Quick Thoughts

I am finding it a challenge to blog lately, with all that has been going on around school. So today I will write some quick thoughts about a few of the things that have been happening around school.

Thanks to all the grade 7’s (and their parents) for their excellent work at the Grade 7 Craft Fair. What a wonderful success.

Sorry to Elizabeth (from Kindergarten) for breaking a string on the guitar you brought in for Show & Tell. Lucky I had my guitar here. I will practice some Christmas carols and come back to your class. I will also get a new string for you soon.

I have been having a lot of talks lately with students about bad language and mean language. We are looking at developing strategies to help improve our playground language, and we will be asking students to help as well. It would really help if we could all commit to keeping our language positive, building people up, and avoiding bad language or put downs. Together, we can make a difference.

We have a band concert tonight, and I am looking forward to hearing all our young musicians.

Speaking of musicians – one of my favourite musicians passed away yesterday.  Dave Brubeck sparked my love for jazz, and for that, I am grateful. I was fortunate to see him in concert a few years ago (Thanks Mom and Dad for the tickets).

It is great to see so many parents coming in to school to meet their child’s teacher and to discuss learning. Thanks

The primary classes (and grade 3/4 classes) are working on getting ready for the Primary Christmas Concert. I know this will be something we all enjoy.

Interesting article on self-regulation: B.C. Schools to promote student self-discipline. Stuart Shanker will be coming to the North Vancouver School District on January 18th to present at our District’s Curriculum Implementation Day.

Those are some of my quick thoughts for now.

Take care.