My 2024 Transitional Presentation of Learning 🥳🎉

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

In this T-POL I will answer the driving question “How can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviors have prepared you to advance to the next grade?” I will share examples of how I have demonstrated the PLP Success Behaviors throughout the school year. I will provide evidence of how I have been engaged, responsible, and accepting feedback in my learning. I will showcase projects, assignments, and assessments that highlight my growth and achievement. I will also reflect on areas where I can improve and set goals for the future. By showcasing my evidence and reflecting on my learning journey, I will demonstrate that the PLP Success Behaviors have prepared me to advance to the next grade. Thank you for your support and for believing in my potential as a learner.🤩🤓

First, one of the projects I was very engaged in was Destination Imagination. Destination Imagination (D.I.) was very helpful and improved my focus and engagement skills because we had to be very engaged with every task we did. When we were put into groups, each member had an important task in the project. It became clear that when some teams had missing members, they seemed to be struggling a little. This showed that every member being engaged was a key element for this project. Through D.I., I learned the importance of collaboration and how my active participation could influence the overall success of our group. For example, during our problem-solving activities, I had to communicate effectively and ensure that I was contributing my part to meet our deadlines. This experience has taught me that being engaged means not only focusing on my tasks but also being aware of how my contributions impact the team. Working on this project allowed me to practice my problem-solving skills in real-time. We often encountered unexpected challenges, and staying engaged meant being adaptable and thinking creatively to find solutions

Cutting wood!

(Read more here)

Reflecting on the Destination Imagination Tournament

Second, a project that showcased my responsibility was the spring exhibition. This project highlighted my responsibility because I had to be accountable in my role as a team member. Each team member was responsible for their own part in making the ads, snacks, and other elements for the exhibition. I demonstrated my responsibility in several ways. For instance, I baked cookies, made friendship bracelets to give out, and created the video ads for our presentation. Baking cookies required me to manage my time effectively, and ensure that the cookies were ready on time. Making friendship bracelets involved attention to detail and dedicate time to producing a quality product. Creating the video ads required me to plan, and edit content, ensuring that it effectively communicated our message. Through this project, I learned that being responsible means being reliable and following through on commitments. My contributions were essential to the success of the exhibition, and I took pride in ensuring that my tasks were completed to the best of my ability. This experience reinforced the importance of taking ownership of my responsibilities and the impact it can have on the overall success of a team project. Overall, the spring exhibition project was a significant opportunity for me to demonstrate my responsibility. It taught me the value of accountability and reliability, both of which are crucial for my advancement to the next grade.

(Read more here)

The Spring Exhibition: An adventure of knowledge

Third, I have demonstrated my ability to accept feedback, both positive and negative, through the Two Stars and a Wish method used by my classmates. This method involves receiving two positive comments (stars) and one area for improvement (wish) about my work. By consistently participating in this feedback process, I have learned to embrace constructive criticism and use it to enhance my learning. For example, during our group projects and individual assignments, I would receive feedback from my peers highlighting what I did well and suggesting areas for improvement. One time, a classmate praised my creativity in a presentation (a star) and my thorough research (another star), but also suggested that I work on my public speaking skills (the wish). Instead of feeling discouraged by the wish, I viewed it as an opportunity for growth and actively worked on improving my presentation delivery in future projects.

In conclusion, throughout this T-POL, I have demonstrated that the PLP Success Behaviors have prepared me to advance to the next grade. By showcasing my engagement in the Destination Imagination project, my responsibility during the spring exhibition, and my ability to accept and act on feedback through the “Two Stars and a Wish” method, I have provided clear evidence of my growth and achievement. These experiences have not only highlighted my strengths but also helped me identify areas for improvement. I am committed to continuing my development as a responsible, engaged, and reflective learner. Thank you for your support and for believing in my potential as I advance to the next grade.

the next grade. Thank you for your support and for believing in my potential as a learner. 😎🥸

The Spring Exhibition: An adventure of knowledge

Our Spring Exhibition project titled The Wilderness Must Be Explored! was truly an adventure from start to finish. The driving question for our project was “How does language inspire adventure?” Through our journey, we discovered the profound power of storytelling and communication in igniting a sense of exploration and discovery. Language, in its many forms, served as the vehicle that transported us to new realms, offering a window into the unknown and inspiring a deep-seated desire to explore. We learned that words, whether written, spoken, or visualized, have the extraordinary ability to paint vivid landscapes and evoke the thrill of adventure.

