Exponent Laws Summative Post


Hi everyone, this is my first blog post in a long time. We just started school about a month ago and got straight into our first projects which means this is a summative project post. This project was focused on the exponent laws and using them in a creative way to make a set of game rules.

What was this project all aboutâť“

This projects focus was on the exponent laws and using them in a game. We had to create our own game in a group of 2 or three and we all worked together to create the rules for a simple and easy to play exponent laws game.

Struggles and Challengesđź”’

In this project there were 2 main struggles. The first one was using the exponents in a effective way in the format of a game that could be played by other people. The reason this was such a struggle is because it is simply difficult to turn math into effective projects. Especially with this subject of math. The next struggle was the group work. I was placed in a group with people who were not very helpful, constructive, or diligent. This was a large hindrance for the project and was a large obstacle that I was forever to navigate around but I eventually did and completed the project.

Competencies 📄

If you remember correctly in each project of PLP we are graded based on curricular competencies. In this project we had 3 of them.

  1. Communicating or Representing (represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic form.) this competency was the game rules. This was the main oration of the project and what out grade was mostly decided on. We had to use 4 exponent laws in our game rules and they had to have an influence on each players turn. The way I accomplished this competency was by creating a set of game rules which were creative and clear, with a clear way to win and gain points. I used 6 exponent laws in my game rules each one had a part in the each players turn.

2. Reasoning and analyzing (use logic and patterns to solves puzzles and play games) to 

accomplish this competency we had to outline clear ways to win get points and finish the game. This was the easier part of developing the game rules. To win out game you had to get enough points to make it to the end of the game board. Whoever got there first won.

3. Applying and innovating (contribute to care for self, other, community and world through individual or collaborative approaches) this competency was pretty straight forward. Wit was just using our class time wisely and not fooling around which I accomplished as well bu suing my class time to develop our game pieces, and our game rules.

What did this project include?đź“ś

Our projects final product was a set of game rules that could be played with other players. This was accomplished by my group. I based my game of some Star Wars stuff which was a fun little touch.

here are some images of my game cards

 Final Thoughts 🧠

This was a fun project. The partner work was difficult at time and I don’t support the idea of making a game to do math project because it seems like when PLP is at a loss of ideas to format q project they say “hey lets just throw it into a game”.  but it was a great learning experience and I hope to do more of this type of math.

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