Category: Miscellaneous

This is a Test for Cool Website!


There are two options! This first one is called Flourish. The tricky thing is you have to make an account 😅
Once you upload your two images, choose whether you want to use the slider – fade – or spotlight.
When you are ready to publish go to the top right and click “Export & Publish”. Copy the “embed code that it provides you with.
We’ll go over the next step when you are ready to publish it!
This second one is called JuxtaposeJS! It’s free! But your images must come from a URL and it’s important that both your images are the same size.

Hello Peeps!

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog! I’ve set up this blog to try my best to keep up with all of my amazing students. At the end of all of the projects that we complete in the Performance Learning Program, students write reflective blog posts. The ins and outs of WordPress allow us to create some amazing things!

I’m here to check these things out, practice my own blogging skills, and give myself a platform to practice all the creative and innovative things I can do on WordPress.

Here goes!

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