Survival Santa is Ready

Well, not quite. But we’ll be ready for tonight.

The primary students (and grade 3/4 classes) are rehearsing right now for our afternoon and evening performances of Survival Santa, a play by Denise Gagné. We decided to have one more dress rehearsal, and thanks to the performing students, teachers and stage crews (grade 6 & 7 students), we are looking good for this afternoon.

Musicals are a wonderful part of a school community. Students learn to work together, appreciate the performing skills of others, and develop the confidence to sing, speak or act in front of a gym full of parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters.

This afternoon there will be some technical challenges. I expect some feedback from the microphones, as it has happened every practice so far, and some students will make mistakes with their lines (and that’s ok).  Through it all, the focus is not on the mistakes, but the successes.

Today’s performances will be successful. The students will shine, and the staff will be proud of what they and the students have done.

On Wednesday morning, they will perform once again, but this time for the whole school. The chairs will be taken out of the gym, the floor will be cleaned, and all students will have a chance to see their buddies perform.

Thank you to all the students, the  teachers and the rest of the Cleveland staff for making this event a success.

Take care.