactly that… Building knowledge I think the start of building knowledge were the station activities. That for me was the best phase because I was sort of new to all of the PLP apps and that phase really helped me get familiar and marked this a true learning experience. I think the part of the station activities that I wanted to know about was markup. I was extremely happy to finally know how to mark up and I did a few examples that unfortunately were deleted.
I think develop and critique went very well. I had developed a good Memoji laptop already and then the critique came in and told me how to make it better. And the two things people said were “add more stickers” and “what is the orange sticker”. So the first thing I did was I went back to launch phase and looked at my who am I document to see who I am found a few more ideas to put on my laptop and then added them. The second thing i did was add a text box next to my laptop explaining what the orange sticker was (it is the app icon of the 3d animation software I use).
I felt the presenting went very well i decided to take the role of going first in my group because I could see I was the most comfortable. I have generated the skill of public speaking really in the past 6 years as I would give the toast at the family holiday (Christmas/thanksgiving). And for those reasons I have gotten a lot better and comfortable public speaking and presenting things than some of my peers which is why i feel like the preset part of this phase went very well for me.
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