What’s up guys welcome to another post. Today I have an amazing experience to share with you guys! Recently it was take your kid to work day (which I’ll explain in a minute) I had so much fun at my mom’s work and I can’t wait to share it with you!
Every year across the Canada every grade 9 student has the opportunity to go to their parents or friends parents work. This year I am in Gr.9 so I had the opportunity to go. As I mentioned I went to my moms work because I didn’t want to sit around all day in an office cubicle like my dad. I decided that I would much rather go to see my moms school.
Yes that’s right my moms a teacher. So while some of my friends went to places like Amazon, I was still going to school.
Believe it or not I learned a lot about being a teacher as well as see the other side of a school.
I got to see many things that happen at a school that kids aren’t aware of. But one thing that stood out to me was how much a teacher has to work. Teachers have a tons to do. Not only do they have to plan lessons and what to teach but they also have meetings and marking. According to the Gr.7 teachers the marking takes forever and that’s just elementary school marking. I can’t imagine high school teachers having to mark not one but three to five classes worth of marking.
On top of all of the things that regular teachers have to do all the teachers at my moms school are moving back to their regular one.
For the last year and a bit Kingsford Smith the school my mom teaches at has been closed for earthquake renovations. The VSB decided to put half the school at Champlain heights and the other half at MacCorkindale. My mom got put at MacCorkindale so that’s where we went.
Normally when a company or a business they hire a company to pack up everything and move it all in a day. But unfortunately for the teachers they had to pack up everything that they wanted to take with them AND they still had to teach regular classes.
Being PLP we had a video assignment to do. Our task was to film a video that had an interview, a story and a focus. Below you will find my video. Enjoy!