Introduction 🗒
Hi everyone! This is the last day of the student blogging challenge. Over these past months I have really enjoyed the student blogging challenge I think I have really grown my blogging skills and and have made some good posts. This post is all a bout reflection on my previous blogging challenge days.
How will I keep blogging? ⌨️
My future post will probably be made up of mostly summmative posts of future projects. In the next week we leave humanities and start scimatics again for the second time this year. I am also going to be posting outside of school on future projects and new topics regarding 3D work.
My Favourite Post 😁
My favourite post is my post about winter time. It is the previous day of the student blogging challenge. I really enjoyed writing it and I think it was a very good post. It was the free choice post which allowed me to write all about something I love.
My least favourite post 😕
My least favourite post has to be the story time one. We had to use random emojis to tell a story using the story spine. I just didn’t enjoy writing about it and I found it difficult to find a good set of emojis that would generally work. I also found this post very unappealing and bland.
This has been a very fun couple of months and I have learned a lot about blogging. Thanks for reading!
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