The Manhattan Project Project

How did the development of the atomic bomb change the world?

All of  my information regarding the Manhattan Project before this unit came from the TRAILER of the Oppenheimer movie. I knew the US built a different type of bomb and that it had devastating effects that ended WWII. I didn’t even know enough to have an opinion on the driving question.

We started the project with lectures about the people, science, and effect of the atomic bomb. We then wrote a piece on any event or person that we wanted talk about and argue why it was historically significant. My choice was to write about Pearl Harbour which led me to research and gave me a chance to revisit the idea of historical significance which we would be using throughout this project. You can see my argument for why Pearl Harbour is historically significant here.

Next, instead of keystones or milestones like most humanities projects, we dived into the creation of the final product by being put into groups of 6. Our goal over the next few weeks was to research, write, design, and publish an interactive book on the historical significance of the Manhattan Project. Our group took a loooong time to brainstorm ideas for our book but in the end we came up with an original and creative idea for our book that no other group did. Instead of writing the book from an outside point of view, we wrote the book from Oppenheimer’s perspective, and turned it into his journal.


For part of this project, two group members went on a field school to New Mexico, and visited the Trinity site and a museum which is where they interviewed people and took photos for our book. Back at Seycove, the rest of us split up the book into sections. As the project manager, I helped split up the tasks and research topics to start the process of creating out book. I personally set goals for each class and made sure everyone knew what their job was when they left class each day. I was in charge of finding and writing the information for the “classified file” and the opening writing about Oppenheimer becoming director of Los Alamos.


One of the requirements of our book was making sure each team member was in a video so my group came up with the idea to do a reenactment of Vice President Truman becoming President and then finding out about the Manhattan Project. This emphasized how much of a secret the building of the atomic bomb was even at high levels of government.

Overall my group worked really well together. Everybody did their part and helped to come up with ideas when our book got off track or when our thesis needed to be revised. I really liked collaborating in this project and I think it would have been difficult to do on my own. We could build our ideas off of each other and research and develop the part of the book we were interested in doing. I also liked how we each had roles as it made things go smoother. We knew who would edit the videos, for example, and who to ask for help when designing the layout of our pages. We could rely on each other to do our part while still being able to ask for help and get a response when we needed one.

Much of this project was about communication and research skills. As a group we found it really challenging to find sources that talked about Oppenheimer’s thoughts, which caused difficulty considering it was supposed to be from his perspective. This led to deeper research and creativity. I really love how we had different ways to show our information. We had the classified file at the beginning, newspaper to show the historical significance the end, as well as interviews, a video, and photos. To make our book to feel more like a journal we called the chapters “entries,” crossed out words, and coffee stains on the pages.

Now at the end of the project, I realize how much more to the Manhattan project there is than I thought. It was interesting to learn “little’ details like the government actually built a full town so the scientists could bring their families. It was also interesting to learn more about why the decision to build, and drop the bomb is controversial. Below you can see my group’s final product. Make sure you check out the top-notch reenactment video as well as read why this event is so historically significant.


F.A.I.L (Faith’s Advice In Learning)

How can we use the power of written text to inspire the new PLP 8 learners? That was the driving question for the first PLP 11 project. This project was a lot more English based then many humanities projects, which I found challenging. Writing and grammar have never been my strong suit so when we started a project called “Mightier than the sword” I was a bit worried. 

To start off the project we did writing workshops and learned about the writing process. This included learning new ways to brainstorm and finding different techniques that worked better for us. If you click here you can see my writing journal where I reflected on this experience. 

In my writing journal you will also find my academic writing which was the next part of this project. For the academic writing we had to think about the audience and tone  so you can see my process in the rhetorical analysis in the writing journal. I found the rhetorical analysis especially hard in the writing process because its a different type of purposeful writing than I usually do. Normally I write down some ideas and some evidence and then just start writing; for a rhetorical analysis, I had to think about what contexts and audiences affect my writing. The requirements for the academic where to write about why PLP is a good choice for students focusing on whatever aspects we wanted. I decided to write mine on hand on learning because I know this is a type of learning I have found very useful in PLP. I have done a bit of writing in the last few years but this one was much harder then most of what I had done before. This writing was serious and needed research and sources and quotes which all took a lot of time. I wrote many drafts (that you can see in my writing journal above) and got lots of feedback I used for my final draft. 

