To finish of our maker unit we get to make a blog post! In maker we got to work on many different things that all evolved around the power of a pencil. I am in an awesome program called PLP at school and we get to do all our work on iPads. Our power of the pencil unit was about how to use our Apple Pencil and our iPads to our advantage when drawing and other amazing skills.

Our first assignment in this unit was to create word art using our names. This is mine.

This is my word art!

I think I excelled a little in this because i love to draw and we got to learn and use all the tools in sketches pro to help us create this. Word art was definitely really fun for me and I enjoyed it a lot because I always like to use and draw different fonts in different ways.

Task two sketch notes!

Our next task was sketch notes. For this task we had to watch a video about growth mindset and fixed mindset and then create a sketch note while watching it. Sketch notes are notes that you draw and write to help your brain remember things.

This is my sketch notes!

This was one of my least favourite assignments as i have never really enjoyed sketch noting and I find it easier to remember things by just simply taking simple word only notes. I did well in this assignment but I did not enjoy it as much as the others.


For task three we were to take a photo of ourselves and trace over it to create a portrait.

This is my portrait!

I traced over a picture of myself that my friend Indy took on a school trip to Oregon . I enjoyed this activity a lot and i think i excelled in this more than my other tasks. In this portrait i am touching a sea Anemone which is in my book

Milestone 4 still life fruit bowl.

The still life fruit bowl was definitely my least favourite of this whole unit. For still life we had to take a picture of a fruit bowl and trace over it. I didn’t really like this one because we had to add shading. Shading is not very fun to me i just don’t really enjoy doing it. This is my fruit bowl.

This is my fruit bowl!

Design a logo!

For task number 5 we had to create a logo. I decided that i was going to create a logo for ERINZ ATHLETIKZ. ERINZ ATHLETIKZ is not a real thing, I made it up and it is a store that sells athletic clothing for everyone.

This is my logo!

Milestone 6!

Our last and final project of this unit. For this we could create anything using the things we have done. I created a word art.

This is my Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious word art!

I decided to do word art for the word Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I love Mary Poppins and i thought that this word was perfect for word art. I am really proud of this and I also now know how to spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious of by heart.

This was a really fun maker unit and I really enjoyed it!