One of the highlights of our project was the field study we took to Oregon. Each day of our trip was filled with exciting activities that allowed us to immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature and the thrill of adventure. My Oregon trip journal is filled with memories of hiking through lush forests, zip lining over crystal clear lakes, and connecting with the local community. Each activity was carefully chosen to challenge our perceptions and expand our horizons. For instance, the hikes through Oregon’s lush forests were not just physical journeys but also metaphorical ones, encouraging us to push our boundaries and embrace the unknown. Similarly, zip lining over crystal-clear lakes provided a unique perspective, literally elevating our view and metaphorically showing us the beauty that can be seen when we take risks. The field study was filled with fun and challenges that were hard to overcome, but I would love to do it all over again. The trip was a completely new adventure and an eye-opening experience that definitely impacted my worldview as a student. The interactions with the local community offered us insights into different lifestyles and cultures, enriching our understanding and appreciation of diversity. I will always remember it. If you want to read more in detail, I will make sure to link my field study journal which has all of the days recorded in it.

(READ ME  👇)

Throughout the project, we engaged in various competencies such as communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. Communication was key as we had to convey our ideas effectively within our team and to our audience. Critical thinking came into play as we analyzed how different forms of language can inspire adventure and what elements make a story compelling. Collaboration was essential as we worked together as a team to create an ad campaign that showcased the theme of bonding and community through adventure. Our campaign included six print ads and two video ads that we presented to parents during the exhibition. The print ads were designed to visually capture moments of adventure, using powerful imagery and succinct text to evoke emotions and inspire viewers. The video ads, on the other hand, told stories of our adventures and the bonds we formed, bringing our experiences to life for the audience. And to draw in guests, we made friendship bracelets, symbolizing the connections we made and the importance of community in any adventure. The making of these bracelets was a collaborative effort, reflecting the theme of unity and shared experiences.

Video ad 1  Video ad 2

(Click Us 👆!)


As I look back on the 2024 Spring Exhibition, I am filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Our project not only allowed us to explore the wilderness of Oregon but also to explore the power of language in inspiring adventure. It was truly a memorable experience that I will always cherish. The exhibition was not just a showcase of our work but a celebration of our journey, highlighting the skills we developed and the lessons we learned. The feedback from parents and guests was overwhelmingly positive, with many appreciating the creativity and depth of our presentations. This experience has reinforced my belief in the power of language and storytelling, and how they can inspire us to explore, dream, and discover.

Small But Mighty: The Microorganism Project

Hello and welcome to my blog post on the Small but Mighty project, in this project we had to show our knowledge on the immune system, cells, and bacteria. We worked hard on showing our knowledge with things like our field journal, our immune system character cards, and our vaccine media campaigns always referring back to the driving question, “How does our knowledge of cell biology contribute to public health?”Throughout the project, we delved into the intricate world of microorganisms and their impact on public health. By conducting research, creating visual aids, and presenting our findings to the class, we aimed to raise awareness about the importance of understanding cell biology in the context of public health. Our project was not only informative, but also engaging as we explored the fascinating world of microorganisms and their role in maintaining our well-being. Join us on this journey as we uncover the significance of these tiny but powerful organisms.

