My First Mpol!

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

What is Mpol?

In PLP we are presenting an Mpol to our teachers and parents about our work we have done half way through the school year! We present for seven minutes and show our parents what we have learned using a blog post! I will be sharing my favourite project, my most challenging project,  what I best learned from, my first science project, and DI.  So without any delay let’s get to it!!!

My Favourite Project!

My favourite project is Bon Voyage, this does not take away from my other projects I just felt very proud of my work. In this project we showed through an AR Makr video that we can learn to use story telling to investigate what sparked global exploration and understand its impact. In this project we made an  AR Makr video to show a part of the Europeans coming to America and colonizing. I made my video about the general greed Europeans had for power and resources. In this project I practiced my storytelling skills and drawing skills (to draw the characters in the AR Makr video), which is good because it’s something I really need to work on. Here is a few of my favourite drawings:

After all our blood, sweat and tears in this project we were finally done and to celebrate, we ordered pirate packs because we were learning about sea voyages. It was a delicious way to learn more about it. In this class we also did Kahoot and a pirate ship building contest!! This was the most enjoyable day in PLP this year so far (that i can remember).

My most challenging project.

My most challenging project this year was my Power play project and how it started. In this project we learned about medieval times through reading The book of the Lion and made medieval artwork. It showed a medieval worldview which made me understand we are lucky to live in a place where we get opportunity to learn. One of the reasons this project was a struggle was because I didn’t enjoy reading The Book Of The Lion. The book was a hard read, used old fashioned language and found it hard to relate to the characters. Despite all of this I did learn a lot about medieval times, check out my medieval artwork:

What I Best Learned From!

We made poems to express how I feel on paper and then put all of them into an ebook. But it was not that simple, we had to learn about different types of poems and how to interpret their meaning. One struggle to this project was learning all the types of poems but, once I overcame that I learned how to put true meaning into a poem. This is one of my favourite poems (which we also used as a team choice element in DI)

Climate Change.

Climate change is the terror of a nightmare, the devil on your shoulder. 

It is a tiger creeping up on its pray.

 It is a kettle boiling the ocean; an ice cube melting in your drink.

 It is the ocean spinning in a blender; the earth sizzling on a barbecue.

 We are children destroying our mother.

 We are the monster destroying the planet.

We also created an Ebook filled with poems. So make sure to check:


My First Science Project!

In this project I discovered that I can communicate my knowledge of atoms in a fun and creative way! This project helped me with my observational skills when we did experiments in lab. My favourite parts of this project was coding. I think it is a very important skill to know because it taught me patience and how to persevere since when making a game you have to have patience if the code doesn’t work. My video game is all about states of matter and facts on the atom. It is very hard to explain so here’s a quick clip of it:



Here’s my link to my game: Link

Destination Imagination (DI)

DI is a global competition. There’s usually groups of 5 or 6 kids, competing in an age group where you complete a challenge that has a category. An example would be the engineering challenge. In this challenge you have to make a modular device that launches a bean bag and know how far the bean bag will go before it lands and build a story around the device (this is my challenge). If you want to learn more click the link here.

Destination Imagination was my most unusual project because it included a competition and two months preparation. I learned how to communicate to peers in an assertive way, which is a very important life skill. This because for 3 months straight you are meeting up, writing scripts, and agreeing on schedules. All of this demonstrates teamwork and communication skills. Aside from the skills that we learned it was also a bonus that we won regionals and placed second at provincials (getting first place on our instant challenge).

My learning plan!

I worked on my learning plan at the start of the year. It included what I’m good at, what I need growth in and what support I need from my peers. There’s two things in my learning plan that I think i have done well on and one thing i still need to grow on.

I think I could work on setting more realistic goals because sometimes I find myself finishing a project the night before the deadline.  To accomplish this I will use Things more often (Things is a self management app) and try to get things done early. I have improved at this skill but it needs a lot of work.

