Being a Special Helper

Kindergarten is a special world, full of imaginative play, learning and cooperation. Students learn many things in Kindergarten: how to share, letters and letters sounds, printing and taking turns. Students in Kindergarten also have opportunities to be leaders. They get to be the Special Helper.

“The Special Helper is the student in the classroom that will lead the line up, lead calendar activities, hand out articles and take on small responsibilities for the day. Everyone gets many turns to be the Special Helper throughout the year…” ~ Val Batyi

How great is that? Everyone gets a turn to be a leader. Everyone has the chance to contribute. Everyone gets the chance to be special.

Should all children have the chance to be special? Absolutely.

They are special. Spend a few minutes in a Kindergarten class, and you will see how special they all are.

This week our Kindergarten students taught me how to pattern (dark blue, light blue, dark blue, light blue… & snail shell, snail shell, clam shell, clam shell, snail shell, snail shell…), why we should keep our hands to ourselves, and how to say the names of the month in French.

This year they have told me about their teddy bears (“My teddy bear is a zebra!”), shared their favourite television show (I didn’t recognize the name of the show, but I am sure it’s a great show), and read to me their favourite books in the library.

We sometimes give high fives to each other in the hall, and yesterday I got to help with putting on some shoes.

One of the perks of my job is that I get a chance to visit three amazing Kindergarten classes. Spending time in each class is always a special experience. Thanks kids (and teachers too).

Take care.