tPOL 2024

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Welcome everyone to my 2024 Traditional Presentation of Learning. Today, I am going to be talking about my learning this year in PLP. I will show evidence of my work from the last two semesters, and highlight my learning story with my 3 competencies of choice; Agency, Communication and Collaboration, and Self Regulation. Over the past year, I have encountered numerous challenges, gained valuable knowledge, and developed new skills across various subjects. Today, I will be sharing some of the most impactful experiences and accomplishments from this school year. My goal is to demonstrate how these experiences have prepared me for the academic and personal challenges that lie ahead in my final year of high school.

My statement of learning intent is:

This year, I want to become an active, participating and contributing member of the PLP 11 class. I want to know how to confidently take responsibility over my assignments, communication with the teachers and overall participation in class. Over the course of the year, I will demonstrate helpful participation on field schools, in class lectures, and activities. I hope to be able to demonstrate my best work as much as possible, and always look to improve and extend on my work. Specifically, I want to work on the draft early and draft often principal. I will quickly start on assignments and look to revise multiple times to create the best work I can.

I would also like to improve the organization of my class resources. This is something I’d thought of last year, and already put into effect. I want to continue to use the systems I’ve set up to stay consistent with my schoolwork, and extracurricular life. Something I’ve noticed, is that I over complicate things for myself, by trying to use many systems and preparation. I try to organize to much, in bad ways, and that kind of makes the whole thing crumble on itself. The way I’m organizing things this year seems to be working, as I’ve taken on more independence and now am familiar and in control over most of my work and activities.

At the beginning of the year, a portion of the class went to New Mexico for a field study on the Manhattan Project. Through this we learned about the history of the “most significant event in human history” and made a multi-modal book showing the history and significance of the weapon. This project had us in a group of six that split into two and four when Brooke and I left for New Mexico. For that reason, we had to plan every shot and communicate with our group back home to ensue we got everything in the field that they needed at home for the book.

This project greatly enhanced my competencies in Agency, Collaboration, and Self Regulation. I had to take initiative and ownership of my learning, stepping up as a leader within my group. While in New Mexico, I made quick decisions and ensured our team back home had the resources needed to complete the project. This experience showed the importance of being proactive, adaptable, and collaborative to achieve goals. Working closely with my group members, both in person and remotely, was crucial in developing my teamwork and communication skills. By relying on each other’s strengths and supporting one another, we became agents of our learning and successfully completed our project. For example, I worked heavily on making the video because I am experienced in filming and editing videos. This taught me the importance of active listening, compromise, and shared leadership in achieving a common objective.

I also worked on my Collaboration with a other projects including: The Great Debaters and recently our PLP exhibition. I worked with my close friend Sean for both of these projects and as Sean is new to PLP, I spent a large portion of time communicating to him the way we usually do things here. He is a quick learning and I didn’t need to “teach” him much for him to get what we were doing, but I did help him through the software we use and the type of experience we need to pull of for an exhibition. This was a good chance to demonstrate our collaboration not just with the research paper or the actual artifact of our project, but also in discovering how we can work well and effectively together, and how we can help one another adapt to the dynamic of the projects.

Something that I feared towards the beginning of these projects is what setbacks may come while working working with my buddy from soccer. I was nervous that we might loose focus and become distracted easily. This did in fact happen. Sean and I definitely worked at a sub-optimal efficiency, and did not spend 100% of our allotted work time on our project. However, our close relationship allowed for very effective “idea bouncing” and teamwork. Not unlike when we’re on the field, Sean and I worked together in perfect harmony, passing ideas, slide tackling deadlines, and shooting the lights out with a hot glue gun. This shows how we can overcome our short attention span and effectively communicate to creat a harmonious team.

During the Great Debators project, I also demonstrated Self regulation. I had to carve out a lot of time at home to practice my debate and public speaking skills, as well as actually self regulating at the podium while presenting and speaking with intent to a group of students and parents. While presenting, I needed to speak forcefully and concisely to prove my point, while also speaking slowly and showing body language to maintain engagement. This is something I am usually pretty good at, but this was one of the only primary instances of this this year.

These projects have helped me work on all of our Success Behaviours: Agency, Engagement, Conduct and Integrity, Preparation, Self-regulation, and Communication and Collaboration. Through teamwork, self reflection and conversing with the teachers I performed and improved on all of these key ideas. I’m highlighting today Agency, Self Regulation, and Communication and Collaboration. I’m doing this because I can consistently communicate and collaborate with peers, I can sometimes be an agent of my learning, and I rarely do self regulation. I’m confident working with the group, but I am still working on being an agent of my learning, and I’ve only recently started my journey onto self regulation. I wan’t to make a point that I can recognize where I’m at in these behaviours and where I caw work on them more in the future. Small group and individual projects actually build my communication more, as I’m talking one on one with a peer or teacher. larger group projects give me more reason to have agency, I think I need more large group work to keep me accountable. Additionally, I think public speaking work, and work with external groups (like parents) will give me more of an opportunity to develop my Self Regulation skills.

Hopefully, I can use this reflection period, my summer, and the projects to come to ensure that I practice all these behaviours consistently to be proficient and extending learner. Based off of the self assessment I completed this morning, here’s were I stand currently.

Success Behaviours Self-Assessment

Overall, these experiences have helped me grow as a learner and develop the competencies needed for success in my final year of high school and beyond. I have learned the importance of taking ownership of my learning, working collaboratively with others, and regulating my actions to achieve my goals. Moving forward, I will continue to build on these skills and apply them to new challenges and opportunities that come my way. Thank you for listening to my Presentation of Learning for 2024.

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