Welcome to my TPOLs. Today I will cover my learning throughout the year. 

Maker: While this is my favourite class it can also be very stressful. We have our Blue Sky Project, it is really tough but fun. The story behind the Blue Sky is that we had to create a item or product that we thought would help in a certain area. I picked mountain biking because it is something that I really like. This is a super fun last project and I’m glad we worked up to it. It’s super fun because of the creativity and how personal it could be. (I WILL HAVE A BLOG POST ON THIS SOON). Another really interesting and fun project was our DI (DESTINATION IMAGINATION) experience. If you don’t know what that is here is my blog post: HERE .

Humanities: Humanities is something that I don’t find super fun. None of the projects that we’ve done in the past have been super interesting and exciting (except for the pirate project. MHMH pirate packs). The only thing that I’ve really been engulfed in in humanities was our final project. This project it about Shakespeare. In the end we are going to preform as skit on his play, The Tempest. I will not be here so I was given the role of animating some of the narrators lines. This might have been the reason I like this project so much. Learning to animate was super interesting. Making a good animation involves a lot of slides and a lot of time. I didn’t think that animations could be so hard to make. I didn’t see how they turned out in the actually play but I hoped the crowd liked them.

Scimatics: Lets start with math. Math is something that is really hard to judge. It’s hard to judge because we never cover the same thing in class. We are always learning new subjects and equations. I can say that I am quicker with my core math material like multiplication, subtraction, addition, and division. Otherwise I’m just trying keep up with new subjects and equations that we’re working on. There are no projects I can show for math. I’ve kept my grade at a A for both previous terms. Let’s hope I can do it again. 

Scimatics: Science has been really fun in grade 8. One thing that I was really interested in was the sheep’s eyeball dissection. I would have never done this before in a regular circumstance but I’ve done it now and it was really interesting. Learning about the eye through first hand experience is way better than just a textbook. All the projects this year have been really fun and interesting. The latest project being the telescope presentation that we had to do. This telescope presentation was really fun because of the creativity that we used. For example while we built a slideshow, we also built our telescope fully in Minecraft.