This year I think i most improved on self discipline. Before the year I would not remove distraction from my room such as tv or candy. Now before I do my homework I remove distraction from my room and turn my iPad on work mode.

Thank for coming to my first Mpol!!!

Bon voyage

What’s one of your favourite foods? Well I know that a big contender is pizza and without the age of exploration there would be no pizza. In this project we showed through an AR Makr video that we can learn to use story telling to investigate what sparked global exploration and understand its impact.

Causes and consequences
For this project, we had to learn the cause and consequences about action and one of my favourite examples is failing a math test. A cause of failing a math test could be the teacher didn’t teach it well, you have no passion for it, or you didn’t get an enough sleep the night before the test! A consequence for this could be that your parents are disappointed, you fail your whole grade, or parents might take your iPad taken away. From this example we learn what a cause and consequence is and now it’s time to write our own about the age of exploration. Here’s an example of what I did on padlet:


Story mountain
If you have written a story before you know you can’t just write a story you have to brainstorm it. For our brainstorm we wrote a story mountain. My story mountain showed to me the power of storytelling, because if I just read in a text book about The Age Of Exploration I wouldn’t remember half of the information. But learning about the age of exploration through telling a story, made sure I got invested in the characters which helped me learn about the concepts of The Age Of Exploration. This is my story mountain;

One of the main things that helped me engage in the story was the characters and how they looked so here are all of the drawings I made for the AR Makr video:

Video + story
For my story I received a lot of feedback back. I changed a lot of detail in my story. After the improvements, it was as good as it was going to be. After, I created my video which I’m very proud of. Check it out:

I think my video shows my understanding of Europeans worldview because I had one character who was very cocky and loved thinking they were taking advantage of the first people and another who just loved being there to understand more about the people and culture he was meeting.

Best PLP Class!!!
After all our blood, sweat and tears we were finally done the project and to celebrate, we ordered pirate packs because we were learning about sea voyages. It was a delicious way to learn more about it. In this class we also did Kahoot and a pirate ship building contest!! This was the most enjoyable day in PLP this year so far.

Make sure to check out some of my other blog posts!!!!

The Bean Baggers!!!

Have you ever done destination Imagination? What’s it like? I have done destination imagination and I’m going to answer all those questions!

What is DI?
DI is a global competition. There’s usually groups of 5 or 6 kids, competing in an age group where you complete a challenge that has a category. An example would be the engineering challenge. In this challenge you have to make a modular device that launches a bean bag and know how far the bean bag will go before it lands and build a story around the device (this is my challenge). If you want to learn more click the link here

You have 6 months to make your presentation, but since we are in PLP, we only had two months. This project felt like a race against time, so we had to get started right away. The first thing we did was get a topic for the story. We chose climate change and built a modular device that complies to the story, this process took about a month. Then we realized we only had 1 month left until DI regionals, with so much left to do!!! So in the next three weeks we made costumes. My favourite costume was our robot costume . We also had to make props and backgrounds which was really hard. It took us 8 hours to complete just the backgrounds and an additional two hours for the props. Then everything led up to the last week and my whole group was stressed out since we had to memorize so many lines. In the end we had a good dress rehearsal!! By the way I did not do this project alone, make sure to check out my groups blogs!!!!






Day of
We all got there at 8:30am on the dot and got straight in to rehearsal. For our presentation we had an early slot, even though we would prefer to compete later in the day, since we wanted to check out our competition. The group before startled us because their props were gigantic. As I said to my team “bigger is not always better” trying to rebuild my teams confidence. Then suddenly it was our turn and my heart was beating out of my chest. I won’t reveal the content of ourpresentation until after May. Remember, we will be performing at Provincials. After what felt like an hour (8 minutes) we were done and I felt a wave of relief. You might think this is the end of the day but we still had an instant challenge and the awards ceremony to go. We all know the rules that we are not allowed to share anything about the instant challenge, but what I can tell you is that I was really nervous (CLICK HERE FOR AN EXAMPLE). Finally the awards ceremony and my whole team was really nervous. It didn’t help that we were the last category to be announced. Third place was announced and it wasn’t us. Second place was announced and it still wasn’t us (we were all panicking because we would either be last or first). Finally they announced the winner and it was us, The Bean Baggers!!!!!!! Ms Kadi ran up to us and gave us a hug. We were all so happy, all of our hard work had paid off.

