Just before winter break we had our winter exhibition. This year was a little different from previous years because instead of doing BlueSky we had an assignment that we were presenting. The project combined what we were learning about storytelling in humanities and what we were learning about chemistry in Scimatics. Using the things we were learning we had to create an immersive experience. For this we combined groups from our chemistry stories project my group was Luciano, Gabby, Jordyn, Kyle, Jason and I. The story we created was a kind of Romeo and Juliet esk story but with gangs. Here is our story diagram:
If you want to read the full story check out Jordyn’s blogpost.
To help us get ideas for our immersive experiences we went to escape rooms. The escape room I went in was the office of a detective that was supposedly helping nazis. Our task was to go into the room and find the proof before he came back. We had 45 minutes to find it or we failed.
For our immersive experience we had to transform a classroom into a moment in our story. We chose to pick the moment right at the climax to transform room into. At this moment in our story what is happening is that Pete is on the verge of death, Florence is trying to help him and the two gang leaders are arguing. These are the drafts of the drawings for the room:
- Initial Ideas
- Final ideas
- Final drawing
We were also all acting as character for the story except for Luciano and Jordyn who couldn’t be there.
Kyle was Humphrey Hydrogen:
Jason was Christopher Chorine:
Gabby was Florence Fluorine:
I was Pete Potassium:
The exhibition, in pictures went like this:
we turned this:
Into this:
In conclusion I think this project was really cool and fun to do because even though it wasn’t BlueSky it still left us a lot of freedom to chose what we wanted to do. It was also very different from anything we had done before so it was cool to learn the new skills that we needed for the project. Overall this project was really fun and an awesome learning experience.