Alberta Field School Reflection

On my the PLP 9 Field Trip to Alberta, at times I would find it difficult to focus. However when I was interested in some of the things we were doing, it made it easier for me to stay on track. One of these places was the Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre. I have always found wolves fascinating. For example, we learned from a staff member that the usually the leader of the pack is the smartest, the strongest and the most well-rounded wolf. Personally I found the Wolf Centre was one of the best parts of the trip.

Video editing was another one of the things that I really enjoyed on the trip. When I was editing the videos I was able to stay focused for long periods of time, and in my opinion, produce good results. An example of this is, This Land Is Us,  the video I made explaining about how place impacts who we are.

Another thing that motivated me was that I want to complete assignments on time. A good example of this was the video that we had 15 minutes to film and edit at the Royal Tyrrell Museum. There was a lot of people in the locations that we wanted to film in, which made it more challenging to record the audio but in the end we managed to complete the video.


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