Ultimate design challenge 

A PLP 8 sciencematics project 

In this project we had to make a 3d model of a item and calculate the surface area and the volume. At the end we had to make a presentation and show our findings. What was the driving question? How can we maximize surface area or volume of a object. Before I answer that let me talk about the milestones I had to take to get to the answer of the driving question. 

Milestone one: for milestone one we had to research a object that we would later design in a 3d design program. liam and I choose to design a humvee for maximum volume. 

Milestonetwo: for milestone two we had to gather a list of calculations for what we would have to use to get our total surface area and volume. 

Milestone three: for this milestone we had to calculate the total surface area and volume using the calculations from the chart above.

Milestone four: in this milestone we had to export our 3d model and get it 3d printed. Sadly ours did not print of

Milestone five: during this milestone we made and presented a keynote showing what we made.


Now to talk about my answer to the driving question how can we maximize the surface area or volume of an object. Well it depends on what you choose area or volume for volume like the humvee we made you can make the wall thinner or the sides thinner that way you get even more volume than surface area. For area you just have to do the other way around. Now onto competency’s

 Competency One: Applying and innovating:  Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches. My self assessment: i fell like in the first week of this project I did poorly on this and for the rest I feel like I did good 

Competency two Reasoning and Analyzing: Model mathematics in contextualized experiences My self assessment: I feel like I did good on this because I was very accurate when doing my part of the calculations.

Competency three: Communicating and Representing: Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions. My self assessment: I think I did ok in this competency because I had the answers to everything but I did not display it well.

Thank you for reading if you missed the link to my friends blog make sure to check him out  liams blog

Thank for reading!


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