My mPOL.
#1 math.

Math is a super important for me. For me my dream job is to work in engineering. Whether it be mechanical or electrical i will need math for both. Also in general math can help in tons of real life situations, out to get groceries with change ( if you still carry change ), tax’s ( still don’t understand why they don’t teach how to do them ), and plenty more.
Now I’ll start what improvements I’ve made in math, and some I still need to make. Improvements first. I’ve thought that I’ve always been good at math. This year especially I’ve need to focus even harder than in elementary. I’ve really enjoyed math this year, and I have to credit that to Mr. Thomas. He makes a super simple explanation that I understand every time I find something complicated. Also my calculation has gotten a lot faster this year, and that has been super handy. Now improvements needed. My focus could definitely be better. Sometimes I can slack off a little and I need to get better at starting new work even though I don’t have to. Finally, math is a subject where you always have to have a open mindset. You can never really be done with math, there will always be more to learn.

#2 science: Science is something I’ve never really enjoyed until now. You can say it is the iPad, but I really think it is the things we learn and explore. In kindergarten we would have never dug into natural disasters, mainly earthquakes.

This year how ever we learned all about tectonics, earthquakes measurements, and tsunamis. This assignment was for one major earthquake that happened over the years. For my major tsunami I picked the Assam-Tibet earthquake. A particularly deadly one to. Through this project I learned that although Assam has had earthquakes before, this was the biggest ever for them. I know it may seem bad to say but I genuinely enjoyed this project.
As for the improvements in this class I know that along with humanities, science has been one of the main classes that has broadened my ability to find facts that are good quality, and the ability for find facts faster. And, like math I still need to focus more, I think that I and some others could all use some more focus.

#3 maker: Maker is by far my favourite class. The creativity and thinking that has to go into every piece of work is amazing. This might even make me think harder than some math classes. Although it can be stressful. Now more than ever all of us are working overtime trying to prepare our Destination Imagination ideas. Short backstory: destination imagination is a group that works with people to create amazing challenges that are imaginative but also hard and stressful. My group is improv one of five subjects and I’m super excited. For this we have to research 10 coins and that make an improv skit using those characters. Only thing is is that we can’t use costumes or props. We are running completely limitless to an extent. DI. My other favourite thing was our blog. This is a worldwide challenge that we participate in. It involves doing a new blog post every week. These posts are themed and anyone canlook at it. With those guidelines we creat and personalize our blog. And please feel free to explore it.

#4 humanities: Humanities is the most interesting subject that we have in school. I’m excited that I have a whole block dedicated to it. The different part about it is that we do cool stuff, like a HUGE presentation on a religion that we learned, ring a bell 🛎.
It in other circumstances would be called Social Studies. It is super fun, and I’m really into what were learning about right now. We’re learning about the fall of Rome. It is also interesting because of the work that have to do fo the topic, like fine or make a defining picture that can represent an important leader and something they did.

#5 PGP. Goal setting. Goal setting is something I haven’t really focused on before. But, now that I have focused on these things I realize that I have much to learn and there is a ton that I can grow on.

Thank you guys for reading and I hope you