First, to dive into the waters of microorganisms, we started off with the field journal where we documented observations and growth in the bacteria we grew in petri dishes. We swabbed specific places around the school and used the scientific method to help observe the bacteria. In the scientific process we started of with writing a question, my question was, Where in the school is the has the most bacteria? A classroom table, a bathroom sink, bathroom floor, or the inside of a locker? (Read my conclusions in the presentation)

Second, the character cards were a fun challenge where we made the cells in our bodies into characters (I chose Ryan Reynolds’s characters) T-cell was deadpool because it kills pathogens, the b-cell was green lantern because it creates antibodies, white blood cells was guy (from free guy) because of the one scene where he had a Captain America shield, and antibodies were detective pikachu becasue antibodies stick to pathogens just like how Ryan Reynolds’s character was stuck in pikachu’s body, and I made the macrophage guy from the croods because macrophages eat pathogens with the hunger of a caveman. This mini project was a great way to learn about the different types of cells and their functions in our bodies. By turning these cells into characters, it made the information more engaging and easier to remember. Plus, it was a fun and creative way to showcase our understanding of the material. I definitely feel like I have a better grasp on the topic now and I actually enjoyed learning about it. Who knew that microorganisms could be so fascinating and entertaining? It just goes to show that even the smallest things can have a big impact.

Last, the vaccine ad campaign was aimed towards anti vaxxers and their interesting reasoning for not getting their covid shots, me and my partner chose the fact that they believe it’ll make them magnetic turning them into Bill Gates’ chess pieces. Through our vaccine ad campaign, we aimed to debunk myths and misinformation surrounding vaccines and promote the importance of getting vaccinated for public health. By creating engaging and informative ads, we hoped to encourage more people to make informed decisions about their health and the health of those around them. 

Overall, the Microorganism Project has been a rewarding and eye-opening experience, shedding light on the significance of cell biology in the context of public health. Thank you for joining us on this journey to explore the world of small but mighty microorganisms. I hope that through my research, presentations, and creative projects, I have taught others about the role that microorganisms play in our daily lives. By showcasing the importance of cell biology in public health, I have aimed to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and the health of their communities. As I continue to learn and grow, I invite you to join us in our mission to raise awareness and advocate for the well-being of all through everyone’s knowledge of microorganisms. Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and I look forward to continuing to explore the fascinating world of small but mighty microorganisms together. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting discoveries in the world of cell biology and public health!

Echoes of Colonization: a Keynote Presentation


As our group started on the journey of creating and presenting a keynote on the consequences of colonization to the BC First Peoples Grade 11 class, we were driven by a shared passion for shedding light on historical injustices and their enduring impact. Our process was marked by collaborative effort, deep research, and continuous learning.

Our Process Throughout the Project 📗🖊️📋

From the initial brainstorming sessions to the final rehearsals, our process was characterized by open dialogue and collective decision-making. We divided responsibilities, with each member contributing their expertise to different aspects of the presentation. Researching topics such as health, gender roles, and the specific experiences of the Haida Indigenous people provided a rich foundation for our content.

As we crafted our Keynote, we prioritized clarity and storytelling. We aimed to strike a balance between conveying information and evoking empathy, recognizing the importance of engaging our audience on both intellectual and emotional levels. Using our craft notes, we made informative slides full of facts and knowledge about the consequences of colonization.

My Craft Notes

Learning Through the Project 🎓📓📝

Our learning journey was evident in the depth of our research, the refinement of our presentation skills, and our growing understanding of the consequences of colonization. We dived into historical documents, scholarly articles, and personal narratives to gain a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, our engagement with feedback, both from peers and from the Grade 11 class, allowed us to refine our presentation and deepen our impact.

Final Keynote and Presentation Reflection 🔊🗣️

Our final presentation was a culmination of weeks of hard work and collaboration. We incorporated visuals, such as maps, photographs, and infographics, to complement our narrative and enhance audience comprehension. The photos captured moments of connection and engagement with the Grade 11 class, as well as the supportive atmosphere within our group.

(notes we got from the grade 11s)

Embedded Links to Group Members’ Blogs 🔗📚

Check out my group members’ blogs for their perspectives on our project:

Brooklyn’s Blog

Elsa’s Blog

Eloise’s Blog

Reflection of Individual Keynote🤔💭

My individual keynote focused on the impact of colonization on gender roles, particularly the suppression of Two-Spirit individuals. Through research and personal reflection, I sought to amplify voices that have been historically marginalized and explore avenues for reconciliation and empowerment.