Things sent to test us!!!

The first thing was that this project was a race against time. Usually teams get 6 months to prepare but we only got 2, which was a big disadvantage. We overcame that by meeting up after school so we could get more done in a day. The second thing was that one of our group members couldn’t come to the competition and told us a week before. Luckily we rewrote parts of the script to make it work.

Being the main character

In the performance I was the main character. Given I was the main character, I had the most lines. I felt a weight on my shoulders as I was memorizing my lines and the thought of making a mistake made my nerves shoot through the roof. Somehow, despite all my nerves, I didn’t forget a single line and I felt proud (and relieved).

Make sure to come support the bean baggers for Provincials!!!!

Matter dash

Have you ever done PLP science? Well I just completed my first ever science project and here’s how it went. In this project I discovered that I can communicate my knowledge of atoms in a fun and creative way!


Before we actually make the game we had to do some learning. We did labs,  this is where you would get assigned a partner and get a task and a sheet to fill out along your experiments. An example would be one of our first labs called ‘The Black Box’, in this case called the Black jar since we used a mini container instead of the box. For this task we would get a mini black jar that you can’t see inside, and there is random stuff inside of it. Then using your six senses you would try to guess from the sound of it, when you shake it and the weight of it, what is inside. This lab taught me how to be aware of my senses and make careful and smart observations.



To show our knowledge of atoms we made a video game. This video game had to show our knowledge of atoms in a creative way. So my idea was to make a character that defeated an atom. Sadly though since scratch is such a buggy app my game deleted half way through making it. So instead I made a game called matter dash. It’s where you would jump over matter while learning about facts. This game taught me patience and how to express my thoughts in a new and creative way!

Click this to try my game!

But don’t worry, if you couldn’t complete it here’s a video of me completing it:,

My favourite part of this project

I had two favourite parts of this project! My first one was the labs. I learnt that I can have fun and learn valuable knowledge at the same time. Doing the lab was fun because you weren’t just sitting around in a normal class all day you were doing a task and felt more motivated to do it.
My second favourite part of the project was trying out everyone’s games since after all the hard work and coding of the project we could finally celebrate what we did and have fun while seeing everyone else’s game (my favourite game was Cece’s).


This project was really fun and enjoyable. I learned a lot about the atom and how to make observational skills. If i could do two things better in this project I would’ve looked at more tutorials for scratch and be more precise with my observations. This project has been blast and make sure to check out some of my other posts.


My Thought in a poem

What is the Project

To answer the driving question “How might I right poetry that I enjoy and shows who I am?”  We made poems to express how I feel on paper and then put all of them into an ebook. But it was not that simple, we had to learn about different types of poems and how to interpret their meaning.

How do we interpret  poems?

Above, is one of many examples of how we interpreted poem’s. First someone in the class reads the poem out loud while we would try to interpret the meaning of the poem. Next we would read the poem in our head and make silent opinions in our head and let it resonate with us. Then we would read it out loud one more time and make an opinion on the theme of the poem.

These are the types of poems we wrote and interpreted.

– simile

– extended metaphor poem

– sound poem


-found poem

– experience poem

imagery poem

self portrait  

My Favourite Poem

My favourite poem I wrote was my extended metaphor poem that is called “Climate change”. It’s about the affect that were having on climate change and how scary it is. My favourite line from the poem is “Climate change is the terror of a nightmare, the devil on you’re shoulder” this line shows how climate change is coming fast and we have to try to save Mother Nature.

