PLP Maker 8 project end blog post time! This past unit has been about the global pandemic COVID-19 and how we have been huge witnesses in a global event that will probably be remembered for a while. We all created a photo essay in Book Creator , mine is right underneath this. Let’s get into it!
My Book!
This is my book. I went around my neighbourhood and took the photos with my parents and dog. I made sure to social distance and I made sure not to go near anyone. I took pictures of the empty trails, fields and closed parks. For this project I was to tell a story through photo journalism during this time of social distancing. My story was about social distancing and how we all have to stay away from each other.
Driving Question!
How can we, as photojournalists, tell stories of our community during this period of physical distancing? This was our driving question. My answer to our question is creating. Creating a photo walk with a story line, making the images have a very clear story that’s easy to follow and then sharing it with the world. A few of our stepping stones and milestones helped me answer this question. The first one being milestone one we got to experiment in taking photos and we even looked at photo essays other phot journalists created. Looking at the other photo essays we got to see a story within the photos, we also tried to figure out what the journalists point was and figure out why they decided to create it. When we started creating our photo essay we had multiple times when we got to get feedback from other classmates and also see their book and critique them. This helped a lot as we were able to improve them and get ideas on how to Meade them better.
Creating My Book!
The process to create my photo assay was a very fun process. We started by just simply making a story outline. We looked at other photo journalists work to help give us ideas. Then we started creating the book and we started with just a draft. We got into pairs with another classmate and critique each others work. We made a lot of improvements along the way and it definitely had changed a lot by the end.
How might I use technology to connect with the world more? For this first competency technology has really been a huge tool during this pandemic as it lets us talk to our friends even though we can’t see them. Creating this photo essay and sharing it with the world is a great example of this competency. Sharing the book I created is sharing another different perspective on this global pandemic. It’s apart of my perspective that I’m sharing to the world and I’m telling a story I created.
How might I use technology to learn more? I would hear all the news that’s happening in the world from my friends at school but now at home I hear all the news by seeing it on my iPad. The iPad is an amazing tool during this pandemic I have been reading all these news articles about the virus on my iPad and it has helped me so much. I have learned a lot with it as when I’m interested in something I can just find an article on it.
Overall I’ve really enjoyed this project and I’m super excited for the next one. I’ve learned so much about photo journalism and I can’t wait to see what I learn next!
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