Hello! It’s that time of the year again. Time for mPOLs!
VMV stands for: vision, mission, and values.
This is my VMV that I made for my PrePOL at the start of the year.
My vision is:
I do plan to go to university. By the time I get to my graduation day I want to be leaving the school with good grades, lots of friends and good memories. I hope that I will be coming out of PLP with all my technology skills, speaking skills and just life skills in general.
My Mission is:
To achieve my vision I want to be able to accept critique and be able to talk confidently in front of audiences. I want to be making sure that I am studying for every test and finding time to do that so that I will have good grades leaving Seycove. I want to stay in PLP and I hope that I will throughout my years at high school because I feel that this program is a great way to learn and I hope that more people will choose this program when they come to Seycove I want to stay in PLP so that I can learn the skills I will need for my life after I graduate. I want to make lots of new friends and to do that I will just be friendly and kind to everyone.
We had to choose three things to talk about in our values, which is three things to focus on for the year and the three things I chose were “Agency”, “Conduct, ethics, and integrity”, and “Communication and Collaboration”.
This year in humanities we have done a lot of projects and I chose to reflect on my VMV in humanities. The project that I feel I can reflect most on my VMV on is our “Viv Les Machines À Métaphor.” This project was our winter exhibition project, this what our project about revolutions and the project that we made our Rube Goldberg machines. I have successfully got better with my “Agency” which was asking for help, accepting feedback, and setting goals. We had to do a lot of revision while making our infographics for this project although I still think I need to work on this because sometimes I would not be wanting or motivated revise. I was able to go ask for help with my work and ask how I could improve. I was able to set goals with my work and set achievable time periods to finish my work. As I said before some areas of improvement can be getting better at excepting feedback on my work and getting revisions.
This year had been really fun in Maker. We have done many projects but the project that has stood out most towards my VMV is our most recent project and the one we just finished a couple days ago, it was our “Unboxing Me” project. This project was all about goal setting and I am super bad at setting goals and one of my values was agency and in agency I chose goal setting to work on. A success I experienced in this project was my conduct, ethics and integrity because one thing I chose to work on is being proud of my work and when I work on paper or in a notebook I am never proud because unlike a iPad I cant erase everything. So I looked at my work positively and told myself that nothing is perfect so I cant keep redoing all my work if it isn’t perfect. At times I did rip pages out but most of the time I stayed positive. One thing that I can still work on is getting my work done when its assigned and not getting distracted by going to someone’s house or just coming home and not doing it, so then I leave it to the night before and I get stressed and my work isn’t very good.
This year in science we have done multiple projects but the one I have chosen to reflect on is our first project, “Handle With Care”. In this project we had to make an observation journal where we watched mold grow in Petri dishes. We also made a learning log where we drew food webs and wrote facts about animals. One thing I did well in this project was asking for help from my teacher and confirming the project. One thing I can work on is excepting feedback from peers because I am super bad at that. I tend to ignore it and only accept the feedback that is given to me by teachers.
What setbacks I’ve had this year?
This year I had a couple set backs. When doing our exhibition project I was put into a group of 5 people and we all like to take charge so that was hard and we often got into disagreements and got mad at each other. To get through it we all took charge over 1 thing so we could all instruct people for what to do in that area.
What successes have you had this year?
Some successes I’ve had this year have been being able to set goals for myself and stick to them. I am normally super bad at setting goals so this year after our unboxing me project I have really been able to set myself achievable goals. I have also been getting better at being proud of my work and not submitting it and then never looking at it again. Now I can look at it positively and be proud of my work and confident when I submit it.
In conclusion I have definitely gotten better at my values since the start of the year and I feel that I by the end of the year I will be able to have gotten better at everything that I wrote. I have grown so much since the start of the year and I hope I will continue to grow as a learner and accomplish even more by the time I start the next school year.
Thank you so much for listening to my mPOL and I hope you enjoyed! 😁