🧪Chemistry Stories🧪

Welcome back to another blog post! In this blog post I’m going to be talking a bit about our project that we just finished, chemistry stories. This project we learnt all about Bohr models, polyatomic ions, covalent compounds, and multivalent metals. What we needed to do for our project was create a animated video explaining the bond between your multivalent metal and covalent compound.

There were four curricular competencies. One the big idea. Two communication. Three processing and analyzing. And fourth questioning and predicting.

Big idea: The electron arrangement of atoms impacts their chemical nature. My understanding of this idea is that they do impact the chemical nature of atoms because of how many electrons and what shells their in an atom they will either share or give away electrons.

Communication: Formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon. I represented this in my video by creating a Bohr models to describe the phenomenon of the bonding of atoms.

Processing and analyzing: Construct, analyze and interpret models and/or diagrams. I had to construct Bohr models for my video, analyze them on a quiz and a test and explain them in my video.

Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest. This competency is demonstrated through use of class time. I used my class time efficiently and tried my hardest to stay on task because of my sustained interest in the topic. Because of this I handed in almost everything on time and created a video that showed my accomplishment.


Heres my final video:


– Emily ✌️

🔎 Let’s Reflect 🔍

Wow, week 8! The student blogging challenge has come to an end. This year was shorter then last year but still just as fun. Here is all the posts I did this year.

Week 1 ~ Let’s Get to Know Eachother

Week 2 ~ Connect Through Commenting

Week 4 ~ Your Choice

Week 5 ~ Music

Week 6 ~ Emojis

Week 7 ~ Celebrations and Traditions

I have two different looks on the student blogging challenge. One, it a fun way to express your self and share with others. Two, just some more work piled on top of more work. Now I’m not saying I don’t like the blogging challenge, I really do like it and it’s fun, but it does make it a bit difficult to complete the SBC blog post on time with other work due at the same time. 

But anyway I do want to continue with blogging. Plus we do a blog post for every project we complete so I don’t think I can get out of it. I’m kidding, blog posts are a great way to tell a story about what you learnt. I’m excited to see what I learnt from the SBC and put it into my school blog posts!

– Emily ✌️

⏳Woah, well that went quick⏳

Hello peoples! Well what do ya know! Term one is officially over. That went by really quickly. Now in this blog post I’m going to talk about all the videos my class has created this term. I’m not sure if I’m relieved that it’s over or stressed that it just means the next term is starting. But anyway I’m going to do a little reflection on each video we created.

4 Shot Film 

Empower learner ~ I have leveraged technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in my learning goals 

Now this video was the first one we made this year. I think we actually did pretty good on it. Although the sound quality could be better and I do wish we did a bit better with the transitions, over all it turned out pretty good for our first video of the year. I was pretty surprised as to our angels, shots, time management and communication because since we made this video within the first two weeks of school (before we had learnt much about film making) it had a great out come. My group did well with communication and time management as well as staying organized with the roles. This was definitely a good way to start off the year

Ghost Town Film

Knowledge constructor ~ I can critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and make meaningful experiences for myself and others 

In this video we had to create a short film in this little ghost town. I think this video turned out very well. The making if this video was actually very fun. I think we did a good job with this one. We had a good plan for completing it. We worked together, communication and did a good job with time management. So over all this was a great video. Definitely one of my favourite so far in the year.

Drumheller Documentary

Creative communicator ~ I communicated clearly and expressed myself creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to my goals.

 This video was a little quick documentary on an exhibit that’s e found interesting or important. We didn’t have time to plan this video because our teachers assigned it to us that day, right after lunch. So we had to quickly find an exhibit we liked and plan, film and edit in just one hour. Yes creating a video in one hour is pretty difficult but I think I managed to pull it off. If I were to do it again I would definitely try and fix the audio and maybe think of a script before so I’m not confused on what I should say. Other then that I would have liked to add some music and maybe a better title. In conclusion I enjoyed making this video, it was a good way to learn the ways of film. 

Alberta Video 

Innovative designer ~ I use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful, or imaginative solutions 

If you have read my other post Alberta 2019 you would know that my class went on a filed study to the Rockies. This was an amazing trip and I had so much fun. The reason we went on that trip was to answer our driving question. How does place impact ______? That blank would be filled in with different people group depending on which group you were in. Mine was wildlife. This made it a bit easier because I love wildlife so much. Through out this whole trip we needed to get lots of videos, pictures, information and interviews so we could create this video. This was an individual assignment that we needed to create. I think I did good with my time management skills and making sure I was on top of my work. It was hard at some points because all my classmates are my friends we got distracted a couple times, but it all worked out great. I think my video had a great turn out. And I’m glad to say I’m proud of it.