This brings us to the final product which was creating a piece of writing for the PLP Grade 8s. Now as grade 11 student I don’t interact with the grade 8s on a normal basis so figuring out what they would want to get advice on was challenging. We started off with lots of brainstorming and then came up with questions to ask them during a morning snack/discussion time one morning. I participated in the early group for the discussions and it went really well. I was able to get good ideas of who the Grade 8 are and what they are concerned about for high school. Using that information I decided to write my advice on F.A.I.L which in PLP means First Attempt In Learning. I am very proud of the name I decided to call my writing F.A.I.L (Faith’s Advice In Learning ).  For this writing I liked how I added in my own experiences as well as my brother’s as I felt that it added a more personal touch that gave the students first hand advice. I found the type of writing for this much more casual and fun compared to the academic writing so I found it easier to write. 

I unfortunately wasn’t able to get any feedback from the Grade 8 on my writing but I am proud of what I wrote which is my goal this year to be proud of what I hand in. If you click here you can see my final writing I hope it’s helpful to you PLP 8 out there :). 


Finances and the Spring Exhibition!

In this post, I will be reflecting on my last PGP project and our spring exhibition!

This PGP project was all about our financial future!!! We started off playing a Uber simulator to get an understanding of gig work. I would never consider being an Uber driver myself and this simulator didn’t change my mind, it was long hours and didn’t seem like a lot of money.
Then we went into personal budgets. We started with creating a craft document stating all my personal fixed and variable expenses in a month. Taking this information we added how much we should be spending on it versus how much we spend. This made me realize that I need to buy fewer fries in the cafeteria but that other than that I’m not spending too much.
That was the starting point in learning about financial literacy. Having financial literacy means that you can make smart and informed money decisions in your life. In class, we then talked about the five pillars of financial literacy
1. Earning
2. Spending
3. Saving and investing
4. Borrowing
5. Protecting
After defining everything we watched the movie “Moneyball” to see these skills in action.

This brings us to my favourite part of this project the stock simulator. The point of the stock simulator was to deepen our understanding of investing and understanding how it could fit into the real world.
Using an app on our iPad we all got $13,000 fake money in a real-world simulator. At that point, we had to decide what type of investing we wanted to do. We could invest ethically or profit based or in anything we recognized. I found myself researching multiple ethical companies that ended up being about 50% of what I invested in. The other half were companies I recognized (like Apple and Google). One smart investment that I was happy with was Apple I bought it when it wasn’t super high and then only sold it when it got super high during the Apple event. Here you can view all my week-by-week reflections.

This brings us to the exhibition part of my blog post! This year the exhibition for my grade included this finances project, the last marketing me project, and the podcast I made in Maker. This is a lot of stuff but I think our room incorporated it all very well, our main idea was that our room would look like an office where we could each display our podcasts and who we were on business cards while also showing examples of our stock simulators.

I liked how my podcast business card turned out. I did multiple drafts and got feedback from a lot of people and in the end, liked the look of what I created. I was also impressed by how well my class got our room ready for the exhibition. We had a lot of problems at the beginning like how we didn’t have any tables and all of our plans needed tables but as a class, we figured it out and created an impressive office.


This was a good introduction to the world of finances, marketing, and stocks (I should never invest real money I would lose it all) and I loved showing what I learned at the spring exhibition.

tPOL 2023

-Introductions of parents and teacher

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner”

In this presentation my goal is to answer the driving question: “Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?” In order to answer that question, I’d like to direct your attention to my learning plan.

 Let’s start by looking at the core competency profiles that I wanted to be at by June 2023.

The ones I have check marked are the ones I feel like I have met throughout projects this year. The underlined ones are the profiles I don’t believe I have fully developed yet and will set them as a goal for next year. 

In my last tPOL, l I went into detail about how I demonstrated these areas of core competencies as I shared what I loved and where I grew. This year, I would really like to share about my growth plan for each subject area and at the same time reflect on my learning profiles. Let’s look at the humanities section of my learning plan to see if I have met my goals for growth.

At the beginning of the year one of my humanities goals was that I would like to improve in my sentence structure. In order to grow in this area needed to be more comfortable asking for help.

– I want to highlight two projects that show you how I focused on getting better at grammar: the Juno beach project and the Lies and Incongruences project. 

– Peer edit formal and informal: Ms. Madsen asked us to create a first draft of our composition and share it with some peers. What I liked about this form of peer feedback is that our class knew what we needed to look for, and physically wrote on the draft. I really loved how I could choose WHO I sent my draft to for feedback. 

– Interesting about this process, when looking over other’s work I found myself finding mistakes more easily than in mine and it gave me practice.

– Setting goal to improve my sentence structure is one reason why I believe I am at a profile 5 for Personal awareness and responsibility.  I knew this was a weak area for me and knowing that I figured out tools to use to improve my achievement.

Another goal for humanities was to improve my blog posts. I wanted to do this through adding more personality, and thought into my work.