My Ebook

Our final part of the project was to create an ebook with all of our poems in it and publish it. We created this book on book creator! I made drawings and videos to express the theme of the poetry and what it means to us. How can you know the theme of the poem? Well in each page we put an audio recording to tell you the theme of the poem so you can know the true meaning.

Make Sure To Check out my Ebook!:

Driving Question

After doing this project I realized how to express and enjoy poetry is that you do not hold back your imagination and opinions and do not rush your poems and let the words come to you.

My First Winter Exhibition

My name is Eloise and I’m in grade 8 in my first ever PLP exhibition. We made a triptych to answer the driving question “What can we learn from the past and why does it matter to us today?” Keep reading to find out my point of view!

Power play Post
Building up to the exhibition we had to do a project on medieval times. This project made us read a book, make art, and learn about Medieval worldview. This played a crucial role in our tableaux because it made me learn how lucky we are to get to live in a place where we get the opportunity to learn.

Leading up to our Renaissance artwork, we had to learn about golden age inventions, witch trials, ethical judgements, and Renaissance worldview. Once we had this knowledge, we made an artwork choice chart to help us create our artwork. This chart was much harder than the medieval chart since felt i understood the Medieval times much better. Once we had our chart we started to make our abstract art using SUPERIMPOSE

Once we completed the art we wrote a describing paragraph of the renaissance artwork taking the feedback from medieval times paragraph. This is my describing paragraph:
What can we learn from the Renaissance? What did they do better? Learning about the Renaissance worldview showed us how we can be more engaged to learn to improve the future. In my artwork there are Christians buying indulgences. I chose this aspect since Christians believed that if you paid for indulgences, you would be forgiven of all your sin and go to heaven. When they made indulgences they were thinking about the future and how it would have a lasting effect on their religion. Martin Luther nailed his ideas to the wall and these ideas were the start of the reformation which caused Catholics to divide into two groups. These groups are still here today. I think Martin Luther hoped what he wrote would have a lasting affect on society and the future. The word press was one of the biggest inventions of all time. It provided opportunity to learn and made stories spread world wide because it was affordable to make books. This affects my worldview because the WordPress allowed knowledge to be spread to more people. This is why I think we can learn from the Renaissance to be more engaged in the future.


The Day of the Winter exhibition

As soon as the clock hit 3 we rushed to the gym, we set up the black curtains, blue mats, and we moved all our props. Once it hits 5:30 the doors open and we start to perform our triptychs. As the exhibition went on there were some struggles that made it more difficult like changing the costumes, moving the props, getting the audiences attention, and having tired legs. Of course there were a lot of positives to the night like having fun, feeling happy after a good performance, seeing other grades work, building on team spirit, and personally I was happy with how i read my script!This is a video of me performing the script:

Once it hit 7:00 everyone high fives each other and helped clean up!!!

Our Triptych

We made a digital tableau with 7 aspects of worldview, then we created a real life version. What are those aspects? Read the next paragraphs to find out.

Our medieval tableaux: Danny is an apprentice to Isaac and characterizes knowledge because apprenticeships were how they learnt. Griffin is a king to depict society because kings ruled over the lands. Elsa is paying taxes to Eloise which displays economy since they gave a lot of their resources to the king. Isaac is holding a sundial showcasing time because sundials were one of the only ways they kept time. The cross conveyed belief since Christianity drove the crusades. Griffin is holding a staff to represent values since people value having knights who had weapons to protect the land. Finally we have a river to indicate geography since in Medieval times you would be considered lucky to live near a river because it’s good for growing crops.

Next up is our Renaissance tableau. Griffin is the Catholic Church displaying society because the church held great power. Danny is reading a book to show knowledge because the WordPress was invented in the renaissance. Elsa is buying indulgences from Robin to distinguish the belief that Christians believed you would be forgiven of all your sins. For values we have Isaac praying because people valued the churches words and would listen to them with open ears. We have a clock to symbolize time since the clock was one of the biggest inventions in the golden age. Economy and geography is illustrated with a port since Italy’s location had a many ports which allowed increased luxurious trade.

