Cray, Cray, Yay, Yay! Spring Exhibition 2022!!!

Hello!!! I’m Erin! Welcome to my blog. This is a post about our last unit in maker and also our spring exhibition 2022! I will explain and share my learning in this post. I am apart of a program at school called PLP. PLP is a project and technology based fun way of learning. I hope you enjoy this post!

What is a crazy person?

The main focus on our unit was the idea around what makes someone crazy? A crazy person are people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world. They challenge different new ideas and fight for them. We spent the first few classes learning who is a crazy person and sharing examples of people who are crazy. Martha Graham, Elon Musk, Greta Thunberg! They are all crazy ones.

The Crazy Ones Apple Ad

Impact Makers!

After learning about crazy ones we moved into learning about impact makers. Impact makers are crazy ones who actually changed something in the world and impacted our lives. Usually they impact our lives in a positive light. After learning these new understandings we of course had to relate it to our lives. We all picked and researched a person who is an impact maker in our community.

Community impact makers!

For my community impact maker I chose Maëlle Ricker. Why? Maëlle Ricker is a Canadian snowboarder. Maëlle became the first Canadian woman to win an Olympic gold medal at a home Games at Vancouver 2010. Maëlle retired in 2015, she said after retirement that she wants to “give back to her community and find a way to make an impact with these younger athletes that are coming up.”. Maëlle has and continues to train and inspire the next generation of young snowboarders in Vancouver BC. How is she connected to me in my community? Maëlle was born in North Vancouver Canada and grew up here in BC. She trained and snowboarded on local mountains and slopes. She is part of the Vancouver and BC community, she is also part of the snowboarding and mountain community. I personally don’t snowboard, I ski. Ive grown up here in North Vancouver skiing with my family on the slopes at our local mountains, Ive been skiing ever since I was about 6 or 7 years old.

The Spring Exhibition 2022!

This was the project we did for the Spring Exhibition! We all shared our information on our community impact makers and how they impacted our community! We also all made a portrait of them. Here is mine!

Maëlle Ricker

Thank you for reading this blog post! I hope you enjoyed and learned a little something about crazy ones and community impact makers! Have a great rest of your day 🙂