– My work this year shows growth into adding thoughtfulness so I would like to draw your attention to specific choices that I made that show personality:


Romeo and Juliet blog post In that opening, I felt I made fun of my actual dread of homework in a creative way. My lines parodied lines Juliet speaks to herself.

– Another way that I took action to my growth goal was in changing the name of my blogpost from “Faith’s blog” (not the most interesting name. Is it better than my brother’s? “Ma blog”… I think so) “Thoughts of a Scheewe”. This change was not big but it’s a start. And definitely beats Sam’s.

– Finally, my “About me” update forced me to really think about choices that really showed me. I mention my skills in sarcasm, have pictures that reflect me now, and feature a cool photography workshop I did.

– making intentional choices about adding personality to my blog posts is part of how I improved in communicating. Adding personality shows awareness of audience.


In Maker, one of my goals was fine-tuning my time management skills. Looking over year, I barely had to ask for extensions for any assignments this last semester because I found my self planning out when I would do my work and having what I needed prepared (notes ready so that scribing easier).

– A specific example of excellent time management was my podcast. I’m proud of my release schedule which was detailed. What I needed to do would pop up on my Things app. Part way through, I realized later that I needed more time to write my script and less time to record so I changed my plan accordingly. 



– My pod cast is a good example of the confidence I believe I show in communicating in different ways to different audiences. It also shows my profile in critical and reflective thinking. I had my topic of “Fun solutions to stress” and I had to gather evidence, including interview, and decided what best fit what I wanted to say. I also had to think about what was working and what was not such as using a microphone and choosing a variety of people to interview.

A second growth goal was to want to improve in teamwork. I can get really stressed and annoyed at teammates and I need to improve on my patience when working in a team.

– In the first semester, The Komagato maru project gave me an opportunity to improve in collaboration. I decided to trust my teammates with their roles and I focused more on what I needed to do. 

– Something that has had an impact on team work skills was the Field school to Disney world. This trip made me more comfortable around my classmates which I notice has really helped me now.

– Overall, I can confidently work with my peers to further our shared goals whether it is a “It’s Porg!!!” Tik tok video or a monument.



In PGP I had three growth goals but I would like to highlight my anxiety. This year I want to grow in taking care of my anxiety. I want to learn and implement new strategies that will help me be less anxious about handing work in on time and the quality of what I can communicate in a project.

– I think my anxiety has gotten better. First of all, I utilize Things app for everything, even personal tasks. This has relieved pressure on my working memory where I was always worried that I was forgetting something. 

– Another strategy I use actually comes from Atomic Habits. It talked about having a reward for motivation for tasks that are difficult. I found myself setting goals like a specific time to hang out with friends if I got certain parts of my homework completed. I think having more social time has also helped me be less anxious in school.

– Speaking of Atomic Habits, in my blog post I said I would try unplugging. I would put my VR head set out of sight so that I would not play it so much. I really enjoy it, but needed to find other ways to relax. I have consistently put it in a cupboard where I can’t see it. Instead, I now listen to music or hit a volley ball against the wall. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I played it!! These choices have helped lower my anxiety.

In the last section of my tPol I want to highlight some major successes for me this year and also recognize some FAILS.

While it was challenging, perhaps one of my projects I am most proud of is my collage. I felt like I used the app really well to portray what I had learned and what I wanted to say. This project is one example of how I showed social awareness and responsibility as I explored Indigenous issues and then made a collage that helps raise awareness.

While I do not think I reached a profile 5 for creative thinking in all my work, I do know that I showed that out of the box thinking in my collage and want to build on that success for next year. 


One FAIL that I need to mention is the Power of Imagination final video. We did not have a detailed enough plan before the trip or a full storyline. This meant that our video was not at a level that I wanted to see. I felt that we needed to work better together with the editing at the end as well to help our storyline come through.

Another FAIL that applies to all my PLP subjects and pretty much all aspects of my life is one part of communication. In my growth plan, I identified that to stretch out of my comfort zone I will need to communicate more in class. 

– The good news? I can now approach PLP teachers will a little less fear in a one on one situation. I volunteered twice to read roles for Romeo and Juliet.

– The other news? The entirety of the text analysis discussion. I sat frozen in silence and avoided eye contact for 45 min. 

– This is my nemesis. I am taking suggestions and am open to advice.

Overall I am feeling really good about how I have grown. I am able to set and meet goals, communicate in different forms to different audiences, work more confidently with more classmates, and produce work I am really proud of creating. This I setting a goal for accomplished in all my classes and then changed it to extending for Humanities. Next year? I want to aim for extending because I know I can do it.

Lies and Incongruences

How can art and text reflect both the history and our current place in time? That was the driving question for my last humanities project of grade 10. We combined the idea that art is not just something to look at because it’s something you can engage with to learn about and the historical/present day relationship with the Canadian government and Indigenous Peoples. 

