To finish our unit off in PLP scimatics eight about plate tectonics I am going to write a blog post reflecting on some things I’ve learned. Plate tectonics was a very fun unit and I really enjoyed it. Plate tectonics are pieces of Earth’s crust that move around under neath us. The Earth has four layers the inner core, outer core, crust and mantel. These plates can cause natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanos. Plate tectonics also create things like mountains and trenches. There are three main kinds of plate tectonic movement, the first one is transform, when plate tectonics transform they move side by side. The second one is converge, when plate tectonics converge they move towards each other. The last one is diverge, when plate tectonics diverge they move away from each other. When plate tectonics diverge it can cause volcanoes and subtle earthquakes that can cause tsunamis. When plate tectonics converge they can cause volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. When plate tectonics transform they can cause earthquakes and tsunamis. I think that i have improved my knowledge a lot on plate tectonics. For this unit we also wrote a mind map, at the start of the unit we put any questions we had into it and that we have finished we answered all the questions we could. One of my questions at the start was does gravity affect tectonic plates? Now i can answer the question as Yes, the main driving force of plate tectonics is gravity.
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