Grade 11

Why Young People Should Vote

Why Young People Should Vote

Hello Everyone, welcome back to my blog. I have been very inactive on this page over this school year, and that is due to the lack of assigned posts I’ve had. I apologize for the inactivity, and without further ado, let’s get into it. Recently, in our Humanities endeavours, we’ve covered the topic of Government. […]


The Great Debaters Coming back from the winter break, I’m writing today about a recent project we completed before the break. This project was called “The Great Debaters” and was about debate. In this project, we would develop and present a formal debate. This was an English based project with little structure in the sense […]

Exploring the Manhattan Project

Exploring the Manhattan Project

Manhattan Project2 After our big Disney World trip last year, our class was exited to have the privilege of going on another big trip this year. In September, we where introduced two options for a possible field study. We could take the first trip and explore the Manhattan project in New Mexico, or we could […]

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