To start we each created an I am from poem to start thinking about our relationship with the world around us. Here is mine:

I Am From Poem 

I am from beautiful places 

I am from clear blue skies And cloudy rainy days 

From both the flat prairies and the tall mountains

The smells of farmland and pine tress

The peaceful quiet acreage 

The busy city roads 

I am from a jumbled crazy and large family 

Siblings always shouting, throwing, showing our insanity 

A brother whose teasing humour I know well 

A sister who is off on her own adventures farewell

Another who is with me everyday 

Parents who’s safety I can never repay 

I am from the back and forth sways of a boat on the waves

The speed, Chaos, adventure I crave 

The peaceful rest with barbecue smells 

Diving into the deep collecting shells 

Rapidly Skimming across the water

Crashing down into the sea now swimming like an otter 

I am from big family Christmases 

fondues with cheesy sauce and chocolate 

None of us knowing when to stop eating 

I am from the laziness that follows 

groans, huffs, puffs, slow movements 

Excitement, music, we can open only one 

Shapes of our gifts not matching reality 

5 mattresses stuffed into one room 

Dog jumping, sister singing, pillows flying 

No chance of sleep 

I am from Little cousins running all around 

Screaming, kicking, acting like clowns 

Baby laughing, toddlers singing 

I am from overwhelming joy 

I am from many amazing friends

All around the picnic tables Laughing, 

From volleyball circles

To whales named Gary 

I am from Joyful, fun, kindhearted friends  

I am from beautiful places 

I am from A jumbled crazy and large family 

I am from the back and forth sways of a boat on the waves

I am from big family Christmases 

I am from Little cousins running all around 

I am from many amazing friends 

I am from chaos, peace, laughter, and love

I am…

I really liked mine.. Thinking about what makes me Faith Scheewe made me think about where I lived, what I do, and who is in my life. I found that it was fun to write and a good start to this project. We used a website to collaborate on what we already know about Indigenous people and issues that are relevant to them for this project and what we still need to know. While doing this I realized how much general information I had but not very many specific information. 

This brings us to when we started reading our class novel Marrow Thieves, by Cherie Dimaline. While it was set in the future, it reflected on issues shown presently and in the past. For example it referred to residential schools as part of the past and also as something happening again in the book. While reading the book, I would analyze what I was reading and make connections to issues being brought up today. For example we listened to a podcast on the Indian Act and read articles on topics like cultural appropriation and indigenous resurgence. Every couple of chapters we did a reflection. We called this a contribution as we needed to bring those thoughts to class. Sharing those contributions helped to see other peoples points of view. I did a poem, an image, list of questions and drawings. In the end, after we finished the book, we did a quick write reflection for 15 minutes about the connections we saw from the book to the past and to right now. 

The next keystone introduced us to analyzing images and we had to make decisions about what we thought the artists were trying to communicate about Indigenous perspectives. Our teacher would introduce some issues and we would take notes. I am proud of the notes I made from class and from my own research. These prepared me for when it came to writing. The artwork was created by Indigenous Artists. It was a way to express their opinions on important issues like MMIWG and intergenerational trauma. I actually found it hard to keep my responses to 250 words as I had lots of notes. The different styles were really interesting to me such as the beading over top of the Indian Act. Here is a link to the three art pieces I talked about.

After doing so much research, analyzing art, and learning about different perspectives, we went back to our own point of view and thought about if they had shifted from the beginning to now. Our keystone was a short reflection on Truth and Reconciliation. I think I realized that Indigenous issues are current and not just in the past. It is important to understand how much needs to be done.

Finally we got to the final product which was a photo or art collage about one or all of the issues we wrote about for keystone two. There was a lot of flexibility in that’s this could look like I chose to do it digitally on SuperimposeX. I really liked the art I found for my MMIWG reflection so I wanted to include that, and I also wanted to have images from the past and present. It took a while to get a starting idea but with a focus on MMIWG I created a collage I’m proud of. I used historical images and art about residential school that I made black and white to show how Indigenous Peoples were treated in the past. I made the images about the present more colourful and used red to highlight the issues I was focusing on, MMIWG. The red handprint was one part I really love. The app allowed me to place the palm of the hand behind the images while I could put the fingers on top of other images. This feels to me like people reaching out. I also like the feathers from the dream catcher. The dreamcatchers are symbolic for Indigenous people and the feathers fly over the residential school images as well as the artwork and protests to show dreams leached away. From the Marrow Thieves, I chose a quotation about schools leached away dreams. It was not just us looking at art and saying what it is about. We needed to try to understand what the artists were trying to say and then we needed to take our knowledge and made our own art. Art is engaging and helps people represent important topics and express their opinion.