Last we have our contemporary tableau.  We have Griffin as an Apple Store to represent society because apple is one of the biggest ways society communicate these days. To convey belief we have Eloise (me) as a scientist since today we act with facts and proven solutions. To portray values we put in an iPad since we value having knowledge at the tips of our fingers. We indicated knowledge by Danny reading Wikipedia which shows how much knowledge we get from websites. To depict time we showed Elsa checking her watch since now we are lucky to be able to look at our wrists and know the time. Lastly to define economy we put a taxi in because today gas cars affect our economy and we are trying to switch to electric cars because it’s better for our climate.

Why does the past matter to us today?

After learning about worldview, I think learning about history lets us understand how societies functioned in the past and we can better understand how they function today. It also helps us understand how we can build from what they started.


Finding Fun With Drawing!

Have you ever done art for 5 days straight? Well i have, and personally I found it very hard because art is not my strong subject.

Lines and Pressure
To start learning about Sketches Pro we had to learn the tool bar (put a link). We practiced various methods and designs. For example, how to use the ruler and the purpose for each tool. Then we had to incorporate everything we learnt into our drawing. We had to make a sketch of a word that has meaning to us. So I picked my dog’s name and did my best to make it cool and creative.


Has there ever been an emoji that you want to be real? For this part, we practiced using 2d shapes to create abstract ideas. After we practiced these new skills, we created an original emoji. This is my first draft of my emoji. I considered this first draft as developing, so I decided to revise my emoji.This is my final draft of my emoji which i call “The Devil on my Shoulder”. I am very happy with how it turned out.

Lights and shadows
In class, we learnt how to shade with the smudging tools and make abstract 3d shapes, but this part is very simple so I hope my art speaks for itself.

After I finished the 3d shape, I went on to creating a robot. In this robot, I incorporated bright colours, 2d shapes, and the ruler tool so my lines are straight.  So meet Fredrick the robot!!!

Using colour
Have you ever made a logo? Well I have! We made a fictional company and created a design for the logo. For my company I wanted to create something related to food and creatures. So after a lot of brainstorming, I created Uni-Corn. The brand is pink popcorn with a unicorn as the mascot and here is my logo:


I hope you enjoyed my post. Make sure to check out some more of my blogs!!!

We can Learn from The Past

Why do we learn about the past? Why is it relevant today? As part of this project we learned about medieval times through reading The book of the Lion and made medieval artwork. It showed a medieval worldview which made me understand we are lucky to live in a place where we get opportunity to learn.

The Book of the Lion
First we read the book of the lion, to teach us about medieval worldview. The book of the lion is story about a young English man named Edmund,  he was saved by two knights who made him fight for the Lion’s Heart crusade in the Holy Land. We read this book to learn about Medieval Worldview and why it is still relevant today. My opinion on this book is that it had the right information but, it didn’t share it in the right way. I found this book hard to read and very boring with barely any moments that kept me hooked. If you’re trying to learn about worldview this is your book, if you just want a fun read as well I would not suggest it.


Medieval Times
Before I go on, what is Medieval times? After the fall of Rome the Catholic Church became the most powerful and leaders would get a lot of power from it and this lead to the Crusades which was a big part of the medieval times but, who and what were they? The Crusades were Catholic Knights and would go to the holy lands to spread the word and fight for Christianity. They were told if they fought for crusade all of their sin would be forgiven and could come back with Muslim treasure. If you want to learn more about medieval times click here.

