My mPOL!

Hello! It’s that time of the year again. Time for mPOLs!


VMV stands for: vision, mission, and values.

This is my VMV that I made for my PrePOL at the start of the year.

My vision is:

I do plan to go to university. By the time I get to my graduation day I want to be leaving the school with good grades, lots of friends and good memories. I hope that I will be coming out of PLP with all my technology skills, speaking skills and just life skills in general.

My Mission is:

To achieve my vision I want to be able to accept critique and be able to talk confidently in front of audiences. I want to be making sure that I am studying for every test and finding time to do that so that I will have good grades leaving Seycove. I want to stay in PLP and I hope that I will throughout my years at high school because I feel that this program is a great way to learn and I hope that more people will choose this program when they come to Seycove I want to stay in PLP so that I can learn the skills I will need for my life after I graduate. I want to make lots of new friends and to do that I will just be friendly and kind to everyone.

We had to choose three things to talk about in our values, which is three things to focus on for the year and the three things I chose were “Agency”, “Conduct, ethics, and integrity”, and “Communication and Collaboration”.


This year in humanities we have done a lot of projects and I chose to reflect on my VMV in humanities. The project that I feel I can reflect most on my VMV on is our “Viv Les Machines À Métaphor.” This project was our winter exhibition project, this what our project about revolutions and the project that we made our Rube Goldberg machines. I have successfully got better with my “Agency” which was asking for help, accepting feedback, and setting goals. We had to do a lot of revision while making our infographics for this project although I still think I need to work on this because sometimes I would not be wanting or motivated revise. I was able to go ask for help with my work and ask how I could improve. I was able to set goals with my work and set achievable time periods to finish my work. As I said before some areas of improvement can be getting better at excepting feedback on my work and getting revisions.


This year had been really fun in Maker. We have done many projects but the project that has stood out most towards my VMV is our most recent project and the one we just finished a couple days ago, it was  our “Unboxing Me” project. This project was all about goal setting and I am super bad at setting goals and one of my values was agency and in agency I chose goal setting to work on. A success I experienced in this project was my conduct, ethics and integrity because one thing I chose to work on is being proud of my work and when I work on paper or in a notebook I am never proud because unlike a iPad I cant erase everything. So I looked at my work positively and told myself that nothing is perfect so I cant keep redoing all my work if it isn’t perfect. At times I did rip pages out but most of the time I stayed positive. One thing that I can still work on is getting my work done when its assigned and not getting distracted by going to someone’s house or just coming home and not doing it, so then I leave it to the night before and I get stressed and my work isn’t very good.


This year in science we have done multiple projects but the one I have chosen to reflect on is our first project, “Handle With Care”. In this project we had to make an observation journal where we watched mold grow in Petri dishes.  We also made a learning log where we drew food webs and wrote facts about animals. One thing I did well in this project was asking for help from my teacher and confirming the project. One thing I can work on is excepting feedback from peers because I am super bad at that. I tend to ignore it and only accept the feedback that is given to me by teachers.

What setbacks I’ve had this year?

This year I had a couple set backs. When doing our exhibition project I was put into a group of 5 people and we all like to take charge so that was hard and we often got into disagreements and  got mad at each other. To get through it we all took charge over 1 thing so we could all instruct people for what to do in that area.

What successes have you had this year?

Some successes I’ve had this year have been being able to set goals for myself and stick to them. I am normally super bad at setting goals so this year after our unboxing me project I have really been able to set myself achievable goals. I have also been getting better at being proud of my work and not submitting it and then never looking at it again. Now I can look at it positively and be proud of my work and confident when I submit it.


In conclusion I have definitely gotten better at my values since the start of the year and I feel that I by the end of the year I will be able to have gotten better at everything that I wrote. I have grown so much since the start of the year and I hope I will continue to grow as a learner and accomplish even more by the time I start the next school year.

Thank you so much for listening to my mPOL and I hope you enjoyed! 😁


Frankenstuffies: Rise of Change

If you’ve ever been to Seycove Secondary you will have most likely seen the stuffed animals hanging from the ceiling in the big PLP room. When I first came to Seycove I thought this was super cool and I really wanted to make them. Make what you might ask? Well in PLP 9 you get to make Frankenstuffies which is a bunch of stuffed animals ripped up and then sewn together but with all different body parts from all sorts of stuffed animals not just the same one. I was really excited when my teacher announced that we got to do this project.

Driving Question

🏎️How can we as writers weave historical details into our creative storytelling to convey a clear and impactful message.