Marketing You

Are you in need of a kiwi? If so I’m the person for you!

This project has been about learning how to effectively market myself to employers. I have never made a resume or thought about making a business card so this was all new to me. To start we created two resumes, one with a headshot and one without. I had a hard time with the objective, and experience parts. The objective was hard because we weren’t writing this for a specific job and I think it would work better if we were. The experience part was difficult because I have never really had a job. I have babysat and…….. well thats it. In the end that’s all I had in work experience section but I found I had a few more experiences for the volunteering section. For example I went on two volunteer trips to Guatemala in elementary school and I volunteer with kids every few weeks using lots of different skills. I wasn’t a big fan of putting a picture of me in my resume but the layout in the end looked better with it. 


Next were the business cards! To start we created funny ones and mine is the one you see at the top of this post “Professional Kiwi”. Now I am not from New Zealand the only reason I used this for my business card (and for my blog) is because my last name rhymes with it and my friends think it’s hilarious. My entire class made fake fun business cards that were all very…original. In the end I made three very simple business cards that have my name and information (sadly says nothing about kiwi 🥝) .  Below you can see the front of these businesses cards.

Next was the email. This part went by fairly quick and I created a short professional email that fit the criteria and could be used as an outline for future opportunities.

The part where I really thought I grew in this project was with the final product the mock interview. My original questions my group and I came up with were surface level and didn’t show our understanding. For example one of our original questions was “can you tell us about yourself”. So we revised the questions and came up with three new ones and included us talking about a time when we struggled while working in a group and how we fixed the situation. Another aspect I’m proud of is how we filmed all the mock interviews. We used different angles and good phone cameras to make it as professional as we could.

This finished off our initial planing for future careers. I have never liked thinking about the future and I know if I wasn’t told to make a resume for a project that I would have kept delaying it for months. I like the creativity involved in this project; making business cards was an important life skill, but it was still fun. 

Save Juno Beach

Understanding historical significance, learning rhetorical analysis, following the writing process, and writing of a multi-paragraph composition, are the steps I took to answer the driving question “why is it so important to preserve the Juno Beach Centre?” 

Have you ever heard of Juno Beach? Well I certainly didn’t. As it turns out this was one of the five beaches the Allies stormed on D-Day, June 6, 1944. More specifically it was the beach Canada was in charge of reclaiming. A few years ago a development company in France bought the land to build luxury condos and this was not only disrespectful it was making access to the Juno Beach memorial Center harder to get to. Lucky Canada bought the land around it and the condos weren’t built but this is the reason we started this project. Why should we preserve this Centre? 

To start we continued our understanding of historical significance that we have been building for the past few years. We defined the word and after a lot of research wrote about the 3 most important reasons why WWII was significant. We had the choice to write about why WWII was significant for us as a nation or why Canada’s impact was significant elsewhere. I chose to talk about why it was important for us as a nation. Through this process I saw a lot of similarities to WWI especially with the job opportunities for women. In both of the wars women joined the work force but in this war women could do jobs that involved a degree. For example I learned That the world’s first female aeronautical engineer was in Canada! She was in charge of producing fighter jets called hurricanes for the war effort. I also learned that social security and unemployment insurance was created during WWII. This assignment showed my deep understanding of the analysis competency which is about accessing the significance of something over time. I never understood how much WWII connects to Canada policies until this project.

Our next step was learning about rhetorical analysis or actually more about how we can use certain words or phrases to get our point across to the reader in different ways. To do this we learned about different transitions and writing choices. We also reviewed and learned about pathos, logos, and ethos. I really enjoyed the exercises we did at this point as we would take the same idea but change it for different audiences. Next we read an article and in groups did a rhetorical analysis. For that Rhetorical analysis, we first had to identify where the author uses pathos, ethos, logos. Then we had to figure out what the author implied in a certain sentence and how it built their main message. While, I didn’t have a problem with that part I found the class discussion we did the next day difficult. I do not enjoy talking in front of large groups of people and so even when I did have an answer, I found myself just sitting there. I enjoyed the writing questions from the day before, but didn’t really find anything useful in the class discussion.

Then it was time for us to do our own rhetorical analysis of this really well written article called “Thank you for not killing my son”. I thought I showed a really good understanding of rhetorical analysis for this Keystone because I wrote a lot and explained how the tone is kind of ironic, and how I thought the author used logos really well in the beginning followed by a strong emotional pull (pathos). I also showed my skills in the questioning competency when I engaged in the text and showed my extending understanding of rhetorical analysis. We then wrote our own rhetorical analysis for the multi-paragraph composition we were about to write for our final product. I found this a tricky part of the Keystone, because I hadn’t really thought through my idea and how I was going to communicate it before then. This exercise did help me think of how I was incorporating pathos and led me to the idea to talk about my great-grandfather.