Run a Remake Video 

Computational thinker ~ I developed and employed strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions 

Now this video was definitely a fun one. If you would want to know more about this project here’s the post so you can check it out yourself. This video took a lot of planning. I think my group did a good job with this video. We needed to work a bit harder on our time management skills and our communication skills, but other then that we accomplished this video on time and got a pretty good mark. I’m excited to do another video similar style to this one in the future.

French Revolution ~ Rap Video 

Knowledge constructor ~ I can critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and make meaningful experiences for myself and others 

This video was the first of four Revolution videos. Since it was our first it was prefect but it did give a chance to work on the skills we are not great at so we can nail them for future videos. For this particular video we needed to write song lyrics about the French Revolution. This was not very difficult because we had learnt quite a lot about it in class plus my class was reading a book about the French Revolution. After the script was done we needed to film. But you can’t film without a plan. With my group it was a little hard to find time to film because everyone was busy in different days. In the end it all worked out and we got it all finished. And I must say the end result was pretty good, for our time making a rap video that is.

American Revolution ~ Act It Out Video 

Innovative designer ~ I use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful, or imaginative solutions 

This video was the second one we did about revolutions. Except instead of French Revolution it’s about the American Revolution. After we had completed the other revolution video we kinda had an idea on how to plan. We did much better with our time management and did a great job on our planning. Once we had that all figured out we moved on to filming. We picked a day the worked out for everyone and got it all done. After this video me and my group learned that being on top of things and having a good plan really helps with the video.

Russian Revolution ~ Explain Everything Video 

Computational thinker ~ I developed and employed strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions 

Second to last video! Now this video I can’t lie, my group got a little lazy for this one. We didn’t do great on timing and it took us a long time to decide which animation we wanted to do. It did all work out in the end but it was definitely a bumpy ride. It was hard because my whole group didn’t know much about animations and didn’t know how to make them. That definitely made it harder, not Impossible, just hard. But we worked together to learn how to make them and in the ended the video turned out pretty good.

Final French Revolution ~ Act It Out Video 

Empowered learner ~ I have leveraged technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in my learning goals 

Final video! This video was once again about the French Revolution. For the last videos of the revolution, we were able to pick any revolution we wanted. My group picked French because we knew the most about it and had the perfect idea on what to do. My group really wanted to up our game with this last video, so we took our time planning out the script, we decided a destination for filming and we talked about costumes because we decided to do the Act It Out! style video. This was definitely one of my favourites because we were very proud of the out come.

I really enjoyed creating all of these videos. Even though it took a lot of good communication, time management, critical thinking and team work without all of those the out come would not be as good. So I’ve learnt that using all these techniques and skills you can create an amazing video. I’m excited to see what I can do with the skills I learnt this term! Can’t wait to see what our teachers have in mind for us next term!


– Emily ✌️


Hello peoples! Welcome back to another SBC post! This week’s challenge is EMOJIS! This was a fun challenge and it was pretty. There were a couple of things we got to choose to do so I did emoji math and emoji art.

~ Emoji Math ~

☀️ + ☀️ = 20

☀️ + 🌧 = 65

☀️ + 🌧 + 🌈 =  165

☀️ + 🌧 + 🌈 +❄️ = 1,168


~ Emoji Art ~

This is my emoji art that I created. Hope you like this very short easy blog post.


– Emily ✌️


Hello peoples! And welcome back to my amazing blog! Sorry that was cringy, let’s try that’s again. Hey everyone! Today I’m gonna talk about music, since it is week 5 of the student blogging challenge. (okay that was better I guess) Anyway if you guys do not know what the blogging challenge is you should definitely go check out my other SBC (student blogging challenge)blog posts to learn more.

So music, music is amazing I love it so much. I have played quite a few instruments. Such as recorder, flute, guitar and ukulele. But ukulele is by far my favourite. Where do I start. I know first I’ll talk about why I started playing ukulele in the beginning. So about two years ago is really when I started. But before I did I was playing guitar, I do still play it but not as much as I used to. I knew that I wanted to play a different instrument but I wasn’t sure which one, so I continued to play guitar (which I had no problem with I just wanted to try something new). Then I heard about my friend who had just stated to play ukulele and I thought that was so cool and that I wanted to learn how to play it too. So we were looking for a ukulele for me but they were all very expensive, lucky for me we had an old one from when I was little. No it wasn’t in great shape but that wasn’t gonna stop me from learning how to play it. So we got it fixed up a bit and at first I would just look up songs that I wanted to learn on YouTube and just teach myself. But it was a little difficult so I asked my parents to put me in ukulele lessons. They did and I got to do them with my best friend who I had introduced me to the ukulele. Things were going great, I had a great teacher and I was learning a lot of different songs and chords. Now when someone says that sentence it kinda sounds like something bad is gonna happen. Nothing did it only got better. As time went on my ukulele started to break and it wasn’t really working. So I begged my parents for a new one. And I am so grateful they did.