Urbanization Game

The first thing that we did in this project was make an urbanization. We were sorted into groups and got instructions to make a town but we had to draw it small because we would be adding things each time. It was very stressful and in the end we had to re do it because we didnt have enough time. This game had 10 stages and was to show how the world in the Industrial Revolution changed and evolved through time.

This is what our final drawing looked like:

Yes it looks a mess but it took a while and it was very stressful trying to make sure it met all the requirements.

Doodle Notes

In class one day we had to watch a video about the Industrial Revolution and how it evolved over time and how we came to be where we are today. The video was about 30 min to 45 min long and it was very interesting. I learnt so much from that video and it was helpful for our final video which I will talk more about soon. We had to do something called doodle notes and it’s basically self explanatory we just had to write notes and draw things.

Here are my doodle notes:










Making my character

We had 3 days to build our character and we each had to bring in 5-7 stuffed animals in to class so we could all use them to make our Frankenstuffies. I brought in a panda, platypus, gingerbread man, frog, unicorn, duck, and a fish. But the ones I used were the duck, unicorn, gingerbread man, frog, a yeti, a grinch, and a bunny. I also used these plastic teeth that my friend gave me. We had to document our progress while we were building. And it was super fun being able to create something out of other things.

This is a picture of my frankenstuffie which I named Eugene.


Hero’s Journey and film pitch

After everyone had created their own frankenstuffie we had to fill out a sheet called “The Hero’s Journey” the sheet is basically for you to separate your story into sections so you can explain it easier. We had to do many drafts of our hero’s journey and it took a while because we wouldn’t make it too long or too short. I finally got mine finished and I could then move onto my film pitch.










For our final product we were to make a 2-3 minute video about our characters but we had to incorporate something about the Industrial Revolution. I decided that I would incorporate three textiles factory’s that woman were forced to work in. We also had to incorporate some parts of our hero’s journey into it, and we had to make a storyboard to put into it.










My Video

After we had done this for a couple weeks we moved onto actually making our video. Our teacher set up a green screen area for us so we could start filming because we had to make our video by using the green screen or using keynote and animating photos to move. It took me a while to finish my video and after I did a couple drafts I finally finished my video! It took a while and it was kinda hard to use the green screen but I figured it out in the end.

Here is my final video:


In conclusion I think I did pretty well on this project and I definitely had a lot of fun making my frankenstuffie. I learnt so much about the Industrial Revolution and surprisingly I really enjoyed it! I do wish that we could have been able to finish our videos because they had to be “to be continued” because we wouldn’t have enough time to create the whole thing as the video could only be 2-3 minutes long.

I really enjoyed this project and I hope that we can do something like this again because it was super fun and I learnt so much!

Thanks so much for reading my blog post, I hope you enjoyed reading about my most recent project! 😁


Hello! Welcome back to my blog. This post is all about our latest project in Science. Here’s what we did!

Driving Question

How does electricity shape our society and how can we generate it more sustainably?

Energy Infographic

To start off the project we had to make an energy infographic on our choice of energy source. I chose to do hydroelectricity. I chose this because it is the best kind of electricity for the planet and I wanted to learn more about it.

This is my Hydroelectricity infographic:

Electricity Circuits

After making our infographics we learnt about parallel circuits and we learnt how to make them and we used things like battery’s, alligator clips and switches to make them. It was super fun making them work and trying to find the right angle that will make it work. We practiced making these circuits for a couple of classes so we could get used to them because we found out that we were going to be using these circuits in our final product which I will tell you more about in a second.

This is what a parallel circuits looks like:

My Game

Im sure you have all heard of the game operation, the goal for this game is to try and remove the objects form the man’s body with out touching the metal edges, and if you do then the mans nose buzzes. We were instructed to make one of these games using a cardboard box and the circuits we leant about we first had to choose a character to use on the top of our operation game. The character I chose was SpongeBob. Making the circuits work was very very hard and fiddly to get it working and it took me a couple classes to get the lightbulb to turn on but once it did I was very happy.

This is what my finished game looks like:


In conclusion I think this was a really fun project and im glad that I got to make my game because it was super awesome to learn how to do this type of thing and learn all about different types of energy. I really did like doing this project and I liked learning about hydroelectricity and other types of electricity in our world because it was really interesting to learn about the pros and cons in different electricity sources.

Thanks so much for reading my post I hope you enjoyed!🤩


Hello! This is my first post of the new year and my post about our winter exhibition! We have worked many weeks to put together this presentation for the family and friends of all the PLP students.

