Transitional Presentations of Learning – A Reflection on a Year

During the night of the PLP spring exhibition, I realized something. I was presenting my project to a group of parents and noticed a grade 7 among them. I asked her if she was going into PLP next year and she said yes. We talked for a bit and I asked her what she thought about the program and what she was looking forward to. She told me that she was excited for the program and the other high school programs such as Band, but overall unsure. Then it dawned on me, this girl resembled myself in grade 7. I didn’t really think about it until now, but I have already gone through two years of high school; I’m going to be a grade 10 student next year. It didn’t seem like it as I was going through it, but so much has changed in my mindset, work habits, learning skills, and my overall approach to school. I’ve truly grown as a person, and now I’m going to reflect on the experiences that allowed this to happen, and why I am ready to move onto the next grade. This is my transitional presentation of learning for the year of 2017 and 2018.

Work That I Am Proud of:

This year, I have decided to apply myself to the best of my ability to my work and have created products I am really proud of. These examples range from work I have put exceptional amount of effort into, to projects where I took an innovative approach and found a way to make it work. I will not just be looking at my final products to determine these answers, but achievements along the way that I am I proud of. Here are my top examples of this work: 

My Frankenstuffie Video 

Our Metaphor Machine 

My Blue Sky Project 

Areas I Have Improved In:

Ever since grade 4 , my teachers have given me the opportunity to create and build on goals for myself for the next school year. Most times, I kept these goals in mind but didn’t make the effort to complete them. During the end of grade 8 however, I saw the value these goals could provide and decided to work on them more in grade 9. This year, I feel like I have done that, and improved in some of my weakest areas. Here are some examples of work that demonstrates my improvements of my previously mentioned goals:

Our Cloning Project 

Our Heritage Minute

My Correlation vs Causation Video 

Areas of Improvement:

Although I feel this year I have improved greatly, there are definitely areas I can still become stronger in. Some of these are areas I have been working on for a while, and others I have come to realize more recently. As a learner, there are always areas I can find to improve in, and that’s what is strive to do. Some examples of where I can find these areas are listed below:

Destination Imagination 


My Ottawa Book

My Goals

Throughout grade 9, I have worked on a variety of different projects. Overall, I’m happy with my results, but I am aware of areas were more growth can occur. This is why I have prepared three main goals that I can work towards in the future. Although I have a large amount of things I feel I could work on, these goals are the main points of focus I will look at next year. These goals are: 

  1. Know when to simplify my work

2.  Don’t take on more work than I can handle 

3.  Don’t push myself beyond what is needed 

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