Home is Where the Heart Is
I know it is a cheesy saying, but for whatever reason, for me “Home is where the heart is” has always rang true. For the Student Blogging Challenge today, we were asked to have some Fun with Photos! But not just any photos. When getting into Blogging, it’s important to remember Copyright Rules – so that was the underlying message of the task this week. The fun part though comes with the task – to create or take a photo and write a post about it!
The project we are currently working on is about worldview, so I figured I would use this opportunity to discuss one aspect of my worldview. Worldview is:
Worldview (noun): a collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or group; the lens through which the world is viewed by an individual or group; the overall perspective from which the world is interpreted
There are 7 aspects of Worldview: society, knowledge, economics, time, geography, beliefs and values. These 7 aspects are kind of the glasses that we see the world through. One lens that I feel really represents who I am as a person is geography – and that’s where my picture comes in!

For the Fun with Photos activity, I decided to create an ocean view of Deep Cove, which is where I grew up. These are the steps I took to create it:
- I found an actual photo on Google when I searched up Deep Cove on my iPad
- I imported the photo into Sketches Pro and added a layer to my sketch
- I traced the image with a black pen, and then made the photo layer invisible
- I chose colours next to fill the aspects of the photo. The colours I chose I feel represent who I am. I appreciate earth tones, love sunrises and sunsets, and feel most myself by the ocean
- I added orca fins to the photo as well. There are not always orcas in the Cove, my love for orcas has made me love the ocean, so I had to include them!
Overall, this image represents an important part of my worldview. Because I grew up by the ocean and the mountains, I have a huge appreciation for the outdoors. My interest in the mystery and power of orcas has pushed me to also study traditional ways of knowing of Coast Salish, which is a topic that I value greatly.
When I studied at university, I became fascinated by my home so I went into history – specifically First Nations studies and Canadian History. Although all the aspects of worldview make me who I am, I could almost say that the geography aspect of my worldview has shaped me into the person I am today.
P.S. – Student blogging challenge is going well! Last week students created their official Commenting Guidelines Posts! Check out Noah the “Cheese Man” who tell it to us straight! Hannah‘s wannabe Food Blog gives us instructions and an awesome poster as well! Or as Ben Y tell us – “Be Like Tutter“.