Some Things to Share

I sometimes receive links to articles from parents or staff. Here are a couple of recent good reads:

We are screwing up our kids at Change Your Team: I am not saying we have bad parents. Sometimes articles need strong titles to get people to read them. “It is our job as parents to teach our children how to thrive.  We have the opportunity to set the tone for a lifetime of experiences that will be challenging, uncomfortable, and even anxiety-provoking.”

Throw Out The Rules at SmartBlog on Education: A classroom teacher writes about moving away from being a rules-and-consequences teacher. “…with the help of my students, I turned my classroom into a student-centered learning community that is founded on mutual respect.”

Another parent recently shared with me about an article describing a school that has done away with playground rules and the children are thriving. If you remember sharing that with me, could you please send me the link. I would be interested in reading about how children work together in their playground community to positively engage in play and manage conflict without needing direct adult intervention.

Have a wonderful day.

Take care