A multi-paragraph composition can mean different formats and so I decided I was going to be writing an essay and I knew I wanted to have in connection to my great grandfather who fought in World War II. Even though my great grandfather wasn’t on Juno beach on June 6, 1944 he was in the area three days after D-Day giving supplies to those who fought and I wanted him to prove my point that it wasn’t just military people fighting in this war, it was every day people you just see walking down the street. So to understand more about him, I asked my grandparents to send me over some of the scanned images and war items that they had kept from him. Unfortunately there was a problem and they weren’t able to send them in time. I was able to use the information that they told me over the phone. I learned the story of my great grandfather, and incorporated that in my writing. The writing process also involved a lot of revisions. I actually found this process really helpful, as I would come to class with a new draft and send it to a bunch of my classmates, ask them for their opinion and that they thought I could improve and then I would go home and look through what they said, and change my draft to be better.  I also really enjoyed critiquing other people’s work I was able to see some things that I thought could be incorporated in some way in my writing. I could tell which essays I enjoyed reading, and which ones needed a better hook at the beginning or something, and I was able to use that to improve my own composition. 

My final product was a two page essay that I am proud of, and I believe it tells my points of why I think that the Juno Beach centre should be preserved. This is where I used my understanding of the communicating to thoughtfully tell what happened in a form that fits my audience. I have never known much about World War II and I didn’t even know Juno Beach existed until this project. I enjoy learning more about WWII’s history and I think it’s important that future generations do as well which made this project meaningful.


Our power of imagination project was an amazing project which just might have to do with the field school we went on for it …. Florida aka DISNEY WORLD!  Our driving question: how do Disney theme parks shape and influence the cultural, economic, psychological, and social experiences of visitors? 

Investigation 1

This investigation was about building your knowledge that you would need to complete this project and storing it in a PKM. I found this first investigation the most infuriating. Researching, which involved reading articles as a class and watching videos like the “Happiness Advantage”, was very enjoyable. Also, learning about the culture of Disney was very interesting. Walt Disney’s mindset when created these theme parks was so different from other people of his time. What was infuriating? While reading articles and watching the videos we had to MAKE (not to be mistaken for TAKE) notes, which was expected. But then we had to write a summary. The 4 – 2 – 1 structure was challenging.  I like the idea but I had a hard time finding the point I should get across in that amount of space. There was so much information and I seemed to include more than I needed. Concise writing is hard! Overall I liked when we found our own articles such as the PKM I made for Dole Whip. This whole investigation shows my growth on the processing curricular competency with critical thinking shown in the fleeting notes and the creative and reflective thinking shown in the connections I made and my thinking sections. 

Investigation 2

Early on we were put into groups and assigned a specific aspect of our driving question. My group focused on how Disney theme parks formed emotional connections for the visitors of the park. For this investigation, as a group we had to come up with a pitch board for a 10 minute documentary. The pitch board had to include the main concept we wanted to get across and the mood we wanted the audience to feel. This part of the project involved a lot of growth in the decision making competency. Working as a group we had to look at our topic from different sides and figure out how to put it all together in the end. A challenge for us? The groups were made up of students from both classes. This made collaborating difficult. We did not understand what the other half of our group had done the class before us. Communication was not clear. Thankfully we used time in our other classes to bring it together but it was still difficult and it was a problem throughout this whole project. 


Investigation 3

It’s story board time! While working on our pitch board, we came up with a reliant idea. We decided that the main concept we wanted to get across was how the merchandise is a way to take Disney beyond the boundaries of the park.  We would show the differences in the merchandise and how they remind you of a place or experiences in Disney.  Group members would each introduce different merchandise. The other choice we made was that the overall mood will be up beat and we will interview someone who obviously loves the merchandise.

Thinking back, I loved our idea and I wish our final product showed that more. Our idea evolved and that is ok but I loved our original idea. With the story board, we also created a script for our documentary. The collaboration was difficult because of the separate classrooms and we needed more time. When flights were cancelled the ONLY good thing was that we were able to finish our scripts and get better idea of when and where we would shoot and who would shoot what. I really enjoyed this part of the process because I could see the shape of what we were doing.

