Tweets – Some that make me think

There are too many tweets in a day to share them all. Here are some that made me take notice.

Pointing Helps: The BCPVPA (British Columbia Principals and Vice-Principals Association)  tweeted the following article – Pointing Helps Preschoolers Understand the World. Maybe we need to teach that pointing is nice?

Reading and Homework: Joe Bower (Alberta Teacher) writes some thoughts on reading – Is Reading Good Homework? I think the we should be all looking to discuss our practices around homework sometime soon. Maybe after a few provincial issues are worked out?

Taking Pictures: Matthew Gomez (Kindergarten Teacher) shows some great photos taken by his students – My Favorite Tech Tool. Are there any spare digital cameras out there?

Using iPads: If you are using an iPad to help your children learn, here is a list of great apps – A collection of great iPads Articles and Apps for Education. I don’t have an iPad, but I have used some on my iPhone, and good apps can help children engage.

Learning Outdoors: BBC news recently has posted a couple of interesting articles on learning and nature – Children denied joy of nature, says National Trust & Does outdoor play help keep the doctor away? Looking ahead, our Free the Trees group will be working with our teachers and students soon. Look for information after our Spring Break.

Kids and ADHD: The Vancouver Sun reports a UBC study looking at age and students who are identified with ADHD – Youngest kids in the class tend to get ADHD label, UBC report finds. Definitely something we in education need to look at.

Children and Texting: The Ottawa police warn about “sexting” – SEXTING: ‘The shame and embarrassment” POLICE warning & CBC Doc Zone has a documentary – Sext Up Kid. I haven’t watched the documentary yet (no tv at home), but I will find a way to watch it soon.

A Troubling Trend: The Associated Press reports on some troubling behaviour – YouTube phenomenon has girls asking: Am I pretty? Do you talk to your kids about their on-line behaviour?

And on a lighter note: Something from Calvin and Hobbes

Take care.

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