The Driving Question

This year the project for our winter exhibition was revolutions, we all had to study different revolutions for the exhibition. The driving question for this project was

“What Factors Precipitate ‘Revolution’ and How Have They Shaped the Modern World?”

Animal Farm

Like our last humanities project we had to read book. This book was called “Animal Farm” it’s a pretty famous book so you might have heard of it, it’s based on the Russian revolution and the animals symbolize important figures in the Russian Revolution. Animal Farm is a short book and it was kind of boring and hard to read but it was interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

Click here to read more about Animal Farm!

Animal Farm Infographic

After we read Animal Farm we were asked to make an infographic (infographic is something that is used to represent a piece of data) about Animal Farm and the stages of a revolution. There stages a revolution are Incubation Stage, Moderate Stage, Crisis Stage, and Recovery Stage. These stages represent how the violence and rebellion progressed and built up through the stages.

This is my Animal Farm infographic:

The Haitian Revolution

After animal farm we were introduced to the revolutions that had happened all over the world a long time and we were instructed to learn about different revolutions. So we got put into groups which turned out would also be our group for the winter exhibition. My group got the Haitian revolution to study and in my group I had






Everyone in my group had to make a separate infographic about the Haitian revolution, we had a week to do it was a lot of reasoning because the Haitian revolution is quite confusing but also super interesting! I really enjoyed learning about it.

Here is a video to help you learn a little more about the Haitian Revolution:

The Haitian Revolution: In the late 18th century, the island of Saint-Domingue (modern-day Haiti) was home to over 500,000 enslaved people of African descent. Inspired by the revolutionary ideals of Boukman there was a call for a revolution that quickly engulfed the entire island. What started as a fight for freedom and equality soon escalated into a historic revolution that was a turning point in the history of Haiti. There were hierarchy present in Saint-Domingue, highlighting the imbalance between the enslaved population and their oppressors. The start of the rebellion was inspired by Boukman’s prayer. Inspired by Boukman the enslaved people set fire to the plantations in protest. A man named Toussaint Louverture who was very important in the Haitian Revolution because he played a big role in organizing and leading the rebellion against the colonial forces, as well as the economic downfall of Saint Domingue due to loss if plantation. The spread of information about the rebellion, led at the time by Toussaint,  it spread rapidly from person to person, furthering support for the revolution. People whispered about the revolution then fought more until finally all people of colour on saint Dominque had freedom and citizenship. Napoleon Bonaparte heard that all people of colour were free in saint Dominque, he wanted to reintroduce slavery so he could get more money to further his empire. Napoleon arrived with his army, who attempted to and restore colonial rule. A lot of important people died when they started fighting. In the end Toussaint Louverture was put in jail and later died. Eventually Napoleon and his army being unsuccessfully tried to restore colonial rule. They fled back to France because most of the troops died in battle. After Napoleon left the island of saint Domingue was named Haiti and it was finally a free country.

My infographic on the Haitian revolution:


We then had to make a group infographic and this is what it looked like:

Rube Goldberg Machine

To symbolize and show our work on the Haitian revolution we had to make a Rube Goldberg machine. We had to make at least 10 elements on the machine that we can use to show the parts of the Haitian revolution. It was super fun making the machine but our first attempt at it didn’t work so we had to take everything apart and restart while all the other groups were almost done. It worked in the end and I’m really proud of us for how it turned out. But I found out that I wouldn’t be able to go to the exhibition because of a family thing so I was sad that I wouldn’t see how well it worked at the exhibition.

As well as being called a Rube Goldberg machine it is also called a metaphor machine because it is showing an action while explaining something that has happened. Our metaphor machine was showing the stages on the Haitian revolution.

This is our final product!

Here is a video of our Rube Goldberg Machine in action!


I wasn’t at the exhibition but my group told me that it went really well and that we only had a couple fails but we just restarted and did it again so it was okay. Im really happy with the way it turned out and I’m proud of my group for making it.


In conclusion I had a really fun time with this project and I really enjoyed learning about the revolutions and it was interesting to read animal farm and learn about the Russian Revolution through a book about animals, and even though it took a while making the infographic was fun and I liked how people could see all my work on one page. Seeing our Rube Goldberg Machine work was very rewarding and I enjoyed making it. Thanks for reading about my exhibition! See you soon for my next post!😁

Run! A Short Horror


Hi! As part of our launch this year we watched a YouTube video called “RUN! A Short Horror.” For the launch we had to recreate this video in one class with no prepared costumes or anything. We had 15 minutes to plan out what to do and who would be which character we would each be.

