Hi, this week of the student blogging challenge was all about coding! We had to complete three different tasks. First we had to leave a comment for someone named Alex. The second thing we had to do was an activity called Hour of Code. Finally the last thing that we had to do was try some code on our blog.


This is my comment that I left for Alex:



For the second task we had to try an hour of code activity. There were lots of different coding activities we could try. I chose to make a flappy game. I found it pretty easy because it was using blocks to make the game and I think that next time I want to try something a little more challenging. If you want to try the game click here



For the last task we had to try some HTML code on our blog. I learned how to make words bold and italic or even both! To make something bold use this around the text: <b>text</b> and for italic you use this around the text: <i>text</i>


This week of the student blogging challenge was fun! I really enjoyed making the game and learning a little code.