I got my new ukulele which I love so much! After all my lessons were over I decided that I knew enough that I could continue by teaching myself. There are quite a few songs that I learnt just from watch a single video. The ones I learnt from YouTube are I’m Yours by Jason Mraz, Riptide by Vance Joy, Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole, Lava by Kuana Torres Kahele, Lost Boy by Ruth B. and Hey There Delilah. My favourite to play is definitely Hey There Delilah. I love this song so much plus it is my favourite song ever! I’m not sure what it is about it but just hearing it makes me happy and brings back great memories. So like I’ve said I love ukulele so much and I hope that I can keep with it till I’m older. I do try to play it everyday but I only end up playing three or four times a week. That’s okay but my is to play it more often so I can get better. I I hope you guys liked hearing about my journey with ukulele. And I would love to hear about any of the instruments you play or if you know the same songs as me.

– Emily ✌️

🎉Celebrations and Traditions🎉

HEY GUYS! Hellooo if you’re new here you should definitely go check out my other SBC (student blogging challenge) blog posts and learn more about it. Anyway this weeks blogging challenge we had to make a post on our celebrations and traditions we do all year, with your family, etc. So I decided to chose everyone in my family’s birthday. I decided to chose everyone in my family’s birthday because for my family it’s a big this we do. So what we will do is who’s ever’s birthday it is we will let them chose what we will have for brunch that morning and where we would go and what we would have for dinner. But I’m lucky because my whole family all lives pretty close(as in one hour away at most) but we always send as much time together as possible. Sometimes it’s annoying but sometimes it nice having them around (I’m kidding it’s always nice to have them around). Everyone’s family has very different traditions so if you have one that’s very unique and special, comment below and let me know what it is. I love hearing about you guys!


– Emily ✌️

🏑Field hockey🏑

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today I’m going to be talking about field hockey, my favourite sport! Now I have been playing field hockey for a very very long time. When I first got involved with field hockey I was only 7 years old. At first I was very bad, but I got motivated to get better. I did some extra practices to work on my skills. After about a year, I was ready to move on to a higher level. I went from U7 to U9. I was ready to show off my new skills. At that time I was 8 but everyone else was 9 and 10 which made me 100 times more nervous because they were all taller then me (everyone is) and I was very short (and I still am) plus I didn’t know anyone, which made it even worse. It was scary the first couple practices, but then a new girl joined. She was my age and we instantly became really good friends. It was great because we were at the same level. Till this day I am still friends with this girl. Her and I have been on the same team for 6 years and every year, the more people joined, the more fun we had. our team’s name was The Lightning. I loved my team so much and I wish we didn’t have to split up. This year is the first year that I am not on The Lightning; I am now on a new team called The Lions, with lot of new people that I am stilled getting to know.

There are lots of rules for you to learn, let’s start off with the basics. See the picture up there👆Right now it’s showing the back of the stick, you are NOT allowed to touch the ball with the back of the stick but you can with the flat side (which is on the other side). Now you have learned your first rule. Let’s learn some more.

You are not allowed to touch the ball with your feet. The ball can not go above your waist. You must be wearing shin guards,  a mouth guard and turf shoes. There are 10 players on the field plus the goalie. Each game has two halves and each half has 30 minutes.

A short corner is like a free hit, you get one when there is a penalty. For example: someone touches the ball with their foot within the D. The D is a half circle line around the goal, the purpose of the D is so you know where you can shoot. If you are in the D and you score a goal it counts. If you are not in the D and you score the goal will not count.

How a short corner works: there are four players in the goal with the goalie (they must be behind the line in the goal). The opposite team has 6 players standing along the D line to shoot on goal. There is one more person from the opposite team along the line of goal but at the edge of the D. They are the one that will be push-passing the ball to their team on the D. They have to bring the ball outside the D when they first receive it before they can bring it back in the D to shoot on goal.

There is something called a long corner which is when the ball goes out of bounds, you bring to the top of the D, the continue play.

There is some mandatory equipment. You need shin pads to protect your shins from feet, balls or sticks. Clothing wise you will need athletic wear for practices and a uniform for games, which includes socks that go over your shin pads, they will be given to you by your coach. You also need turf shoes. Turf shoes are like cleats but have more and smaller spikes. You will need a mouth guard because if the ball gets lifted at mouth height and you don’t have a mouth guard you might lose a tooth.  And last, but not least, you absolutely need a field hockey stick. This is a important because if you don’t have one then you can’t play. But it’s easy to pick one, the stick should be at waist height. And there you go you are ready for field hockey!

Hope you learned about field hockey. And if you have played field hockey before leave a comment and tell me about it. I would love to hear about your guys adventures though field hockey!!

