Introduction 📜
Hello. This is yet another summative project post. This project was entitled “Ultimate Design Challenge”. This project was a part of my science/math course. This project was based on mathematics, calculating things like volume and surface area and also finding rations between volume and surface area. this project driving question was “How can we design an object to optimize it’s shape?” How you enjoy the rest of the post 🙂
What was this project all about? ❓
The main focus of this project was showing and calculating the surface area and volume of specific shapes that we would implement in a final design of a 3D object that would later on be 3D printed. I like to 3D model things and make 3D animations using a software called blender so this was a very fun project for me.
Struggles and Challenges 🔒
There were 2 things that was challenges in this project number one was learning and applying the mathematical formulas that were needed for the shapes for our design which was the famous Space Shuttle. the second challenge of this project was working with my partner. My partner was not incredibly helpful so that left 90 percent of the work to me it was a good experience because in life I know that you will have good partners and you will have bad partners, but when it came down to it he helped create the final presentation and finish the project.
Competencies 🗒
Reasoning and analyzing: Model mathematics in contextualized experiences: This competency said we had to use a tinkercad or another 3D design software and we had to create a design with 10 or more 3D shapes maximized for maximum surface area or volume working cooperatively with a partner or groups members. My partner ended up designing the Two boosters and the large external tank and I designed the Orbiter plane looking vehicle. There were more than 10 shapes built in to both designs and one of the designs was optimized for surface area and one was optimized for volume. These were extensions of both skills in this competency.
Communicating and Representing: explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions this competency was all about the math of the model. We had to have the surface area and volume calculated efficiently and compare the two, then explain them and the formulas for the area and volume in detail in a keynote presentation. I extended this skill when I used different shapes that the teacher didn’t teach us to calculate in the model so I had to use new formulas for these shapes. The volume and surface area was calculated perfectly for each shape and all of the final numbers, formulas, and equations were shown in detail in the keynote presentation me and my partner worked on.
Applying and Innovating: to care for self, others, community, and the world through personal or collaborative approaches This competency said we had to work undistracted and use our class time efficiently. I did this most days, I think there was one day where I got a little off task but I also tried to help my partner understand the math we were doing because he seemed to not fully understand the concept.
What did this project include? 📄
3D model 🛰
This projects final product was a 3D model with calculated surface area and volume. The model could be of our choosing and we chose the Space Shuttle, this was a perfect Idea in my eyes but a challenging model to create. Here are some photos of the final model.
Final thoughts
I really enjoyed this project. I enjoy learning about mathematics and science and I look forward to learning more about mathematics in the next month and years.
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