The Driving Question and Our/My Answer to It 📖

The driving question, “What were the consequences of colonization?” guided our exploration and shaped the narrative of our presentation. Our answer was multifaceted, encompassing themes of ongoing suffering, economic disparities, the loss of culture, and the enduring legacy of diseases like smallpox. We provided specific examples and narratives to illustrate the far-reaching consequences of colonization on Indigenous communities in Canada.

In conclusion, our journey of creating and presenting a keynote on the consequences of colonization was both challenging and rewarding. It deepened our understanding of history, strengthened our presentation skills, and fostered connections with our audience. As we continue to reflect on this experience, we’re committed to amplifying Indigenous voices, challenging systemic injustices, and contributing to meaningful reconciliation efforts.


My mid-term presentation of learning 🥳


Hello and “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.” In this blog you will see a reflection of the projects and classes I’ve had so far in PLP, How I think I grew as a learner this year and how I showed it, how I think I can alter or fix my learning plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets of this school year some of my struggles and solutions I’ve been using to help me improve.

My Learning Plan and how I can change/ fix it to ensure I meet my goals 🤔

This is my learning plan we wrote it in the beginning of the school year to set goals and learning target to reach by the end of the school year. The learning target I set for myself was to be better with time management, I noticed when I worked I would get frustrated with “not having enough time” while every one else was finished two days ago, or getting to school and forgetting about the homework that was due. I wanted to fix this so I’ve created small solutions such as setting constant reminders and small goals within this one to try and reach this learning target. So far when I look on Showbie for the first projects they aren’t the best with time management but now on more recent projects there are only one or two projects late so I am confident that I will meet this goal by the end of the school year.

I can improve my learning plan by using it more often to help me reach my academic goals and achieve them faster. This is how I can fix my learning plan and ensure I reach my learning target by the end of the year.

My PLP classes  📝

Reflecting on my PLP classes, I can see how I improved on many skills such as communication, collaboration, and preparation. These skills are very important in everyday life and I’m glad I got to improve and work on them in humanities, maker, and science. I have been working hard on the projects practicing using the skills that have been i have learned and I have been trying to apply myself to the material. I work hard but I haven’t quite reached extendings in my classes yet, I think that when I reach some of my learning targets it will be much easier for me to get an extendings in my classes. looking back at my work I can see that I have potential to grow and improve as a learner and even getting an extending on project that made me think that way was Power play and how it started from humanities, it was a fun project about studying medieval ages and making paintings staring me with them. It was so interesting to work on the project and I was very engaged with it I think if I worked liked that with all my projects I would be able to get an easy extendings in my classes there are other projects that I think had great potential like the video game project from science and my about me video (you can watch the video and more on my YouTube Channel or my blog) but this one is my favorite from all of them. But of course, there are some projects that didn’t go as good as the others. Looking back at some projects that didn’t go as well will help me improve even though they haven’t met my expectations yet I can use them to grow and improve towards my goal of getting at least one extending.

Decoding the Past: Lessons Echoing Through Time

Creating a Fun and Educational Video Game

How Have I Demonstrated Growth as a Learner so Far This Year? 📏

I have demonstrated my growth as a learner so far with my learning portfolio. Going through all of my blog posts of past projects in my learning portfolio I can clearly see improvement in my work. For example, looking at my very first project post I can see that the paragraphs are small and the writing is minimal which isn’t ideal because I like having all of these posts as a memorabilia and it’s nice to look back at past projects I’ve done, but this one is bland and not very descriptive. On the other hand, looking at more recent posts on my learning portfolio I can see that it’s more descriptive and I can see and remember the projects better remembering the process some missteps and skills I used to help me with the project. I think writing a post for every project I’ve done was a great way to track my progress it’s like marking your height in the walls every week to see how much you grew and I think that’s an excellent way to see how I grew as a learner so far this year. I think all of my posts are great but one that I really love is my winter exhibition post. That post is about my first winter exhibition I think that its the best blog post I wrote but it really catches my attention because it’s a very important post about a very important event. The winter exhibition  post was the first time I ever made a reflection on a project that big and I learned a lot of important things from analyzing the work and reflecting on the process.