And to add onto my obsession of field hockey. I have linked my blog that it completely about field hockey. So go check that our to learn some more. http://sheshootsandscores.weebly.com/

– Emily ✌️

🌷Spring Expedition🌷

Hi peoples! Today I’m going talk about BLUE SKY!!! Sense it is the last blog post I’m going to write of this year you should enjoy it. First let me explain Blue Sky, Blue Sky Is one of my classes big projects that we do every year. (this is the first year we got to do it though) Essentially what it is, is a product we make to help fix a problem going on our community. The problem I was trying to fix was how parents that like jogging but sense you need to hands to pump your arms it’s kinda difficult hold to the stroller. So what I made was a free hand jogger. How it works is there is a trap that goes around your waist a spring in the middle and two poles coming out the side that have clamps so you can attach them to the stroller handle.

Making this project was really fun! My plan to create it was I would get the materials, what I needed to get was an spring, a long PVC pipe, PVC pipe connectors and a fabric strap. First I would plan out how long it would take me to build each part. Once I had that planned out I just start creating. The first thing I created was the spring (the part that would go in the middle) then I measure how long I needed to the PVC pipe, I cut it at arms length so you would have room to pump your arms but have the stroller in arms length. After a had done that i just had to test it. Testing I was a little bit difficult because i dint actually have a stroller, but I figured out a way to test it. Finally I was finished! (If you want to see the time lapse of me making it, watch the video below. 


It felt great to actually have it done! But there was still some other thing that i needed to do. Before the expedition (that’s what we call it) we had to make a little presentation that explains all about what we had made. Somethings we had to include was our launch journal. OurLaunch journal is a little notebook that we kept to record all the steps from coming up with the idea to creating it. The day of the expedition went a lot better i thought it would be. Everyone asked a lot of questions and they all liked my product. (If you want to see my launch journal below show most of my work)

This was for sure a awesome project! And i am so excited to do it all over again next year!

K bye ✌️


Hello and welcome to my tPOLS! Today I am going to talk about projects I have done this year, my goal for next year and how I am going to get there. First let’s talk about some of my favourite projects I have done.

My favourite in humanities is Blue Sky. I liked this project the best because there was no limit in what to make. All it had to include was how it was going to help a problem. My idea was a waist band that would be attached to a stroller handle so when you are jogging your hands are free but the stroller is secured in front of you. If you would like to know more below I will show pictures of my brainstorming.    

Now it’s maker. Maker was really really really fun this year I really enjoyed it. The biggest project we did was definitely DI I liked DI because it was an awesome way to express your selfs, learn new things and meet new people. I would Explain DI as one big group working together to make an amazing presentation. It was very stressful but brought the class closer and was a learning experience. It also improved presentation skills in front of an audience. If you would like to know more about DI I will link my DI blog post below. 


Ok let’s talk science. We didn’t do many project but the one I liked the best was we had to write a book about tectonic plates but in a was kids could understand. Here it is if you would like to read it.

Tectonic plates

Sadly in math we didn’t do any big projects projects. But we did do TONS of work sheets. And I really enjoyed those to be honest.

PGP time! Okay now let’s talk about my experience with PGP. Now I’m just going to say hi his now PGP is not my favourite thing, but that’s ok because even if I didn’t like it, PGP has helped me become a better student and a better learner.

My goals for next year include staying on top of work, putting in all my effort and have positive look on what your doing!

Now my plan for next year is to have my main goal in mind at all times! (Always have a positive attitude!). If I can do that all year round I know that I will enjoy what I’m doing way more!

K bye ✌️

🕰Time Machine🕰

In my class we have an extra class called PGP. PGP is all about goal setting and helping us stay on track with homework it also about helping us become a better person. PGP has helped me so much this year with handing in work on time, putting in my best effort and letting me know doesn’t matter when the do date is what matters is that you finish it know you did your best instead of saying “well I did it”. 

I’m going to talk about our time machine.A time machine is a self reflection about all the stuff we learnt about in PGP. In my case I did a photo collage/comic. Down below is a representation of how PGP has helping improve as a student and as a person. 

Now it’s time to explain.

 In the first panel is show me frustrated and confused. I was trying to represent that before PGP it was hard to stay on top of all my homework and other stuff going on in my life. 

Next panel I’m am showing that at first PGP was boring and I didn’t think it was going to help me at all. 

Panel number 3 shows after some time it got interesting. I was more involved and was kinda enjoying what we were doing. 

Number 4 represents the book we read called The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens. Reading this book really helped me gain perspective of the world (I know that sound very cheesy but it’s true). 

In 5 shows that that’s when we started using the app Things and Calendar. Both of these apps have really helped me keep on top of things. 

Number 6 represents me thinking about graduating and thinking about how much easier it will be.

7 panel is all about me feeling good about finishing all my wrk on time and checking it off in Things.

Number 8 shows when that PGP has helped me soooo much throw out the year.

And last but not least panel number 9 represents how excited I am to do it all over again. (Kinda)


K bye✌️