Shooting on location …. DISNEY WORLD!

originally I was going to interview a Disney Customer, someone who loved the merchandise. But we decided to have the same voice interviewing both of our interviewees to keep some consistency. So, I instead, was in charge of B Role which meant whenever I was in a store I filmed the merchandise about the 50th anniversary merchandise. My other job, was to film Noah and Gwen when they talked about the custom and limited time merchandise. I helped them film this at multiple locations within Disney Springs. We ran into a several problems. First of all it was very loud in there to get good audio. We also could not find custom t-shirts Gwen had researched before coming. These challenges meant we had to make adjustments so we could still get our point across and show our idea. Throughout our Disney trip, we checked in with each other to make sure we were getting the shots we needed to fulfill our plan. 

Since returning, we have been editing and assembling out documentary. I was not in charge of editing but I got audio from other group members and sent it to the main editor, Noah. 

This project made me think while I was in Disney World. When I was there, I would look at things differently. Instead of thinking “oh look at that tower” I noticed how the tower added nostalgia because it was the Tangled tower, which reminded me of my childhood. The research we did and the focus I had because of the project made this experience of Disney World different for me than when I went to Disneyland a few years ago. I noticed more. The way the cast members talk to visitors was really cool because it changed based on which part of the park you were in. In Disney World, nothing is out of place, which is good for fantasy but also shows a specific view of life.


Creating Opportunities from Balance

How does balance in our life create opportunities? This driving question is something every high school student should consider this is because we are making decisions about our future. I personally thought about this questions in two ways: why do we need balance and how do we start to achieve balance? The why part really relates to the idea of well-being as well as opening up more time (opportunities). The how part relates to systems we can put in place to strive to get better every day with having balance in the areas of your life.

To answer the driving question we had three main resources:

  Positive Brain Training   7 Habits (review)           The Atomic Habits

In this blog I would like to focus on how balance improves well being and brings opportunities. I will use examples from each resource that impacted me.


Positive Brain Training 

The main point of this training is to bring about a more optimistic mindset. We wanted to see if we did certain practices or two minutes per day if your outlook would be more positive. Research showed that a more optimistic point of view leads a person to be more productive and more successful. Meditation Mondays was one exercise we tried. I found it very peaceful but with so many people in the room, I could never fully relax or clear my brain.  One practice that really impacted me helped my well being by bringing me joy and gave me an opportunity to make my friends happy. The conscious act of kindness Tuesday had a love letter activity. I needed to write a letter to people I love telling them that they are important to me and why. Writing this letter helped me realize the good people I have around me. I wrote this letter in the morning. Often I get tired when I think about the LOOOOONG day stretching ahead of me but this activity gave me energy and made my friends feel good too. It should be noted that I wrote three letters but only got two replies … (cough, cough … Lilah you let me down).

7 Habits

Sean Covey wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers, which we read last year, and reviewed again in PGP. I must say I had a BIG brain moment because I actually remembered all seven habits in their proper order which if you know me, is very impressive. One of the habits that I use all the time is “First things first”. Whenever I feel like I have a lot of homework, I write it out on a whiteboard stating what it is, how much time I think it will take, and what I need to get it done. Instead of stressing out I am able to see what is important first. When I put things in the right priority I make opportunities for myself. I know how long I need to make my homework sessions and when I can take a break. This allows me to enjoy my VR or play a game with my family or have my friends over instead of realizing I forgot about an assignment due the next day.

Atomic Habits (ALLLLL 25 chapters … very long chapters until chapter 22)

James Clear promises remarkable results with tiny changes in his book The Atomic Habits. The book is filled with amazing stories that really stood out to me. He gives very helpful suggestions on systems that can help us achieve our goals. He also does a good job at showing us why the systems we are using or trying to use are hard to follow through. For example some people want to go to the gym but their system really works against them. 

Hear are some of the notes I took during Law 4:

The Cardinal rule 

– Habit adaption 

– We are more likely to repeat a behaviour when it is satisfying 

– Pleasure teaches your brain that an action is worth repeating 

– What is rewarding is repeated what is punished is avoided 

– Positive emotions builds habits 

– The fourth law makes a behaviour better next time 

– Immediate satisfaction better

– Delayed environment not what you want for your brain 

– You value the present more than the future 

– With bad habits the immediate outcome is good and long term is bad this is the opposite with good habits 

– What is immediately satisfactory is repeated 

– Add immediate pleasure to good habits and pain to bad ones 

I thought it was very interesting that to achieve something the steps need to be enjoyable. You will not stick with something if it is killing you no matter how good the end goal is. Most people think “no pain, no gain”. I think my Dad has said that twice a day for my entire life. Sadly, I cannot tell you the context so I guess it truly does not work. 