My first Winter exhibition Ft. My tryptic

Conclusion 😅

In conclusion I am very proud of my work progress and I am very confident I will meet all my goals by the end of this school year. Using all the skills I’ve learned I can build, grow and improve my work ethics and make my self a successful learner in the PLP program. I’ve learned so much on how to be successful and improve skills that are very essential to my success and every day life. Using this mpol to reflect on my work has taught me a lot about my goals and how I can achieve them using things I learned from previous work. I look forward to meeting my goals and learning more in the PLP program continuing to grow my skills and knowledge.

Exploring the Age of Exploration Through Storytelling

As I reflect on the project journey delving into the captivating era of the Age of Exploration, I can’t help but feel a profound sense of accomplishment and enlightenment. Embarking on this endeavor, our aim was clear: to utilize storytelling as a vessel to unravel the mysteries of what ignited global exploration and to comprehend its enduring impact on humanity. What transpired was an immersive exploration into the annals of history, weaving together historical fiction, intricate drawings, augmented reality, and cinematic storytelling to unearth the essence of this transformative epoch.

Crafting a short historical fiction story set against the backdrop of the Age of Exploration was both a challenge and a delight. Through meticulous research and imaginative flair, we brought to life the narratives of intrepid explorers, daring voyages, and encounters with new worlds. The characters became vessels through which we could delve into the motivations, aspirations, and consequences of exploration, offering a nuanced perspective on this pivotal period in human history.

Accompanying the narrative were illustrations meticulously rendered to evoke the spirit of the era. Each stroke of the pen was imbued with historical accuracy and artistic interpretation, breathing life into the characters, landscapes, and encounters that unfolded within the story. These drawings served not only as visual aids but also as portals to transport viewers into the heart of the narrative, inviting them to immerse themselves in the world of exploration.

The integration of augmented reality added a layer of interactivity and immersion to the project, blurring the lines between past and present, reality and imagination. Through the magic of AR technology, viewers were able to interact with the drawings in a dynamic and engaging manner, gaining new insights into the exploration process and its far-reaching consequences.

Filming a video of the storytelling experience was the culmination of our efforts, bringing together the elements of narrative, illustration, and technology into a cohesive and captivating whole. As the story unfolded on screen, accompanied by the visual spectacle of animated drawings and augmented reality overlays, viewers were transported on a journey through time and space, gaining a deeper understanding of the forces that drove global exploration and the enduring impact it has had on our world.

The drawings:

Throughout this project, the driving question — “How can we use storytelling to investigate what sparked global exploration and understand its impact?” — served as our guiding star. By harnessing the power of storytelling, we were able to unravel the complex tapestry of historical events, motivations, and consequences that shaped the Age of Exploration. Through narrative, illustration, augmented reality, and film, we invited viewers to embark on a journey of discovery, inviting them to contemplate the profound significance of exploration in shaping the course of human history.

In conclusion, this project has been a testament to the transformative power of storytelling as a tool for exploration, discovery, and understanding. By peering into the past through the lens of narrative, we not only gain insights into historical events but also cultivate empathy, curiosity, and a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of human experience. As we navigate the currents of history, let us continue to harness the power of storytelling to illuminate the past, inspire the present, and shape the future.

Watch video here 👇

Reflecting on the Destination Imagination Tournament

The Destination Imagination tournament was more than just an event; it was an exhilarating journey that tested our creativity, teamwork, and quick thinking. As part of a diverse team, I dived into instant challenges, and a fun challenge to solve.

My challenge was the fine arts challenge and in it we were tasked with creating a story featuring two characters; one kinetic and one static, and two art pieces; one dynamic and one static. The intricacies of our solution were a testament to our team’s dedication and ingenuity. While I can’t explain the specifics just yet, I eagerly anticipate sharing our journey and solution in my next DI blog post, complete with videos and insights into our creative process so for now please enjoy some photos of us making some props and some photos of behind the scenes.

