Vibrant Video

Maker 9 has been eventful to say the least. We started the semester with Destination Imagination which was a rollercoaster of an project. Now we are putting our final touches in our most recent project Believe in good, which has taught me to become more “effective” person. And finally our most recent project Vibrant Video which is what this post is about, this project was all about filming, we looked into different skills each day such as editing, angles and special effects.

I’m going to sort this blog post into day 1-5 as this was an incredibly short project.

Day 1 – April 11th
To be able to create a movie you must know the basics. Today we learnt about movie terms, nouns and definitions. We did an activity where we had to write down and brainstorm with our group the definitions, examples, non examples and characteristics of an film. Next we had to think like a movie maker, we were tasked with creating a video using clips all about your main hobby and how it makes you you.

Day 2 – April 13th
Today we looked into the history of movies and film and took notes throughout the whole thing. We learnt how film started it didn’t even have a story behind a lot of them, no one had seen anything like moving picture so many people were confused and scared of films. Our next skill was creating a movie that looked like a 1900s silent movie. I made mine about a bet in the nba and I feel it’s pretty well done.


Day 3 – April 19
We took a lot more notes on the history of film making, this time it was focused on film becoming a business. I found it very interesting that actors signed contracts that gave the company complete control over them. I also started the third skill, which was making a tutorial video, this was a group activity. I was put into a group with Declan and Ben. The first thing we had to to do to start filming was create a story board. We decided to make our video about teaching people How to walk to the park

Day 4 – April 21
Today we filmed our tutorial video, it went really well we got all of our required shots and we had a little bit of humour in it. I’ll link it below ⬇️

Day 5 – April 27

Overall I found this project a nice short break from all the chaotic project going on and I learnt a lot on how to create my own videos.

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