Hi guys and welcome back to the blog! Today we will talk about my DI ( Destination Imagination ) provincials tournament. If you haven’t read the last post this won’t make much sense.

I am still the improv category and because my group ( 1-800-Improv-4-Kids )won regionals we get to go to provincials. I had a blast at the tournament. The food was pretty good, all of our friends were there, and our performance went really well. Because we had improv we could not bring anything to the performance other than ourselves, our clothes, and our bags. We got to the theatre and I am immediately intimidated. There are way more seats then there were before and there are four judges instead of three. Other than that it is super nice, and we had no boundaries! It was about 9:30 and our performance was at 10:40 so we had time to kill. We went to a couple of other categories but we mostly stayed in the improv theatre checking out our competition. Soon it was it was time to check in and I was kinda freaking out. I had too much energy and I legitimately started bouncing. That’s when I noticed all of our friends coming down the hallway. This did not help at all. When the rest of my group noticed they all froze. We exchanged hellos and then they disappeared into the theatre. Now I was calmer and ready to preform and surprisingly I was anticipating the performance. We walk in and all our friends erupt with clapping ( our friends took up at least 70-75% of the room ). After that dies down the announcer reads the rules for the crowd. Then he turns around and starts to give us our characters, setting, and story change. The whole time I felt as though he was staring directly at me. After he gives us our information we start our two minuets of planning time. The timer rings and its time to preform. Here is the video. P.S I’m the announcer: Click HERE.

Then comes the award ceremony and my friend and I are super nervous. A couple categories pass and then we here “ Improv Challenge, third place so-and-so, second place Leroy Jenkins, first place 1-800-Improv-4-Kids ”. The crowd goes crazy ( again mostly our school ) and my team is going crazy. It was the most anticipated thing I’ve ever had to experience. We go up and get our medals and trophies and I finally relaxed.

Please Visit My Group’s Blogs:



