My Renaissance Notes

Renaissance Introduction: What is meant by the term ‘Renaissance’? The literal term renaissance means “rebirth”, which is exactly what happen to society in Europe during this time Humanism Reading: 2. Describe the term secular humanism. Secular humanism is the focus on the progress of man kind and what we like to do instead of on […]

Destination Imagination – The Sequel!

As you can probably remember, about a month ago I wrote a post about the Destination Imagination regional tournament (for those who don’t know, Destination Imagination, or D.I for short, is a competition where teams of kids of all ages from across the world create performances based on a specific set of criteria and present them […]

Show your love for Canada!

You can help support my video by voting and enter in the contest here Do you live in Canada and want to win epic prizes? If so, then you are able to enter in the contest Here’s My Canada that celebrates Canada’s 150th birthday. You can make a video that explains what Canada means to you […]

A Shakespearean Experience

Roses are red, violets are blue, who knows how many poems, we can write about worldview? This was a common phrase to hear in the PLP 8 humanities class during our worldview/poetry unit. Due to the delay of the last part of our worldview unit in term one, we continued it throughout term two and […]

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