From reading this book I recently set a goal regarding my VR and my iPad. James Clear said that if you want to reduce how much time you spend on video games, you need to put away the console after you play. Then it makes it more work to take it out the next time. There is a better chance that you will choose an easier option. This will help you spend less time playing video games and more time doing something that you want to do. I want to create opportunities for myself in this small way. we have a charging station at our house that is near the kitchen and far from my room. I plan to plug it in there by 9:00 every night. This will create more opportunity for me to read books which I also love to do but don’t do if my iPad is a fingerprint away. Similarly, I have a goal for my VR us. My Mom keeps putting my VR in a cupboard. I take it out and leave it in the living room but then I can get distracted. My new goal is to return it to the cupboard after every time I use it. This will help me with balance between school work, and what I am doing in my down time.

Throughout this project, I have grown in several areas. I already use Things very well but this project helped me see how much time I could have with better planning. I practiced time blocking and ended finishing my homework early one weekend. It also showed me practical ways I could go about achieving more peace, less stress, and create more opportunities to invite my friends over or go on a walk. Overall, even though the 25 chapters almost killed me, I will remember the stories and continue to work these tips into my life.  


TikTok Trends!!!!!!

How do I make effective personal design choices? This was the essential question to my first Grade 10 maker project. Making personal design choices involves collaboration, evaluation, self-exploration and the refinement of skills. We started with investigation 1 learning about and creating a personal productivity system. 

Investigation 1

Using management tools we already learned in past projects and combining them with new skills we were going to learn, our goal was to create a new system to help us manage our own projects inside and outside of school. In order to do this we needed to follow these 7 steps: 


– What Is the Purpose of a Productivity System?

2.Using the Right Tool to Get in the Flow: 

-How can I use a Task Manager and Calendar effectively in my Productivity System?

3.Capture: Building Buckets, Capturing Stuff, and Clearing a Backlog

  • closing open loops (the stuff circling around in my brain before bedtime)
  • 3 buckets: Home bucket, school bucket, and out and about bucket. 


4. Clarify 


  • determining the exact meaning of something that came from the capture phase
  • Mental not physical stage
  • Identify your stuff and determine: Is It Actionable? These are evaluated in terms of does it need  a next action or turned into a project. Is it a Non-Actionable Item? These non actionable items can be classified as Trash, or a checklist, or as “someday” or “maybe”, or reference. 
5.Organize: Process Actionable and Non-Actionable Items
  • to physically, visually, or digitally sort and place items of similar meaning into distinct categories and locations. 
  • Actionable 
    • Calendar 
    • Things to do 
    • Things project 
  • Non-actionable
    • Someday folder in things 
    • To Do Bullet List in Anytime Folder in Things
    • Files in the Right Places
6.Reflect: to review and update the contents of your system to bring it up-to-date with your current reality so that you can make informed and effective choices.
  • A Daily Review
  • A Weekly Review
  • A Weekly Plan
7. Engage: Clear your space to do the Things
  • to clearly, fully, and confidently do what you know you should be doing in the moment.
  • chill
  • relax
  • listen to music
  • be fully present for a friend, have a conversation with someone new, daydream about someday or maybe lists 
  • check your Things. What is in your To Do’s at the moment?
  • review your choices:
  • Location: where are you? what can you do here?
  • Time: what can you do in the time you have?
  • Energy: what can you focus on and do with the energy you have?
  • make a priority decision:
  • what is most important for now?today?

Investigation 2 Research

Investigation two was making the foundation for our final product. Our assignment was to watch TIKTOK! Our end product was to create five Disney TikTok trend videos so for this investigation we had to research Tiktok trends by watching TikTok. I don’t have TikTok and never watch any videos from there so I found this step challenging. Most of the videos I found on TikTok seemed weird and not something I would enjoy creating. I watched all the examples in basecamp and searched up my own ideas and came up with three different examples of what I wanted to do. Then with my friends we came up with two more that I really liked that we would film and hand in together. 

Investigation 3 Planning

This step started a week before Disney world and was about planning the trend videos by using storyboarding skills and making prototypes. Starting with storyboarding, I quickly realized that I needed to do more research, because I was planning on doing a Disney food video but I didn’t know where or what food I wanted to use. I am glad I did more research because if you have ever been to Disney World the food and beverages are very imaginative like blue milk!

After a few days I created the storyboards and some prototype videos. I unfortunately was sick and wasn’t able to create all of the prototype videos but I made enough to get a strong idea of my plan.

Disney was awesome!!! This project was a fun way to express things we experienced at Disney that we want to mention. The video is silly but you still needed to plan it out and think it through in order to make it effective.


Here are the videos I made:

  1. Craziest food I had at Disney 
  2. After a day at Disney 
  3. A day at Disney 
  4. Can we skip to the good part?
  5. Meet the friend group

We ended up being very inspired by Disney and made a fun bonus video. It imitates “It’s Corn!!” Trend video but is called “It’s PORG!!”.