
In school we took a little break from what we were doing and did some poetry and the poems had to be about worldview.

We learned about different types of poems and different poetry terms.

Here are some of the things we learned about:

Similes = comparing two things using like or as
Cliche = a phrase used really often
Rhyme Scheme = when the last word in lines rhyme in a pattern
Metaphor = a comparison between two different things
Haiku = three lines the first line has five syllables, the second has seven, the third has five and generally has a surprise ending
Juxtaposition = when you put two different things together that don’t usually go together to make something
Found poem = using premade literacy to make a poem
Imagery = a description that’s Appeal to the senes
Mood = the feeling you get when you read the poem
Repetition = repeating something to create emphasis or pattern
Alliteration = when the first word stars with same consent repeated
Assonance = repeated vowel sounds generally in the middle of the line
Onomatopoeia = words that sound like what they mean
Euphony = a harmonious combination of words
Cacophony = combination of words that don’t sound good
Denotation = what the word means
Connotation = the associated feelings with the word
Personification = when you give an something human characteristics

And we made a book with all the poems we made.



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