The tournament itself was a whirlwind of excitement and learning. Stepping into the arena, surrounded by like-minded individuals fuelled by passion and innovation, was both humbling and inspiring. As we tackled each challenge, we found ourselves pushing the boundaries of our creativity, finding new ways to collaborate, and embracing the thrill of the unknown.

Working alongside my team was an invaluable experience. From brainstorming sessions to late-night rehearsals, every moment was filled with camaraderie and shared enthusiasm. Each member brought their unique strengths to the table, enriching our solution with diverse perspectives and talents. Everyone did so great and I hope you see there blogs (shoutout to my team members Julia, Robin, Sam, Carmyn, and Ian)

But beyond the thrill of competition, the tournament offered something even more profound, a sense of personal growth and empowerment. Through the ups and downs, we discovered the power of resilience, adaptability, and perseverance. We learned to trust in our abilities, to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success, and to celebrate each small victory along the way.

As I reflect on our journey through the Destination Imagination tournament, I’m filled with gratitude—for the friendships forged, the lessons learned, and the memories created. It’s not just about the challenges we faced or the solutions we crafted; it’s about the transformative power of creativity, teamwork, and unwavering determination.

So, as we eagerly await the next tournament, I invite you to join me on this extraordinary adventure. Together, let’s continue to push the boundaries of innovation, to defy expectations, and to unleash the full potential of our imagination. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. Here’s to the next chapter in our Destination Imagination journey filled with endless possibilities and boundless creativity.

Creating a Fun and Educational Video Game


Embarking on the journey of creating an educational video game proved to be both a challenging and rewarding experience. The objective was clear, communicate the intricate world of atoms in a fun and creative way. The result? A Super Mario-inspired adventure set in the atomic realm, with a neutron hero, a proton in distress, and electrons as the mischievous villains.

The game design process involved careful consideration of both educational content and engaging gameplay. Incorporating the Super Mario style not only added a nostalgic touch but also made the learning experience more enjoyable. The neutron’s quest to save the proton served as a metaphor for the crucial role neutrons play in maintaining atomic stability.

The creation process

One of the key challenges was balancing entertainment with educational value. Striking this challenge required thoughtful game mechanics that seamlessly integrated atomic concepts. Each level became an opportunity to introduce players to different aspects of atomic structure, turning learning into a dynamic adventure.

The decision to portray electrons as antagonists served as a clever way to convey their role in destabilizing atoms when uncontrolled. This choice not only simplified complex concepts but also made the learning experience relatable and enjoyable for players of all ages.

Using scratch

Integrating Scratch as the platform allowed for a user-friendly environment, making the development process accessible even for those with minimal programming experience. The drag-and-drop interface facilitated the creation of interactive elements, reinforcing the idea that learning about atoms can be both accessible and enjoyable.

Reflecting on the project, the importance of merging education with entertainment became evident. The video game format provided an interactive medium to communicate abstract scientific concepts. By transforming the atom into a digital playground, we bridged the gap between the classroom and engaging, self-directed learning.

As I consider the impact of this project, I recognize the potential for gamified education to inspire curiosity and foster a deeper understanding of complex subjects. Neuron’s Adventure stands as a testament to the power of creativity in education, demonstrating that even the smallest particles can become heroes in the quest for knowledge.

Play the game here:


My World in Verse


Start a literary journey as I invite you into the realm of my thoughts and emotions through a collection of diverse poems in my blog post. My e-book is not just a compilation of verses; it’s a poetic art piece, a mirror reflecting the intricate tapestry of my worldview. Each poem, a brushstroke on the canvas of self-expression, unveils a unique facet of how I perceive and navigate the world around me. Join me in this exploration, where metaphors dance, sounds resonate, and experiences unfold in eloquent lines.

My poems

The project begins with a Simile Poem, where I draw parallels between my worldview and the tangible world, setting the stage for a deeper exploration. In the Extended Metaphor, the analogy becomes a guiding thread, weaving through the verses to provide a cohesive narrative of my perspective. The Sound Poem orchestrates the auditory symphony that accompanies my thoughts, allowing you to perceive my worldview not just through words but through the resonance of sound.

