Project A.D – Advertising Project Midpoint Post

Advertising is everywhere you go, and is a key part of sales promotion around the world. Without it, businesses could not promote their products on a mass scale like done today. To learn about its importance, our class is working on an advertising project, where we have to create 3 ads and present them online. Right now, we are about half way through our project and have completed 3 separate drafts of each ad.

To make my ads, I am using an app called Canva which is excellent for creating posters and presentations. I am also using my iPad’s camera  to take the photos for background images. We are not allowed to use images from the internet in our projects, so all pictures we use have to be are own. I would say the hardest parts of making our projects is coming up with original ideas that work with our ads, and finding ways to accomidate our teachers critiques into our work.

Ad #1 – Buisness Ad Drafts



This ad took the most fine tuning, because with all of the imagery in it, everything had to be put in the right place so it didn’t look crowded. I also greatly considered colours and typography for this ad to make sure it has the right affect on people. Some critique I received on this ad was to make sure the Shoppers Drugmart logo wasn’t covered up by the snow, so I carefully arranged it to make sure nothing was covered.

Ad #2 – Advocacy Disaster Ad Drafts

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This ad was the most fun to make, because in order to get the background photo, I had to build my own earthquake debris sence. The hardest part was getting the camera angle just right, but after some cropping and effects, the ad looked professional. Some critique I received about this ad was to put debris on the corners of the picture to make it look like the damage is bigger than what can be seen in the photo.

My Oregon Ads

These ads I created during my time in Oregon

Click here to learn more

My Business Ad

My Tourist Ad

My Advocacy Ad




2 thoughts on “Project A.D – Advertising Project Midpoint Post

  1. Your ads look super professional! I really enjoyed getting to see what you created! It was fun to see how it was different from this year without COVID-19.

    1. Thank you Fraser! I can’t believe it has already been five years since I made those. Looking forward to see what PLP is like for you guys after the pandemic.

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