Music and Me

For this challenge for #SBC2021 – students will be creating posts about MUSIC! Luckily, this just happens to be one of my favourite topics. I think it’s important that music is included in the Student Blogging Challenge and made the top 10 list because it is protected by Copyright laws – just as we learned with images last week.

Students must choose THREE of the eight options that can be found here. I have chosen a few too to discuss my love for music!

I started playing guitar when I was 14. After eight years of forced piano lessons (which I actually thank my mother for now), I wanted to be a rock star. I took lessons for five years and realized it was something that I started to love. I found some artists that I loved too, in particular Sarah Harmer.  Harmer is a singer – song writer from Ontario. Her songs often have to do with the environment, relationships, and stories from her life. She actually just released another album a decade after her last one. You can check out one of her new songs here St. Peter’s Bay.

Sarah Harmer

When I went to university I found myself playing at coffee shops, bars, events, and parties and I started getting paid for it! My favourite type of event to play are weddings. As you can see from the Header Image in this post – I’ve played several weddings in Deep Cove too!

I still get nervous before shows, and have some stage fright, but playing guitar and listening to music has become my escape. As a teacher, between classes I often listen to music, and on my way to and from school I listen to music to help me relax. When I am assessing work, I usually even listen to acoustic guitar. Music impacts me in interesting ways, and I know that I also experience frisson (a term I’ve never heard before by the way but apparently is a thing). Do you?

So that is my connection to music, I’m interested to know what yours is! Complete my Google Form that I created here so I can learn a bit more about how you experience music, and of course, if there is any music you think I should check out! Click on the title text below to complete it!

Music Google Form!

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