It’s finally here, the last week of school. Blue Sky has concluded, Scimathics is coming to an end, and now all that’s left to do is reflect on this amazing year and begin preparing for the next. I feel, that over the course of the last 10 months, I have developed many different skills and abilities to help me learn and succeed, as well as improved on the ones I already had. I’ve had a great time in grade 8, and now I’m ready to share with you why I’m ready to enter into grade 9.
My best work
Throughout grade 8, I have worked on a variety of fun, challenging, and unique projects and have put a great amount of effort into each one. Every project has taught me something valuable and helped me improve and develop new skills. As the year has gone by, I feel the quality of my work has kept improving, and here are some examples of what I feel is my best work:
Destination Imagination Provincials
Areas I have greatly improved in
PLP isn’t just about learning new skills, but also improving on the ones you already have. This is one of this program’s aspects that I really enjoy, because unlike mainstream courses where you will learn a skill in a unit and may never revisit it, you get to keep working on key skills to perfect them. This has allowed me to improve greatly in things that I may have not been so good at before, and has helped me produce the best quality work possible. Here are some examples of work where I applied skills I have greatly improved on:
Destination Imagination – Transition
New skills I have developed
One of the main focuses of PLP is developing skills for success. This includes everything from organization tactics to learning how to set goals for yourself, and are typically learned throughout the year. These skills will not only be extremely useful in our careers one day, but also are being in our current projects, and here are some examples of times where I used these new skills to succeed:
Areas I can improve on
Although I have improved greatly on many things this year, there is still one area I feel I need to improve on more than others, and that’s group work. I have definitely gotten better with being agreeable and listening to others within a group, but there are still a few things that I could work on. Here are my goals for improvement in Grade 9:
1. Trusting and respecting my teammates more
2. Listening and compromising with them more
3. Including them more in projects