During term 1 in PLP 9 the main focus in my Humanites class was; How does place impact who we are? There were multiple small projects that eventually led up to a final project, a video on a predetermined group of people.
The first project or “milestone” was to complete an creative response on your own interoperation of the power of place in a creative format, and then to share it with a peer.
For the second milestone we were put in to groups of four, we then had to do a current event write up on a article our teacher assigned our group. As we read the article we had to analyze it with a lens: Economic, Social, Political, and Geographical/Environmental.
For the third milestone we had to create a pre-trip plan and research base on what our videos would look like and where we would film. At this point we were put into groups by my teacher’s favourite method the; spinning wheel of death, if your name was chosen you would be able to choose the group of people you wanted, the options were: First Nations, Albertans, Artists, Students, Tourists, Business Owners, and Wildlife. I luckily was one of the first people chosen so I was able to get my first pick; Wildlife. The other three members of my group were Thomas, Ciara, and Emily.
For the fourth milestone we had to do a daily note for every day we were on our Alberta trip.
The fifth milestone was to take some of the videos and photos we had taken on our trip an turn them into a first draft of a video. We then had to show our videos to each other in a small groups.
The sixth milestone was to edit, present, and reflect on our final video.