This is going to be the third post in this crazy short amount of time. While we have been doing the Argh Matey post and the growth mindset post the PLP program has also been participating in a public event called Destination Imagination. Hope you enjoy this post.
What is D.I❓
Destination Imagination is a event where lots of teams from around the globe create a skit but due to COVID we had to create a video. This skit or video has to be made around our subject. The 4 subjects are engineering, science, technical and art. I was picked for engineering and our challenge was to make a 3D model of a building and make a story around it. Then perform the story record it and then submit it. There are lots of specifications like budget and other crazy rules that are really boring. The second part of D.I is the instant challenges. The instant challenges are quick challenges we have 3-5 minutes to do. Some teams have to make a skit and other have to make an invention that meets the requirements of the challenge.
What was our challenge like?🔨
Our challenge was to make a 3D model of a building and make a skit around it. We had team choice elements art elements and design elements that we could chose from. Our art style was aboriginal and our design style was chosen to be postmodern. We had a small budget that every team around the world would have the same one we had to keep track of everything we bought and used in the final video and added that to our budget.
What did our team struggle on?🔒
Our team had many struggles, from deciding on certain things to deadlines to creating the script/building. We had 2 versions of the script that were completely thrown out of the window to close to the deadline, it was a miracle that we got our video in on time. I took a last minute family trip a couple days before the deadline leaving the school early. It was up to my teammates to finish the video and I would edit it, we had a week left before the deadline for the video. The video was done but it look very bad. We restarted this time I reassumed my role in the video to finally complete it barley on time. I stayed up very late editing the video a couple nights in a row. Then we had a problem. Our video was to long, we had 5 minutes our original video was around 6 minutes. I spent hours cutting off simple words and lines that were not needed in the video. In the end we made it in time and our video was entered.
My final thoughts 📜
After all the road blocks set backs and other things that went wrong we made it. I really learned how powerful group work can be when you work together. This also helped me learn how to work better in a group and how people act when stress levels get high. I am sure we will do Destination Imagination again in the future and this time I will have far more knowlage about this and i will do far better. Before I go Here is a link to our final team challenge video, sorry I was not allowed to post this until after the competition was over. In the end our team the “all clear engineers” placed 3rd
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