Emily’s Blog

Just Imagine


Student Blogging Challenge

SBC Week 10

The Student Blogging Challenge was super fun! My favourite weeks were definitely week 4: emojis, week 7: your choice and finally week 8: celebrations and festivals. I really enjoyed making my emoji game. I also liked week 7 because we… Continue Reading →

SBC week 9

Hi, this week of the student blogging challenge was all about coding! We had to complete three different tasks. First we had to leave a comment for someone named Alex. The second thing we had to do was an activity… Continue Reading →

SBC week 8

This week of the student blogging challenge was all about celebrations. I chose to make a Christmas craft this week.   When I was thinking about what I wanted to create I knew that I wanted to make a Christmas… Continue Reading →

SBC week 7

For week seven of the student blogging challenge we could write about anything we wanted to. I decided to write about something that excites me, creating things! I am going to talk about how I built my gum ball machine…. Continue Reading →

SBC Week 6

For this week of the blogging challenge it was about science. I chose to research about sleep and dreams. I started off asking why do people dream and the answer I got was no one knows for sure. That was… Continue Reading →

Two Types of People

This post is for week five of the student blogging challenge. I chose option one which was called Two Types of People. To make this I mostly traced shapes in keynote but I did draw the apple slices in a… Continue Reading →

Emoji game

This video is my emoji game that I made for the Student Blogging Challenge week four. I hope you enjoy it!

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