I have yet to mention that the past few posts, which have been categorized as “other” have been part of what has been called the Student Blogging Challenge. The Student Blogging Challenge is a series of challenges which pertain to blogging. For… students. Wow, I’m so good at making a nice sounding sentence. Not all of the tasks are posts though. Some of them are about polishing up our blogs.

Here are the links to the blogging challenge posts:

My Interests

My Cat And My Worldview


Emoji Story Generator


“Kilroy Was Here”


I’ve been really enjoying doing the Blogging Challenge and I’m a little sad that today was the last day of doing it this year. I’ve definitely learned a lot about blogging from it. I think blogging is a really fun way to talk about things and there aren’t really any rules about blogging, so you can’t really blog “wrong”.

Today, Zach from Zach’s recap and I critiqued each other’s blogs. Here is his reaction to my post on holidays:

You’re going to have to go to his blog if you want to see my reaction to his blog:

Blogging challenge audit

In the future, I will keep blogging about the things I’m doing in school and probably more about my interests. Feel free to comment what you’d like to see me write about in my future posts. I really enjoy writing blog posts and I’m really bad at thinking of ideas so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I hope you enjoyed all 269 words of this post and all 1,896 words of all of my Student Blogging Challenge posts (including this one), and I’ll see you next time.

