Chem 12 Unit 3 Ksp


Data booklet – you will need this throughout Unit 3 and the rest of the course for all work you do in Chem 12.






Why some First Nations still don’t have clean drinking water — despite Trudeau’s promise


Updated package for Unit 3 used in 2022:  Chem 12 Unit 3 Ksp intro packet 2022


Any dates you see listed below, do NOT apply to our 2022 timeline:

A short intro to Unit 3 Solubility: Chem 12 Unit 3 intro notes 2019  

Chem 12 Unit 3 intro notes filled in 2020

12Wkst3.1  and Ch 12 3.1 key updated corrections


We will start the next Notes package #2 for Unit 3: SATURATION and PRECIPITATION 


Unit 3 sample calculations – Mrs. T will lead you through this page of questions on the front board today.  Sat and Prec Notes Pkg ANSWER KEY    This includes the answer key to the UNIT 3 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS!

Time in class to work through worksheet 3.2 in class and ask for help as well as One more Unit 3 worksheet (for Quiz prep)  and a really important quiz review worksheet: K trial and solubility calcs QUIZ REVIEW

Unit 3 Quiz. Short answer / Calculations (no definitions).

Day 1 of the lab experiment. Unit 3 Sodium Acetate Saturation Lab. (20 minutes).  Followed by: Unit 3 Quiz. Out of 18 marks.

HW: to read through:  Unit 3 notes 3rd notes package  (You should be able to guide yourself through this package, possibly with the help of your textbook to fill in any background information that you feel you are missing. Make notes in the margin and ask questions next week).


Day 2 of the lab experiment.  Full write up (as indicated on the lab handout) is due Monday January 27  27 marks.  THE PRE-LAB QUESTIONS ARE NOT REQUIRED. THEY ARE NOT BEING MARKED!

IMPORTANT NOTE!  Any students that do NOT hand in the POST lab questions (the full report) on Mon Jan 27 will be given a DIFFERENT handout of Lab report questions to submit.


You should continue to use your textbook to work through this  Unit 3 notes 3rd notes package independently. Make notes in the margins as you work through it and be ready to ask any questions next class.

Throughout the next week we will be working through these “next level calculations”, as we consider the case of ions interfering with the solubility / precipitation of solutes in solution:  Unit 3 Dual Equilibrium Problems and Dual Equil Probs Annotated Key

Today Mrs. Toombs will demonstrate how to do the  Question 1 dual equilibrium and Question 1 What ppts first



Notes Package 3: ask any questions on Monday:  Unit 3 notes 3rd notes package



IMPORTANT NOTE!  Any students that do NOT hand in the questions (the full report)  will be given a DIFFERENT handout of Lab report questions to submit.

Follow up on Unit 3 notes 3rd notes package – do you have any questions?


Finishing the  Unit 3 Dual Equilibrium Problems worksheet by learning how to do the third question type:



Also, you will get a new handout:  Aim to get through these two new worksheets

A final, “next level”  Check on how WELL you know your unit 3 material: Unit 3 Skullduggery (final U3 wksht) 2017 (includes KEY)  

AgCl PPT titration application question A final application of precipitation to consider.  AgCl PPT application questions ANSWER KEY

 Unit 3 OBSERVATIONS LAB: not a formal lab report; just submitting observations (all work is completed IN GROUPS during class time on Jan 29 and 31 and due on Feb 4 30 marks


  • Complete your Unit 3 OBSERVATIONS LAB analysis (absentees catch up today)
  • All of the worksheets you received
  • A new Unit 3 Test review package to help your Unit 3 test review.

A brief intro to UNIT 4:  Acids and Bases (characteristics) followed by some time in class to ask questions about your Unit 3 test

Part 2 of the brief intro to UNIT 4:  Acids and Bases (calculating pH) followed by some time in class to ask questions about your Unit 3 test

  • Final Unit 3 test



NEW PRACTICE QUESTIONS HANDED OUT: Sol Prac test SA word probs 2020


go to the Unit 4 page of our website.  Acids and Bases.