Medieval artwork
After we finished the book we started the process of our final project.  We made medieval artwork of ourselves in paintings and included objects in the background that relate to medieval worldview. We couldn’t just go straight in to making the artwork we had to plan it out and have a reason for each object. So we made artwork choice charts:


Artwork explanation

After we finished the choice chart I started the artwork using superimpose and combined all of the images together. I put a king, farmer and an apprentice in my artwork because in medieval times, having an apprenticeship was a common way to learn. This shows that I can learn from my elders experiences.In the medieval times kings ruled at the top and farmers and peasants were on the bottom. Even if a farmer was more intelligent than a king he would have to stay in his role. This makes me learn to not judge a book by its cover and how important it is to hear everybody’s opinions. In medieval times you were considered lucky to live near a river so I put a river in my artwork. This affects my worldview because in medieval times most people would have to travel to get water and now we can just get water from a tap. I learnt, how grateful and lucky I am to live in a time period where engineering has evolved enough for us to get safe water. I have learnt so much about medieval times and how it connects to our learning.


After completing this project I realize it’s important that we learn about the past so we can relate it to the present day and avoid making mistakes in the future.

Looking back on the project I learnt several key things , first and most important I can learn from my elders, second to hear every bodies opinions and last to be grateful for what I have.


It’s the Start of Seycove

I have read The Outsiders.  I have done role sheets, I have questioned my worldview, I have created lyrics and I have created a music video. I did all of that in one Humanities project and I’m going to show you how I did it. First the driving question “How can a text help me understand myself as my worldview is changing”. So by the end of this project I answered that question.

Outsiders the Book

We read a Book called “The Outsiders” to learn about western worldview. The book showed us different types of people and how they think. For Ponyboy I was surprised because he smoked at the age of fourteen which now the average smoker first tries it at the age of 18. If you want to learn more about The Outsiders you could read the book or watch the movie.

Discussion Role Sheet

Every Friday we would meet up with our assigned groups and share our role sheets we made about The Outsiders. The role sheet took a lot of time and every time I would get feedback even if I thought it was really good. I took this feedback with a growth mindset and  progressed through this stage of the project and I am proud of my sheet.


Have you ever listened to  “It’s the end of the world and  I feel Fine” song. Well if you haven’t, click here. We changed all the lyrics to this song talking about our experience from elementary school to high school. We had our lyrics ready to make a song then our teacher said this is a group project and I felt relieved when she said that. My group was Cece, Isaac, and Griffin (click on their names to see their blog). So we decided to combine our lyrics to make one final draft of our song. Now we had to make the video to the lyrics using IMovie and connect them to the lyrics. Check out our video below:

In this project I learn that that are many world view and not just mine.Though I understand what worldview is my worldview is always going to be changing as I progress through high school and the rest of my life.

Becoming a PLP learner!

What’s PLP like? What do you take away from the projects? What’s Maker 8 like?

I just finished my first project and completed the driving question ‘Who am I as a PLP learner’ and I am going to explain;

~ my favourite part,

~ my least favourite part, 

~skills that I can apply to the future; and

~what I could have done better.

My Favorite part of my Project 

My favourite part the project was my ‘me emoji’. My me emoji is an emoji that looks like myself and has several digital stickers on a digital laptop. I really liked making my character and it was fun to make stickers about my life, to put on the laptop. When I was presenting my ‘me emoji’ I did a number of sound effects and animations.

My Least Favourite of the Project

My least favourite part of this project was my user manual. Personally, I don’t like writing about myself and find it very difficult because I over think it. The user manual required you to write in third person, make settings about yourself, show your accessibility, and say tips for how I can remain in optimal performance. So in general I found this part of the project very frustrating.

Skills I learnt that can apply to the future. 

Emotionally I learnt to always be patient since I was struggling to line up the animations correctly and I felt frustrated. When I had a growth mindset I was able to trouble shoot and succeed. The skill I think I will take away most from this project is transitions skills. In this project I spent time learning all the transitions and applied these skills to my slides. I hope to build on all these and improve them as I go on through my PLP journey.

What I could have done better

I recorded several voice overs. Although I prepared a script, I think I could have pushed my descriptive language by adding more detail into my script. Once I refined the script I should have practiced it several times. This would reduce the chances that I mumble or stutter because I don’t know what I’m saying. 

At the end of this project, I became a PLP learner and I am proud of my work. If you want to see the final product, click here :