Haiku introduces a subtle yet profound transformation, marking a shift in my worldview, encapsulated in just three lines. The Found Poem ingeniously extracts meaning from external texts, showcasing how snippets of others’ words can reflect my own insights. The Experience Poem narrates a pivotal moment, shaping my worldview through denotation, connotation, and mood, immersing you in the emotional landscape.

The Imagery Poem, adorned with alliteration and assonance, offers a glimpse into an unexplored dimension of my worldview, bringing vivid images to life. The pinnacle of this journey is reached with the Self-Portrait Poem, a comprehensive exploration of who I am, unraveling layers of identity in 25-30 carefully crafted lines and an about me video to go along with it (You can watch the video on my YouTube channel)

Click here to read my E-book

In conclusion

In the closing verses of my blog post, the impact of this poetic exploration becomes evident. Through the artistry of language, I have not only painted a vivid picture of my worldview but also discovered the joy that comes from authentic self-expression. The Driving Question, “How might I write poetry that I enjoy and shows who I am?” serves as the guiding star, leading me through activities that shape my poetic voice. This e-book stands as a testament to the power of words, offering readers not just a glimpse into my world but an invitation to reflect on their own unique perspectives. As you turn the final page, may you find resonance in these verses, and perhaps, a spark to embark on your own poetic journey of self-discovery.

My first Winter exhibition Ft. My tryptic


As the curtains close on our academic journey, I reflect upon the culmination of my learning experiences in the form of our final a mesmerizing triptych encapsulating the essence of the medieval, Renaissance and modern tableau. In this post, I will share my own Renaissance-inspired photo, delve into the evolution of our project from the Power Play post, and showcase our group’s captivating tableau along with a glimpse into the exhibition.

My Renaissance Photo

Using my artwork to look into the Renaissance, I can learn how lucky I am to have the opportunities we have today that we didn’t back then. One significant aspect is the freedom of religion we enjoy now. In the Renaissance, people faced persecution based on their beliefs, and the contrast underscores the importance of religious freedom in our society. Additionally, advancements in technology have provided us with greater sources of knowledge, offering unparalleled access to information and the ability to connect with the world. This technological progress has transformed the way we learn, communicate, and understand the world around us. Moreover, our present-day economy, with its advancements and stability, stands in stark contrast to the economic challenges of the past. Reflecting on these improvements emphasizes the progress we’ve made and fosters gratitude for the opportunities we are fortunate to experience today.

Building on Power Play

Linking back to my Power Play post, the journey from analyzing power dynamics to creating a visual representation of medieval times was both challenging and rewarding. The understanding gained from power structures in different time periods profoundly influenced the thematic choices and that helped composition of our triptych. This evolution signifies the dynamic nature of learning, where concepts interweave to create a rich tapestry of knowledge.

Our Group’s Triptych

Collaborating with my peers, we crafted a triptych that seamlessly transitions from the medieval era to the Renaissance and finally to the modern age. The careful selection of symbols, colors, and visual elements in each panel conveys the evolution of society and culture. It stands as a testament to our collective effort to synthesize historical knowledge into a visually striking narrative.

Tableaux Showcase

Now, let’s step into the visual realm of our group’s tableaux. The intricate scenes we meticulously designed come to life, offering a vivid portrayal of key moments in each era. From the solemnity of medieval courts to the vibrant intellectual fervor of the Renaissance and the bustling diversity of the modern world, our tableau encapsulates the essence of each period.

Exhibition Experience

To provide a more immersive experience, I’ve included pictures capturing the ambiance of our exhibition space. Unfortunately, a video snippet was not available because my group was too busy with the exhibition we were not able to record the masterpiece but we were able to find behind the scenes photos.


As I conclude this learning portfolio post, I extend my gratitude for the invaluable feedback received on my Power Play post, which greatly informed the refinement of this project. The journey through the medieval Renaissance and modern tableau has been a voyage of discovery, and I hope this visual representation resonates with the essence of the eras we explored.