Here is the original “RUN!” video:


To get ready to film in the short time we had my group which consisted of Tyler, Cole, and Daniel. We watched the original “RUN!” video multiple times and then split the scenes in iMovie so we could find out how long each shot was. We had to make our remake the exact same so every clip had to be the same length as the original. Once we had separated all the clips we then headed out to the forest to film the video.

We had to make a second draft and make this one better and we would have more time to prepare for it and plan out things for it. We had to make a storyboard and a screenplay showing our story and plan for “RUN!” Tyler unfortunately had to get moved t0 another group because she wouldn’t have been able to be there for the filming day and went to the group of people who would be away. But the rest of us did a good job with it!


First Time

“RUN!” was filmed on a trail in the forest so we had to find a good place to film that was still close to the school. We decided to go to the bike jumps in the trail by the school. We had about 25 clips to film and about a 100 different angles (Just kidding but it felt like 100!) It was really fun to film the clips and I got to be the runner and Tyler was the monster while Cole and Daniel helped film and tell us what clips to do.

The was the final result for the forest draft:

Second Time

When we were filming it for the second time we had a LOT more time to prepare and get costumes and stuff so when the day came we could get right into it actually knowing what we were doing this time. This time around I was the person filming, Daniel was the runner, and Cole was the monster. It was a lot more fun doing it knowing what we were doing this time and we didn’t have to rush it.

The Final Result

We had to present our thing to the class and it went…ok but we had a couple mistakes in it! Some of the clips were filmed wrong and you can see my classmate in the background! We weren’t allowed to film again but we know for next time and hopefully our videos will continue to get better. The editing credit does to Daniel who edited the whole video over the weekend for our group.

This was the final result!



In conclusion I had an awesome time doing this project and getting to make the video and recreate something that we watched. I had a great group and I was happy to work and film with them. One thing I have learn from this is not to rush the filming and take the time you need for each shot so they don’t end up being too short or filming something with a wrong angle. You shouldn’t worry about the amount of time it takes to do something, its better to do something right and not rush it then to get a b ad result have it rushed everything. Overall I had a super fun time doing this project and I hope the we get to do some more filming again soon!

Thanks for reading my blog!😁


The Driving Question

Last Wednesday it was take your kid to work day for  all the grade 9’s in the province! We got to go to work with our parents, mentors, or family. It’s pretty cool and we got to have a day off at school. My mum works at Capilano University as the events manager. The driving question for this project was “How does experiencing a workday shape our view of career choices.”

My Day At Work

So as I already said I went to Capilano university with my mum and I had a super fun time! I started off by dropping my brother off at school and then we started our drive to Capilano University which is only about 10-15 minutes so that was good. when we got there we met up with my mums work colleague and her daughter who is on my soccer team. Her name is Maelle. I started off by getting a couple interviews and pictures then we went to the theatre and saw the set that they were building, it was super cool!!

I mostly just took interviews and did a couple tours around Capilano University and it was so cool to just be in a University and see what it’s like. As we were taking our tour of the library we came across The student affair cats and they were super cute and we got too play with them for a while and it was so much fun!


For this project as we’re in PLP we have to do a lot more than the mainstream kids. We had to make a video about our day. The video had to be about the driving question and we had to record our day and what we did. We also had to take interviews of your parents or people you know there. I got an interview with 4 people, 1 with my mum, one with Maelle’s mum Jennifer, 1 with the theatre manager, and one with a woman who works in my mums office. I had a lot of fun working with my mum and making my video. It was fun to interview all those people and find out things about their jobs and how they got them and what they do.

Here is my video:

My Email

We had to write an email to the person we went to work with saying thank you and saying that we had a lot of fun which I sure did! I wrote my email to my mum and explained that I had a lot of fun working with her and I just overall said thank you to her because it was very nice for her to take me to her work because I know she is very busy all the time so I am glad that she took the time to make sure I had a fun day!

This is my email that I wrote:



In conclusion I would say that I had a super fun day with my mum and Maelle. It was so much fun experiencing what is like to work at a university and just go to work in general. I hope that one day I can go back there to CapU and experience that day again because it was super fun and I found that job to be fun and rewarding because it is cool to see the events turn out and see all your hard work put into the event. My answer to the driving question is that now I have been to a work place and had a day working in events I have really realized that events could be a good choice for my future. Im not sure what I want to do in the future but now that I have gone with my mum I think it has narrowed down my choices in jobs for the future so I can figure out the perfect job for me.

