How Things Change Summative Post 🦫


Hello and welcome back to my blog. This is my final PLP 8 Humanities post, and we are finishing of with a summative post. This project was all about identify continuity and change from European settlement. Our driving question was “What did European settlement mean for all the people involved?” Over this project I have really enjoyed learning about what life was like  in Canada from the 1600-1700s. 

What was this project about? 

This project was mainly focused on learning about New France and the European settlement in Canada and what took place in that time. Specifically the fur trade and the establishment of the first European permanent presence in Canada. This project we did a number of lectures taking notes through all of them, which lead to creating facts for the final product.

Struggles and Challenges 🔒

For this project our final product was set to be a infographic that would newer the driving question. The infographic would include 3 facts one about the French one about the British and one about the First Nations. There would also have to be a thesis statement and a statement on continuity and change. I struggled showing evidence of progress and decline on my infographic. This was a struggle because I was having trouble thinking of examples of progress and decline.

Competencies 🧠

In every project we have competencies that we are assessed by. In this project we had 2 main competencies. Number one is “I can characterize different time periods in history, including periods of progress and decline, and identify key turning points that mark periods of change” and number 2 is “I can assess the credibility of multiple sources and the adequacy of evidence used to justify conclusions”. I showed my understanding of competency one when I listed clear examples of continuity and change in my infographic. I also showed my understanding in competency number two when I used historically a route facts of my infographic and my my thesis concise but specific.

What did this project include? 📜

What did we do in this project? Well we did a number of things. We took place in many lectures on deep cove and European settlement we also critiqued other classmates work, here are some more examples

Trade game 🦫

This was by far the best part of this project. We divided up into 4 teams with a number of resources per team but some teams were First Nations and other were European. We traded resources until the game was pretty much over. But there was a twist for the European groups, they had to bring back a number of beaver pelts or else they would have been fired so the First Nations had the upper hand. At the very start we made a very large trade with the northwest company to gain most of the resources we needed to compete the game. This gave us a huge advantage and the northwest company a lot close to achieving their goal. In the end our group the Haudosaunee and the Hudsons Bay Company ended up in a stalemate where we were trying to margin for a lower prices to we would have to give them less beaver for more resources.

Milestone 4 infographic 📺

Milestone 4 was the big milestone for this project. It was the final complete infographic for the project. To make the infographic we used Canva and we used keynote to create the graphic part. Which matched our aesthetic very well. Every duo was assigned a template to work off and the duo had to stay on the same aesthetic as the original template. We also had to create a magic move video which we would narrate, this was also created in Keynote. Check out the final Infographic below. 

My final thoughts on this project 📄

This was a great project to end off the Quarter and to end off humanities. I learned a lot this project but of course the main goal of every project is to answer the driving question. And too answer this projects driving question me and my partner created the infographic that answered it.  

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