This is day 7 of the student blogging challenge. In this challenge we used an emoji randomized that picked a set of emojis for us and we had it create a story about them. Hope you enjoy this funny crazy story.
Once upon a time there was a woman who I was singing in a small concert. Before she went on to the stage she had little money and was starting to give up music as a career. But then a very rich man accidentally wanted into the theatre that had the concert in it. The man fell in love with the woman’s music and decided to give her 1 million dollars to go pursue her dreams.
Because of that she got on the first train to metropolis and was super exited to start her new life in the city.
Then she met a boy on the street who was very poor but knew how to by the fiddle like an angle. She just thought that this boy was so cute she had to ask him out. He said yes!
Because of that the both of them lived happily ever after.
Final thoughts🧠
Thanks for reading this challenge. It was very late around the time of me writing this (12:04 am) so I was very tired but overall this has been one of the more enjoyable challenges that we have done.
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