Thank you so much for reading about my day at work! I hope you enjoyed! ❤️

How can we reach our peak potential?

Hello! I haven’t written anything for a while and as my grade 8 school year added and I went into summer but now im back and in grade 9!


We went Alberta at the start of the school year for our Grade 9 field study! It was a lot of fun and We did a lot of hiking!

These were some of the views from the top














It was really beautiful there but cold as you can see because there was snow on some of the hikes we did! We hiked almost everyday and they were long but worth it in the end! My favourite hike that we did was the hike from Lake Louise. It was a pretty long hike with the time of 8 and a half hours! It was very tiring as it was mainly up hill the whole way.

This is a photo of Lake Louise

I had an awesome time in Alberta! I had time to bond with some of the new PLP students this year and just have fun with my old friends as well!

The Driving Question

Like every project we’ve had there has been a driving question, and the driving question for this project was “How do we become the best version of ourselves?” We then went to Alberta where we had to make a 1o essentials video!

1o Essentials Video

The main part of this project was the 10 essentials video, basically for this we had to learn the 10 essentials of hiking which are

  1. Navigation
  2. Headlamp
  3. Sun protection
  4. Footwear
  5. tools
  6. Fire
  7. Shelter
  8. Extra food
  9. Extra water
  10. Extra clothes

We needed to have all these things in our backpacks as we were doing long hikes and it was essential for us to have these items, once we had learnt these we had to make them into 10 life advice questions. An example of that is for footwear we did “What steps in life did you take to get where you are today?” We then asked these questions to people in Alberta where they would then give us the answers and some life advice. We then took the videos and made it into a bigger video which was called our “10 Essentials Video.” It was fun hearing all of these different peoples story’s and There life advice to us.

Before we could just go into this and film we had to work on our film making skills so we made a practice interview and I interviewed Brooklyn! After our interview skills had gotten better we headed to Alberta to interview some of the people there! This type of video is called a VoxPop which basically means “Voice of the People”

The people in my group were



Silent Film

On our first night we stayed in a hotel called “The Three Valley Gap” and it was weird but also really cool!

Next to the hotel there was a ghost town and the ghost town was super cool! In the ghost town there were all types of buildings like an old dentist, barbershop, saloon, school and a bunch more!








Our first assignment for the trip was to make a silent film, this silent film had to be black and white, have a good story, be filmed in the ghost town but most importantly…NO TALKING! So in my group which consisted of Maggie, Cece, and Eloise we made a silent film. We had to think of the story and create a story board before we left for Alberta. We had to film this in the ghost town and I am pretty proud of the way our video turned out!

Our video!

Viral video

Another video we had to make was our “Viral Video” we had to find a trend and make a video using that trend about our trip to Alberta. The trend I used was the one where you basically just stamp on your phone camera and then when you lift your foot off your in a different place! It was really cool and this was definitely a fun video to make!

Banner In The Sky

Before we left for Alberta we had to read a book in humanities called “Banner In The Sky.” It was an okay book but it was very long and repetitive. Basically the book is about a boy named Rudi who wants to climb a mountain called the Citadel and no one has ever climbed to the top but his mother and uncle wont let him because it was the mountain his father died on because he tried to climb it. After we had finished the book and taken notes we had to make a character sketch on one of the characters and the character I got was “Captain John Winter” Winter is basically the main character (Rudi’s) mentor throughout the book.


















In conclusion I felt like I really learnt a lot from this project especially when we got to hear all those amazing stories from the people of Alberta! I feel as if I did reach my peek potential by keeping up with the work, staying positive in all the hikes we did, making sure I could help, and being respectful. One thing that I could work on for the next trip our just the next project in school is making sure to go above and beyond the expected work and being prepared f0r somethings that might not go well. In our 10 essentials video we got 10 videos but then some of them didnt work and one got deleted and we couldn’t get it back so we didnt have enough videos for the 10 essentials video, so Maya’s group kindly donated one of their videos to us.  One thing that I feel like I really learnt that helped me discover how to be the best version of myself was when I asked a couple how to stay calm when you’re stressed or burnt out. The answer I got was doing something for ourselves like going away or just doing something for yourself that makes YOU happy. I really liked that because I definitely get stressed sometimes about work and school and just other things in general. So when I heard that it put me in a new perspective and I now know how to stay calm and just be happy when things get tough. Overall I had an awesome time on this trip and im really glad that I got to go on this trip with my class and just be in Alberta because it was a beautiful place to go and I definitely recommend it!

