Hi this is my “how it started how its going” project reflection. This project took about four weeks and the driving question was “what can we learn from the past and why does that matter today?” Like most of my other projects there were 6 milestones that we had to do so we could answer the driving question and make the final project.
The final project was a “how it started and how’s it going” meme. On one side of the meme there was a medieval or Renaissance painting that connected to my assigned worldview aspect. The other side of the meme was a modified version of the first painting to show how the aspect has changed or stayed the same today. My aspect was on the topic of beliefs and how beliefs bring people together. After we had to make a virtual museum exhibit so other people could see our memes. Then we had to present our virtual exhibit in a zoom meeting with our parent and teachers watching.

To start the project we had to learn the definition of worldview and say what my own worldview was. I found this one of the more difficult parts of the project. I didn’t really know what my worldview was. After I identified my own worldview, we did milestone 2. For this milestone I had to take five main events from my life that has shaped my worldview and make it into a collage. This collage was based off of two curricular competencies. The first one was empowered learner where I had to use technology to help improve my learning. In my case, I had to learn how to put photos into keynote and how to draw photos to add to the collage. For the second competency, I had to show how I can respond to text. I showed this when I wrote my paragraph with the collage. I got a ☀️ for this milestone.
The next important milestone was milestone 5. For this milestone, I had to create my final meme. In order to do this milestone, I had learn how to use a lot of different photo editing apps. One of these apps is SuperimposeX. In this app, I photo edited my own family into my Renaissance meme! The painting
that I chose for the how it started side of my art, is called “Flight into Egypt”. It is based on the story of how Joseph was warned in a dream to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt because Herod was going to kill all the baby boys. This connected to my aspects of beliefs as it showed that their belief in Christianity brought the people in the Renaissance closer together. This showed the establishing historical significance curricular competency.
The “how it’s going” side of my art showed beliefs bring people together even
today. I replaced Mary and Joseph with my Mom and Dad. I also add the rest of my family members around baby Jesus to show that our belief in Christianity brings us closer together. I am proud of some of the other details I added that people believe in and that can bring them closer together. For example, one of the not very obvious details I added is the set of hands in the top left corner. These hands show that people’s beliefs in social justice like equal rights can be powerful. Way in the far background I put the Canada place and the Vancouver skyline. Being a Canadian means we believe in a free country where everyone has rights. So where you live can affect what you believe in. This final project used all the curricular competencies we had been working on during the 4 weeks.
The last part of this project, other than this fabulous blogpost, was the LAUNCH of our virtual museum. Each role group created a script so we could present on a ZOOM meeting with parents and teachers. I was a DRI. The directly responsible individual for the beliefs group. I found creating the script with the other DRI’s challenging because all of us like control. We are the bossy people. At the ZOOM meeting I found it challenging to speak to the computer instead of to a regular audience. I loved the launch because it was a way to do an exhibition during COVID. I remember going to Sam’s exhibitions and seeing the everybody with their own creative project. The museum that was out together by my class and teachers was a very creative way of doing a project. Each room was different and each room had their own object that matched their worldview aspect. The guided tour was amazing because it showed you everybody’s art in every room with a click of a button. I also liked how I could see the ghosts of the people visiting the museum. The virtual museum because my grandparents could see my work too.
So back to the driving question!! “ What can we learn from the past and why does it matter today?” The first thing that I noticed is that every room in the museum showed how history matters today. All rooms showed that the same aspects areimportant today as they were in the past. But we represented them in different ways. For example, my room showed how beliefs are still important to people today. The crusades were terrible. It was a very bloody war. Learning about the crusades can help people with religious beliefs not make the same mistakes. My family is Christian and we don’t think that the Christians in the crusades were doing what the Bible says about living our faith.
People can value beliefs but change how it looks and learn from the past. If we don’t learn from the past then we repeat the same mistakes.
Overall I think my class showed a great understanding of the different aspects of worldview from the Renaissance and medieval times to today. Personally, I am most proud of the 5th milestone. Even though there were times I was super stressed and didn’t think we could get it done in time, this was a very interesting project that came together in the end. I would like to say sorry to our teachers because we may have shortened their lifespan because of this project.