What have we been doing?
For the past 2 months the PLP program has been learning about growth mindset specifically what it means to have one and how to achieve having a growth mindset. We have also looked at other interesting things like where in our lives we represent having a growth mindset and what can we do top change that. We looked at quotes from athletes and saw what they we saying about like grit and persistence.
Below is a photo of growth mindsets VS fixed mindsets
Learning 💡
To learn about growth mindsets we created a growth mindset journal we used it to put in to writhing what we learned and talked about that day. Every lesson day we would get a set of questions that we would have to answer in this journal in detail. I learned about what It means to have a growth mindset and hw to achieve a growth mindset in areas that I had not already had one.
Where is my selfie stick? 🤳🏼
The final product of these past months was a growth mindset selfie which at first seems easy but we also had to come up with a personal academic goal that was achievable by June. My goal was about taking as much information as possible and using note talking to do that.
The Final Thoughts 📜
It was interesting to learn things about myself that I didn’t already know. I learned a lot about myself and how I can improve myself and change my mindset. Learning more about this would definitely interest me.
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