Thanks so much for reading my blog I hope you enjoyed it!😁

How does language inspire Adventure

The Driving Question

The driving question for this project was “How Does Language Inspire Adventure?” This was the project that we went to Oregon! I had an amazing time on the trip but I did feel a little homesick and first but I will talk more about that later.

Quarry Rock

At the start of the project we hiked up to Quarry Rock so we could take pictures of the view. It was a really nice hike but it was REALLY hot! When we got to the top we had to talk some of the tourists up there and ask them why they decided to come up to Quarry Rock today. The people I asked went up there because they heard about it from family and friends and the other person I asked said that they had lived in the cove for years and decided to bring her mum up there because it was a nice hot sunny day. Our other task was to take a picture of the view and when we got back home to make an advertisement about it! Doing this was really fun because I really liked designing an ad. One thing that I struggled with was accepting feedback from my peers and teachers because I really liked my ad and I didn’t want to change it.

This was my first ad but I was told to change it because the text wasn’t good and it was very engaging.


This was my second ad and this was the good one, I changed the text and didn’t put as many words on it.

Oregon Adventure Book

When we went to Oregon we were instructed to make an “Oregon Adventure Book.” In it we had to follow the tasks that we were instructed to do each day and I did a really good job making sure I got all the tasks done each day when my friends didn’t. In the book we had tasks like getting a video of you trying a new food at the “Golden Corral” buffet. We also had to make drawings of places we had been and many more things.

The Spring Exhibition

So after going to Oregon and learning all about advertisement and adventure we made ads based on the pictures that we took in Oregon. I really enjoyed making ads I think that I took getting the feedback pretty well because we had to make many drafts of our ads and I did except feedback on it and changed my ad when I was given feedback based on it. For the Spring exhibition my group which was Griffin, Marcus, Cece, Madeline, and Julia.

The 3 Stations

For the exhibition we had 3 stations. The Tillamook Cheese Factory, Yaquina Head Tide pools, and Fort Stevens. Me and Cece ran the Tillamook Cheese Factory, Madeline and Julia ran the Yaquina Head Tide pools, and Marcus and Griffin ran the Fort Stevens station. As part of our interactive element in our “cheese factory” we made a cow milking station. In this station we had a wooden frame that we hung a rubber glove filled with water on. We also made a diagram of how cheese is made which we made out of clay. Me and Cece wore aprons, masks and hair nets as our costumes because that is what the people working in the factory wore.

My Oregon Ad

I did many drafts on my Oregon ad until I had made the right one and I used multiple different photos for it. This is my first ad that I made but I was told that there was too much white space.

I really liked this photo and was kinda sad when I was told I couldn’t use it. My second ad I was told to not use the photo and change the text because we already had a photo of the light house.

Finally after a couple more try’s that I’m not gonna show because I actually made 3 more before I found the right one I made the perfect ad and I am very proud of it!

This is my Oregon and I hope you like it!

So How Does Language Inspire Adventure?

Language can inspire adventure in any ways, it can inspire you when you look up at s sign and see an advertisement for the outdoors and its just the way that it is written and what the sign is telling you. It’s the way the words connect to you. If you learn a language it can inspire you to go to that country to speak it because you have leant a new skill and it motivates you to go somewhere you may have never been before. 


In conclusion I think that I did a good job in this project and I really enjoyed going to Oregon and presenting our ads at the spring exhibition! One thing that I can work on is not being so nervous when I’m presenting or showing my work to my classmates and peers. I hope that I can take what I have learnt this year and bring it into grade 9 so I can be even better for next year! I can’t believe this year is over! It went by so fast (and I’m not just saying that for the blog post!)

Thank you so much for reading my last post of the school year! See you next year!

My first tPOL!

What an exciting year it’s been! Staring high school going into PLP! I’ve had a really good year and I’m glad that I made the decision to go into PLP because I have really enjoyed it and I am excited to be going into it next year! I hope you enjoy reading about my first year in high school!

Here is a link to my mPOL!



Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

My 3 main focuses

In agency I have chosen to talk about “Accepting Feedback”

In Preparation I am talking about “Outside of School”

In Communication and collaboration I am talking about “Working with peers”


One project that was really transitional for me was “How Does Language Inspire Adventure”

This is the project when we went  to Oregon! Oregon was our first trip in PLP 8 and my first time away from home for a week! I had a lot of fun on this trip but it was also a big change for me! I was really nervous to go to Oregon because I had never been away from home for that long. Something I hope will improve is my confidence of going on trips like this and in the future I hope I wont be as nervous. In this project we learnt all about advertisement and adventure. At the start of this project we went on a hike up to quarry rock and took pictures of the view so we could come back and make advertisements for it. I was good at get my work done at home and I made sure that it wasn’t late when I hand it in. I was really proud of my ad and I also really liked making ads because it was super fun to design posters for different places. One thing that I can work on is accepting feedback from my peers and teachers because I had a hard time when people were telling what I could change on my ad and I refused because I really liked my ad.

When we went to Oregon we had to make an adventure book all about the trip. This book had tasks that we had to do everyday. I was very good at getting it done and I put aside time for me to do it each day. I am very happy that I did that because then I didn’t have to have a lot of work to do at the end of the trip. Some of the pages in this book were fun to do but others I found hard to do because I didn’t want to do them. Going into grade 9 humanities I want to be more confident in the work I produce because I am never confident that my work is good enough or that my work is right so I don’t like to show people and I get very anxious and stressed. I also need to work on handing my work in when I finish it because I always wait until the last minute because I get scared that my work is wrong. I really enjoyed this project and I think that it was really transitional in my learning!


Going to Oregon really changed my worldview because as I have mentioned I had never been away without my family for that long so it was a big change to me. I certainly missed my family but it has opened me up to new opportunities because now I know that I am able to go in trips for that long and not feel too homesick. Although this was a big change and I wasn’t sure what it would do to my life I think that it was a good change. I don’t regret going on the trip and that’s saying something because I definitely had my doubts!



A project in maker that I found transitional was doing “Destination Imagination.” That project was hard and it also meant that I had to work with people that were in my class but I didn’t know well. We were given the hardest challenge which is the technical challenge and for that challenge we were meant to make a life size pinball machine. Making a life size pinball machine was hard and we didn’t really know what we were doing. Our original plan was to make a pinball machine that sat on the floor not raised off the ground or anything. It didn’t work. When we got to the competition it didn’t work one bit and our story was way too short. I was embarrassed and angry that our pinball machine looked like a piece of trash compared to the other teams. One team even had a real tv!

If you want to check out my post on our first DI competition click here!

The build up to our second competition was way better, we made a pin ball machine out of wood that had legs and everything! It worked perfectly until we had to bring it into the gym space where we were presenting and then it all broke and it didn’t work. That was also really frustrating and I learnt that we need to make the machine more lighter and put more nails and screws in it so it wouldn’t fall apart. We did a good job preparing everything and getting it ready for the competition and we weren’t rushing to finish in the end, we used our time wisely. I did a good job working with my teammates and I definitely got closer to them all. We all worked well together and we didn’t have any big disagreements or anything. We accepted feedback well like we knew what we had to do after the first competition we were not allowed to be given any ideas but people just said that our first idea wasn’t working so my team knew that we had to change it. Going into grade 9 maker and doing DI again I think that we need to think out our plan more and build our machines stronger in the first competition and not make another bad machine out of cardboard. I don’t know what category I will be in or whom I will be with but I think we need to apply those factors to the first competition and make it more simple and not very heavy so its not easy to break and we need to make it lighter so it can be broken into small parts.

Links to my team mates blog:






One project that was transitional for me what our “Small But Mighty” project. In this project we leant all about the immune system that changed things for me because I now see everything differently. I know that when I get a cut that my white blood cells, t-cells, B-cells, and macrophage are fighting to keep me from getting sick by the pathogens. We made a field journal where we grew bacteria in little Petri dishes. This was fun but also really gross because the bacteria was all lumpy and orange and it spelt really bad!

We made immune character cards where we made little Pokémon card type things that had facts about the cells in the immune system. This was really fun because I loved making these cards and you got to choose what the theme was and I chose Mickey Mouse.

The last thing that we did in this project was make media posts (we didn’t actually post them on social media) based on the covid-19 vaccine. These posts were about the why people thought you shouldn’t get vaccinated like people thought that you would get heart attacks, blood clot or things like the government planting microchip in you. We had to make a media campaign that explains why that wouldn’t work.






I did well accepting feedback for my field journal because when the teacher or my peers said that I needed to change something I did well doing that and making my work better. Going into grade 9 I can work on making sure that I am being confident in my work when I go up and present and speak in a loud clear voice and not get scared when people ask questions about my work. I need to be proud of the work I produce.

