The Power Of A Growth Mindset!!!!

In PLP 8 the first thing you learn about is growth mindset and how to change and effect it.

We started of by watching a video of Timo the cat. Which shows how much perseverance it takes to achieve something, even if it’s getting into a hammock. Then we took a Grit and effort quiz to see how gritty we were. I got 2.60 out of 5. So I’m not very gritty yet but it said that I have a growth mindset so I can always improve.

Now some of you readers might think you are either born with a growth mindset of not, BUT that’s not true. Many scientists have done research which shows that the brain is like a muscle it can grow and improve too. So it doesn’t matter your who you are or what you like you can always develop a growth mindset.

So to go along with this growth mindset unit we had to do a long term goal selfie project. To do this we had to do a couple things first. First we had to do a mind web of all the academic stuff we wanted to improve using MindNode mine was not very big but it had every thing in it.

Mind Map

So after we did the mind map Mrs Maxwell our Maker teacher taught us about S.M.A.R.T. goal achieving.

After that we were ready.

So my first draft (yes there will be a lot of drafts on this portfolio)was very good. To be honest I wasn’t sure I was even going to get in on time. But here it is the original photo that I used.

Then I darken the background and cropped the photo so it looked like this.

See much better so then I added the words for my goal.

So obviously I need to change the text colour so leave comment down below if you know a good colour to go with my background.

Thanks for reading,

Your truly Emerson.

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