Who Even Are Canadians?

Hello everyone, and welcome/welcome back to my blog.

It has been quite a while since I’ve posted anything here and now that school has been back on for a while, I’ve got to climb back onto this high horse. It has been and will be tough to get back into the rut of my PLP classes, and school work generally, but once I get there I hope to do some fun things.

Driving question

The driving question for this project is:

“How did the discovery of gold shape our province and its people?”

I think this question isn’t to opened ended as I’ve found some of our past projects, but still allowed some creative freedom, and opportunity to chose from many different categories.


To kick off this project, we did a few things to try and assimilate our knowledge on gold’s presence in the North Americas thought the 1800’s. Over 3-4 classes, we did some class discussions, brainstorming with groups on the whiteboard and watching some documentary style videos. After that we took to pages to organize what we’d learned and what we knew with two sets of that we had to answer.

We did a set on the Cariboo gold rush:

Cariboo gold rush Questions

And a set on Gold and Early BC as a general part of Canadian history:

Gold and Early BC

We also worked on a short paragraph about the Chilcotin war, which I wont go into with much detail, but was basically a series of conflicts between white road workers and indigenous community members. The indigenous men where not happy about the roads being built through their land and ended up killing many white men and starting a small “war” in the community

Chilcotin war


Keystone 1

The next big step taken in this project was the first keystone, where things actually matter. This keystone was about the effects of the many migrants coming into Canada from all over Europe, Asia, and America. To show we filled out another “cause and consequence sheet” with a short paragraph with the key idea being how the influx of migrants into Canada affect the nation today.

Cause and Consequence


Keystone 2

The next keystone was making a character to put in our final product. Making the character sheet and coming up with a story for them helped us set up what we where doing for our final story.

We made a character, and input their details into this sheet

Gold Rush Character Card


Having our character a bit of their features, we could create an outline of our story and put it on a story spine. We kept thinking of ways to tie in all the facts we knew about early Canada to make it as realistic as we could and to try and get all the details right. Using the story spine template, it was easy to input our thoughts into a story format

Keystone 3/Final Product

All that was left was the final story itself. This was a short text, about two pages, and had to include a real type of people, real struggles they might go through and an accurate portrayal of someone in these conditions in this time. I found it easy to splay out all the information I had in my preparation and in my brain to make a story, and the hardest part was making sure my grammar was on point and that it made sense.

The Adventures of the Abram Brothers

Thank you all for reading this post, and I hope the length between these posts will be reduced shortly and I’ll see you all soon.

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