Spring Exhibition

This year for our Spring Exhibition we made ads about Oregon that we were to present to the public. I think that my group did a really good job. I had 6 people in my group and we all did an amazing job to bring our trip to Oregon to life! We had 3 stations and in each station 2 people were there to run it. In the station I was in we talked about the Tillamook Cheese Factory. Me and Cece who was the person I was running the Tillamook Cheese station made a diagram of how cheese is made we also had a cow milking station where you can see what its like to milk a cow. I think that I did a really good job making sure that I was prepared beforehand for the exhibition, I made sure that everything was ready to bring and that I had everything printed and ready to go. I think that I worked well with my group we had a couple of disagreements that I think we could work on in the future, we need to be able to talk it out and not get upset with things. I did well accepting feedback but I think that I could work on accepting feedback from my peers more. Going into grade 9 I think for the next spring exhibition I need to be able to agree with my group more and make sure that we can work our problems out without getting annoyed with each other.


I think that this first year in high school wad a success! I have had a great year and I have had lots of fun in my first year in PLP I really enjoyed doing all the projects and working with my peers. I have done a good job working with my classmates in each project, sometimes I have been a little upset that I was not with any of my friends but in the end I did not feel that anymore because I was happy with my group and what we had done. I think I have done well to accept feedback because at the start of the year when I got feedback or a revision sign I just felt like I wanted to give up and stop but I kept going and now when I get a revision sigh I don’t give up and I make the necessary changes to make my work better. I am really good at making sure my work is done and ready ahead of time and making sure that I don’t leave it until late and then I am rushing to get it done. I used to do that at the start of the year but now I always do my homework and get everything prepared as soon as I get home so I am not rushing to do it later or so I don’t forget something and then that messes up my work. Going into grade 9 I want to be able to feel more confident in my work and this counts for all classes because I am always embarrassed to show my work to my teachers and peers and I don’t like to hand it in on Showbie because I get scared that my work isn’t good enough. Those are somethings I think I can work on going into grade 9 and I hope that I will be able to achieve the goals I have set for myself!

Thank you for listening to my “Transitional Presentation Of Learning!” I hope you enjoyed it and have a great summer!😁🏖️

Small But Mighty

The Driving Question

The driving question for our project is “How does our knowledge of cell biology contribute to public health?” This project was all about cells and vaccine, we leant about how different types of cells help our body fight off diseases and viruses.


Before we started the project fully we had to learn all about the adaptive immune system. We learn all about the cells in the adaptive immune system and it was fun! I had fun learning about how the cells in our body help us fight off sickness and disease.

Field Journal

As the first main part of this project we made a field journal, in the field journal we were to pick 2 or more surfaces that we would swab and put them in a Petri dish and watch the bacteria grow. We would record the data and write it down in our field journals. The 2 surfaces I chose were a desk and a pencil. We had to make a hypothesis and if you don’t know then a hypothesis is an educates guess. I hypothesized that the table would be dirtier than the pencil because more people touch it each day. My hypothesis was correct! The table had more bacteria than the pencil all though it was pretty close!

Immune Character Cards

After we had done our field journal we learnt all about immune cells. The cells we learnt about are called Pathogens, B-cells, T-cells, White blood cells, and Macrophages. We had to choose a theme for our immune character cards so we could draw the characters on the cards, and I chose Mickey Mouse! I had a lot of fun drawing and making these cards because it was just really cool drawing and designing them! Before we could start we had to learn about all the cells and write them out in a sheet we were given.








Vaccine Media Campaign

As our last part of the project we learnt about vaccines and why some people were anti-vaxxers. Some of the reason were: blood clot, autism, micro chips, it was to rushed and much more. We were asked to make a media campaign about some of the reason people didn’t want to vaccinate, we were allowed to have a partner and my partner was Julia. It was fun making the campaigns because we got to use Canva and I love using Canva! We had to make three media campaigns and the main focus that we decided on was “The Government Planting Microchips In You.”









In conclusion I had a lot of fun during this project! The bacteria was kinda gross and it smelt really bad but it was still cool to see how it grows. My favourite part of this project was making the media campaign, I liked doing this because it was fun to design a media post about the covid vaccine. I think that I did a good job in this project because I was eager and I finished all my work on time and put lots of effort into everything that I did. I had a great time doing this project and I hope you enjoyed reading all about it!